

Apr 5, 2020
Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (26 April 1889 – 29 April 1951) was an Austrian-British philosopher who worked primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of language. He is considered by some to be the greatest philosopher of the 20th century.

35 Portrait of Wittgenstein
Three of his four older brothers died by separate acts of suicide:

The eldest brother, Hans, died in mysterious circumstances in May 1902, when he ran away to America and disappeared from a boat in Chesapeake Bay, most likely having committed suicide.

Two years later, aged 22 and studying chemistry at the Berlin Academy, the third eldest brother, Rudi, committed suicide in a Berlin bar. He had asked the pianist to play Thomas Koschat's "Verlassen, verlassen, verlassen bin ich" ("Forsaken, forsaken, forsaken am I"), before mixing himself a drink of milk and potassium cyanide. He had left several suicide notes, one to his parents that said he was grieving over the death of a friend, and another that referred to his "perverted disposition". It was reported at the time that he had sought advice from the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, an organization that was campaigning against Paragraph 175 of the German Criminal Code, which prohibited homosexual sex. His father forbade the family from ever mentioning his name again.

The second eldest brother, Kurt, an officer and company director, shot himself on 27 October 1918 just before the end of World War I, when the Austrian troops he was commanding refused to obey his orders and deserted en masse. It was said that he seemed to carry "the germ of disgust for life within himself".​

So much tragedy in this one family. The Wittgenstein family seems to make a strong case for the heritability of suicidality, since it can be no coincidence that three of the five brothers committed suicide, and while Ludwig never did, he was certainly the depressive type, and it showed in his writings:

"I ought to have...become a star in the sky. Instead of which I have remained stuck on earth."

Ludwig was said to have endured nine years of loneliness and suffering, during which he had continually thought of suicide (by his own account), and apparently talked incessantly about suicide, terrifying his sisters and brother Paul.

All info taken from Wikipedia.

Are there any famous figures who you think about, who either took their own lives, or whose lives were otherwise intertwined with suicide?
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Jun 25, 2020
The man on my profile picture was a famous ruler in my country who ctb because he didn't wanted to surrender to foreign enemies and being humiliated. His name was Tewodros II. I like him because he cared about the mass and also ctb. I admire ppl who ctb.

Here a more clear portrait of him.
888BC934 E275 4977 B7C1 2E1B33B1C209
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
The man on my profile picture was a famous ruler in my country who ctb because he didn't wanted to surrender to foreign enemies and being humiliated. His name was Tewodros II. I like him because he cared about the mass and also ctb. I admire ppl who ctb.

Here a more clear portrait of him.
View attachment 69494
Yeah but was his method train? :pfff:
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
The Wittgenstein family seems to make a strong case for the heritability of suicidality, since it can be no coincidence that three of the five brothers committed suicide

Their father was one of the richest men in Europe, with a monopoly on Austria's steel cartel. He was a sociopath and a tyrant, and he demanded perfection from his sons. I'm pretty sure that's why 2 or maybe 3 of them killed themselves ( it's not certain that Hans died by suicide )
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
Kafka often fantasised about his death, as these excerpts from his diaries attest:

"Always the vision of a butcher knife which, hurriedly and with mechanical regularity, drives into me from the side and cuts away paper-thin cross-sections that fly away almost curled up in the fast work."

"Being dragged in through the first floor window of a house by a rope placed around the neck and being dragged up bleeding and ragged without consideration, as if by one who does not pay attention, through all the ceilings, furniture, walls and attics until the empty noose appears on top of the roof, which also lost my remains only when breaking through the roof tiles."

"I have spent all my life resisting the desire to end it."

Tchaikovsky died by drinking an unboiled glass of tap water during a cholera epidemic. While some scholars believe this to have been carelessness on Tchaikovsky's part, others believe it was suicide. It would be hardly surprising; considering that Tchaikovsky was a hypersensitive gay man living in 19th century Imperial Russia, it's a miracle he lived as long as he did. He did, in fact, attempt suicide earlier in his life after a failed marriage.

Hemingway killed himself, as did his father. To quote Wikipedia:
"Hemingway's behavior during his final years had been similar to that of his father before he killed himself; his father may have had hereditary haemochromatosis, whereby the excessive accumulation of iron in tissues culminates in mental and physical deterioration. Medical records made available in 1991 confirmed that Hemingway had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis in early 1961. His sister Ursula and his brother Leicester also killed themselves."

The surrealist Jacques Rigaut was obsessed with suicide and killed himself at the age of 30. Some quotes:

"I have had in my mouth the cold of a revolver barrel and I have heard the click of the hammer crashing down on the cartridge…"

"Suicide and all the corruptions find their origin in ennui."

"Suicide must be a vocation"

"You are all poets and I'm on the side of death."

"Dilemma. One of two things: to not speak, to not be silent. Suicide."

To quote the writer James Conway:
"'According to André Breton, Rigaut "sentenced himself to death at about the age of twenty and waited impatiently for ten years, ticking off the hours, for exactly the right moment to put an end to his existence.' And when the moment came, Rigaut prepared the scene meticulously, tidying his room, arranging his papers and laying a rubber sheet on the bed."

The composer Peter Warlock (real name: Philip Heseltine) killed himself at the age of 36 after a life filled with irregular bouts of severe depression and heavy drinking. Before turning on the gas, he put his cat outside.

The surrealist René Crevel killed himself at the age of 34. His father committed suicide as well and his childhood was traumatic. To quote Wiki:
"When Breton included the question 'Suicide: Is It a Solution?' in the first issue of La Révolution surréaliste in 1925, Crevel was one of those who answered 'Yes'. He wrote 'It is most probably the most correct and most ultimate solution.'"

The suicide note of actor George Sanders read: "Dear World, I am leaving you because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck."

Klaus Mann committed suicide after a cruel childhood under his aloof father Thomas and a difficult life. He was 42.

The publisher and poet Harry Crosby killed himself at the age of 31. He came from an extremely rich and influential family, but was severely traumatised by fighting in WWI. His frenzied, extravagant life was an attempt to fill the void inside him, but to no avail. (His Wiki article is worth a read.)
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May 6, 2021
Wittgenstein was primarily Jewish. That so many of his family ctb was very strange. He said he didn't think any of his followers really understood what he was saying. His mind must've been so intelligent and complex that it was near the breaking point.
He must've been one strange guy!
Apparently he was gay!
I wish I could be a college student and study his works,tho I could never grasp him!
But I'm old and I want to ctb,but stuff like this makes me yearn for my lost yoot,when anything seemed possible.
Very little is possible now.
Thanks OP for a good post!
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