

Jul 29, 2021
when you think about life from a purely logical standpoint. It only gets worse the longer you do it. Time is not anyones friend. Things may be going well now, but give it some time and that will change.

There is no avoiding the inevitable. We will either live long enough to suffer in old age, or die unexpectedly of a disease or unforseen occurence. Our efforts to live longer are not only in vain but they are counter intuitive.

In the mean time as we await a future that is not promising most of us are slaves to a harsh economic system and spend the majority of our time working unfulfilling jobs to avoid hunger and homelessness. We are just trading one inconvenience for another.

We buy stuff in order to distract ourselves from the meaninglessness of it all. There is no happy ending, no matter how you slice it. Short commercial breaks of happiness keep us tuned in to the tragic movie that is life.

Life is a forced march to the grave, through a minefield. Sometimes there is nice scenery and nice weather, to make it appear like a nice walk in the sunshine. But you can walk over a landmine and be maimed, at any time. And the glorious summer sunshine can turn to driving rain at any time.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Imo that's a pretty much subjective feeling!

There are some basics that make a life worth living in today's societies that would apply to myself:

- money
- health
- social connections
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Jul 29, 2021
Imo that's a pretty much subjective feeling!
influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings, rather than based on facts:
globally, almost one in ten people go to bed hungry every night. 3 billion people can't afford a healthy, nutritious diet. i'd say it's a fact not subjective


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings, rather than based on facts:
globally, almost one in ten people go to bed hungry every night. 3 billion people can't afford a healthy, nutritious diet. i'd say it's a fact not subjective
That's true but actually those are the ones procreating most bc they don't understand that stopping procreating would ease their problems a bit.
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I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
I don't feel that being in this world can be called living.
If death is considered something bad, scary and terrible, then what is happening in this world is death, not life

I would like only such a world and only under such conditions:
No living being, from a fly to an animal and a human being, will not suffer, experience physical torment, mental torment

Death will never be painful, and after death we meet those we loved again

There will never again be mental illnesses that cause physical and moral harm to others

Everyone will eat "air" and there will no longer be a cruel food chain

Those who do not want to work will also live well and be happy

All living beings will be kind to each other, there will be no fear and struggle for survival

There will be no physical pain

Life here will be like in a dream, where you can fly and experience much brighter good feelings than in this dense useless existence

In this world, I like only the outer shell of nature and living beings.
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King or street sweeper, dance with grim reaper!
Jul 18, 2023
The problem is that the alternative is very unappealing to so many people because we have been conditioned to fear death.

We are encouraged to believe in life, because it's very easy to sell someone anything that isn't death. We don't know anything about death, but yet we depict it as the worst thing that could possibly happen to any of us... even though death actually has never harmed anyone that we know of. Yet life has this horrific rap sheet of harm and atrocities that it has inflicted on the living for centuries (millennia actually), that even the most depraved serial killer would be ashamed of... yet somehow life is beautiful and death is the bad guy?

It's funny, many people feel sorry for the dead... why? It makes no logical sense to feel sorry for someone who cannot experience any suffering and has safely made it to the other side of this mine field called "existence".... life is so full of conflicting sentiments that only serve to show how messed up and depraved the human mind actually is. People are hopelessly addicted to a broken and fucked up game. If you were playing any other game within life that was this messed up, you would simply refuse to keep playing. If life was a game of poker, and you figured out just how badly rigged the game was... most people would simply get up from the table and walk away. It would be lunacy to keep playing.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I suspect you're right in a lot of cases. I know many people who have suffered as they have gotten older. Not all of them necessarily wanted to die though (although some certainly did.) Some still found life worthwhile- even though they were suffering. You can't choose how they should feel about life anymore than they should be dictating how we respond to life.

It isn't something that has a right or wrong answer. It's someone's preferences you're trying to dictate. Plenty of people's lives could look objectively bad to you but if they insist they still want to live them- surely- you have to simply respect their choice. It's obviously the complete opposite (although equally as totalitarian) as the pro-lifers looking at us and saying- there's not enough wrong with your life for you to want to kill yourself. Personally- I feel like pro-choice needs to work in both directions. Promortalism comes across as just as extremist as pro-life I feel. It's trying to do the thinking and deciding for others when- you can't.

Sorry to say this but- especially if we are neurodivergant. That's not to say we can't make decisions for ourselves. That's also not to say I'm thrilled about the people who do actually have power over us and make decisions that affect us all. I expect many of them are sociopaths/ narcissists! Still, for someone who is thinking in a non typical way to decide that all people should think like them simply isn't realistic.

I guess I'm wondering more who you're trying to convince though? Most people here probably already feel their life is shit enough to want to end it now. I doubt many see old age or adulthood as something that may improve their situation. So- that's in some way preaching to the choir maybe. Are you maybe trying to convince yourself that life won't get better and CTB is your best option- before it gets worse? Or- is it more the normies? They should all see why they and us should want to kill ourselves now? But- I doubt they will. For whatever reason and at whatever age- they value their life enough not to want die yet- or- they'd be on here I imagine.

In terms of my experience of life though? Yes, I agree with a lot you are saying. I just don't think it applies to everyone. That's up to them to decide- pro-choice and all that.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
In my case I'd certainly always see it as preferable to eternally cease existing, I see it as such a horrific and terrible curse having the ability to exist in the first place, I don't see anything appealing about this futile process of slowly dying just destined to deteriorate and decay. All that existence does is create unnecessary problems and suffering, it disturbs me how there is no limit as to how much one can suffer.

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