

Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
Do anyone honestly believe that life is fair? Or that one's failure is completely his own fault? Birth itself is just a crazy lottery. You can get born as a royalty in a palace, or get born and then be left to die in the gutter. Some are born with healthy mind and body, while others struggle the moment they're born. We all have potentials, but only a lucky few in this world get to fulfill their potentials.

Isn't it bad enough that we are all thrown into this weird and unfair game called life, but now we must divide, exploit, classify, belittle, cheat, hate, lie, take, murder, ignore, and just absolutely fk each other to the very end? This is the life that i am supposed to be optimistic about? The world that i should try to love?

Is it just me ranting at the end of a bad week? Do you guys see all the bullcrap as well? My therapist said she doesn't like my attitude, and i told her that i wasn't born with this attitude. I want to be blissfully ignorant too. I tried. I tried to be optimistic and i have tried to follow the life coaching stuff, but i'm too sensitive for this Even if i was strong enough, i think i would still go against the water and get absolutely bodied by the currents. This is not just about getting dealt a bad hand in life, I just want to talk about how stupid the game of life is to begin with, and how are so many people so blissfully ignorant of it all? Or are they just so much stronger than i am? I don't know, i just wanna get outta here.
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Jan 20, 2020
I don't think it's fair or unfair. Life is what it is because of collective cause and effect. One thing empathy has shown me is everyone's life is hard for one reason or another.
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Local Case Study
Sep 20, 2020
I hate to sound emo and all, but it's a kill or be killed sort of life that we lead. You have to just find what you love and fight hard to protect those things. That's what keeps me going, at least.

You'll quickly find, though. That sometimes, if you want to do that... You need to be an ass. Ruthless. Willing to shed blood. Otherwise, you and everything you care about will be trampled.
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Aug 31, 2020
I think most people know life isn't fair on some level, even though your therapist claims to disagree. Some people are lucky and some are unlucky.
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Aug 2, 2020
People with mental illness get left behind. That's how it works. It's designed to sift us out, but ironically they won't give us the option to leave. It's a disgusting game. I don't want to be here that's for sure.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Is life fair? No but it was fair to me and I squandered it. That's the hardest thing to accept of all. I like that you ask if it's just you. There's a tendency to conflate the world and ourselves into one. I think things have got worse but they've got worse in a way that makes what I did worse. That's the biggie. I do care about what goes on for none selfish reasons but I also need to care about something other than myself at this point or I'd go insane. Happy people don't have that problem. If they did they wouldn't be happy
I hate to sound emo and all, but it's a kill or be killed sort of life that we lead. You have to just find what you love and fight hard to protect those things. That's what keeps me going, at least.

You'll quickly find, though. That sometimes, if you want to do that... You need to be an ass. Ruthless. Willing to shed blood. Otherwise, you and everything you care about will be trampled.
I can see why they wouldn't want to be a part of that. It might come down to can I still get what I want out of it and the answer to that is no
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New Member
Sep 25, 2020
La vida es totalmente injusta, siempre he tratado de sacar todos estos deseos de morir de mi mente pero así este feliz o en depresión siempre viene a mi mente, lo he imaginado tantas veces, he analizado mil formas para acabar con todo esto. Lo siento por ser tan cobarde, espero encontrar la valentía para hacerlo
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Apr 5, 2018
I think it's incredible how some people can use their brain power in some areas, like how to screw over other ppl for personal advantage, or how to fuck that juicy looking girl, or how to make advances in science, while remaining delusional about others, like the darker aspects of life. Like how your therapist says "I don't like your attitude".

I find it hard to renounce from my convictions (like how life is not worth living) on the basis that they make me feel sad. Even though I'd prefer to feel good rather than knowing the "truth", (I used the quotation marks because when feelings are good, I know that they feel good, but it's more complicated with truth)
just as I would prefer quality of life over quantity.
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Aug 31, 2020
Aside from the highly competitive nature of some aspects of our society that some people are better equipped to deal with than others, I believe a lot of the pain we end up causing to one another is because of intergenerational trauma in our families. Parents who had not addressed their issues, lack of love or abuse in their lives tend to raise children with similar problems. These children then grow up to be adults who cause pain to themselves and others because of unresolved childhood trauma. Through this behaviour they also ingrain these patterns in society at large.

And as history goes we are trying to elevate ourselves beyond that and I want to believe many or at least some people do. The dharmic religions call this karma, but what it boils down to in my view is overcoming the pain we suffer as we go through stages of individuation. For some this pain is insurmountable without an appropriate societal support and well... we end up contemplating ctb.
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May 27, 2020
Life itself is indifferent. If something happens to you, whether it be good or bad, then it is because of chance... To a certain extent. Life or nature does not plan or make misfortunes happen intentionally. However: there are also more factors which can determine a given outcome such as human behaviour, and unlike life human cruelty is intentional. So it is a mix. Reality is neutral, but it can be swayed one way or another by our intervention.
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Sep 11, 2020
Do anyone honestly believe that life is fair? Or that one's failure is completely his own fault? Birth itself is just a crazy lottery. You can get born as a royalty in a palace, or get born and then be left to die in the gutter. Some are born with healthy mind and body, while others struggle the moment they're born. We all have potentials, but only a lucky few in this world get to fulfill their potentials.

Isn't it bad enough that we are all thrown into this weird and unfair game called life, but now we must divide, exploit, classify, belittle, cheat, hate, lie, take, murder, ignore, and just absolutely fk each other to the very end? This is the life that i am supposed to be optimistic about? The world that i should try to love?

Is it just me ranting at the end of a bad week? Do you guys see all the bullcrap as well? My therapist said she doesn't like my attitude, and i told her that i wasn't born with this attitude. I want to be blissfully ignorant too. I tried. I tried to be optimistic and i have tried to follow the life coaching stuff, but i'm too sensitive for this Even if i was strong enough, i think i would still go against the water and get absolutely bodied by the currents. This is not just about getting dealt a bad hand in life, I just want to talk about how stupid the game of life is to begin with, and how are so many people so blissfully ignorant of it all? Or are they just so much stronger than i am? I don't know, i just wanna get outta here.
I think its fate. You are born to be a winner or a loser from the very start. No control over it. Not really ,because sooner or later you always end up where you ultimately end the top or at the bottom of life's 'heap' .Same as if you are lucky enough to be beautiful or unlucky enough to be ugly. Its genetics. You have no control over your looks.
Yes ,I am sadly one of these people who lost in all those departments.
People who are fortunate enough to have been dealt all the winning cards by fate / life always take it for granted. I often wish I could have been one of them.
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
You'll quickly find, though. That sometimes, if you want to do that... You need to be an ass. Ruthless. Willing to shed blood. Otherwise, you and everything you care about will be trampled.
That's the kind of attitude that makes good people bad. The kind of attitude that makes you turn the other way when you walk by someone who needs help. Rule of the jungle type of stuff. That's a pyramid scheme where only a few are going to succeed, and their success come at the expense and toil of everyone else at the bottom. Is this what we most people truly believe and agree with? Or is this just some propaganda drilled into us since we're little. They used to entice us with the promise of heaven and scare us with the fires of hell, but now they just use consumerism to keep us running the mouse wheel. Is this really all we got? The Nordic model of the Scandinavian countries seems to disagree with that social Darwinism, so there are people who are still seeking a different way. Thanks to those few people, i can sleep a little better at night.
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
It is both. There are some factors that are based completely on luck. Genetics, where you are born, wealth. But your own choices and the choices of those around you factor in as well. Even though I was fairly fortunate, poor decision making squandered a lot of that and now I am here.


the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
I don't think other people are stronger than you. Maybe I'm overestemating ourselves, still in my perspective we just see things as they are. This destiny talk is just bullshit, society tells us this so we can be more compliant and accept any shit they will give us and put us through.
Some people get lucky, have great opportunities in life, and some, for no reason at all, no karma shit, wins the lottery of life. I mean, innocent kids die everyday from cancer, hunger and wars, how the hell can the world be fair? When some sit in amazing places, enjoying the greatest stuff money can buy, while others can barely afford food?
I'm not saying that humans are born this way, i honestly dont have a theory for this, and i might, and probably am, one of those crazy people, pessimists some could say, but the fact is, we ARE selfish, humans act innevitably selfish, there is probably even an evolutionary factor, but first, above all, for anyone, it all comes down to survival, and sometimes, surviving in our society means fucking up other people. I personally believe that even when someone is altruistic deep down they are only doing it for themselves, so they can feel better about the world or something. Some of us gets satisfied when we see others suffering, we enjoy the misery of others, specially if we dont know them, or are not close, cause idk, it feels like we dont see them as humans, as if they were merely figurants that are walking around to compose the scenarios of our personal stories, they are as real to us as characters.
I mean, we my empatize with them, feel sorry for them, but in the end of the day, what matters is ourselves, in the end you forget about other people, forget about their tragedies and pain, and your life goes on, personally i think that's why the world doesnt go further. I'm brazilian, and for example, here we had plenty of disasters, like the one where a barrier crashed and hundreds of people died, we mourned them for a few weeks, but now, a year and a half later no one even remembers it.
I kind rant here, sorry.
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Apr 1, 2020
"Life is so freaking unfair to begin with, but why do we make it so much worse for each other?"

Many people are greedy, some are simply competitive or motivated to achieve something (but in a dignified way), whereas others are individualistic and not only do they want to know they're doing well, they want their peers, former classmates etc to suffer and fail because they are deluded narcissists. Others, and I believe this is simply forgotten many times, are plainly dumb, and will make stupid comments that may feel disparaging, just because they love to hear themselves talk. People don't really know what they're doing and this social media rat race makes them desperate imo.

humans act innevitably selfish, there is probably even an evolutionary factor,
Actually scientifically proven from evolutionary psychology shows that people behave in sharing, altruistic ways with their own tribe members, but selfishly with other tribes. Only that in our modern day, a tribe is made up of one (or one plus partner and / or kids).
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Apr 5, 2018
Do anyone honestly believe that life is fair? Or that one's failure is completely his own fault?
Fair or not, free will or not -- the "flawed ones" are responsible for their own flaws. (They are the ones who have to live and deal with it.)

People with mental illness get left behind. That's how it works. It's designed to sift us out, but ironically they won't give us the option to leave. It's a disgusting game. I don't want to be here that's for sure.
I saw a video about animal farms not long ago. There was a sick pig with clearly visible health issues. The speaker said that they aren't put out of their misery because they still could make it to a slaughterhouse. I could probably give a link but it's cruel (and some would find it very disturbing), though not as cruel as the abusive mother nature from whom our species have learned so much, like how to use animal's biology (pain/pleasure) to make them behave in a way beneficial to the trainers/manipulators. Nature did it earlier to teach animals to perform silly tricks, like survival and reproduction.
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