
Apr 15, 2019
Today i found that my gf broke up with me because she was talking and flirting with another guy.I loved her so much she was the most important person in my life.I don't have friends.I tried talking to someone about my depression and suicidal thoughts and they just didn't understand and told me to stop talking to them.My self esteem is trash.I hate myself.My grades are getting lower and lower,my desire to do things just isn't there.My career costs a lot but I can't find myself to get up from my bed and study.My family doesn't understand why i'm like these.My entire life has been only but misery.I'm fugly and a horrible person.I'm done with all.Tried partial hanging with a hoodie,didn't pass out.I've tried jumping from my apartment, i almost did but SI appeared at the last second.I'm really miserable and living is a torture.I just want peace.Anyone got info on partial suspension i've read that if you do it right is very peaceful and effective.
  • Hugs
Reactions: Seaghost, Slate128 and Alchemist


May 3, 2019
Hey. Shit u must feel horrible. Im so sorry she broke w/u. Can imagine ur pain and how down u feel rn. Wtf so u told ur friends about ur current situation with depression and suicidal thoughts and they just like stopped talking w u? What kind of friends they r wtf.

Anyway i feel u. I also stopped going to school, my grades r horrible just as me, im showing up in school like twice a week sometimes not even whole week. And about ph, theres whole thread about it, just write key words and youll find it. Im so sorry u r so desparate that this seem like the only way to u. If u wanna talk just send me message im here
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
It's just a fucked up world we live in.

Most normies you talk to about depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety, either don't have a clue what it feels like, or they tend to think we are looking for sympathy.

For the most part, we aren't looking for sympathy or attention. We are looking for a friend, a friend that listens, and anymore, those types of friends are hard to find.

After my years of going through my bouts of depression and anxiety, I found my friends. I have people who listen, share thoughts, and talk to me because they understand what I'm going through, because they are going through it themselves.

And that, my friend, are the people here.

Believe it or not, the best people to talk to regarding your issues, are the same ones who knows what it's like to be in your shoes.

Fuck the therapists and hospitals. It's only a money thing for them.

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