

Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
This is an objective fact, unless people are going to say that predatory behavior is a good thing. Evolution is a violent, cruel and predatory natural system. This is a fundamental part of what life is. This truth is undeniable. We know these facts about evolution are real. People need to stop making up lies to prevent the right to die from becoming reality. Preventing suicide/Keeping people alive against their will is not helping them at all. It's causing them harm, misery and is a fundamental violation of a persons basic human rights and consent. The level of stupid, mental delusion required to believe life is inherently good is a shocking and dangerous departure from reality. The lack of empathy for the suffering of other people/animals required to believe such things would be on the level of a psychopath or serial killer.
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Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
This is an objective fact, unless people are going to say that predatory behavior is a good thing. Evolution is a violent, cruel and predatory natural system. This is a fundamental part of what life is. This truth is undeniable. We know these facts about evolution are real. People need to stop making up lies to prevent the right to die from becoming reality. Preventing suicide/Keeping people alive against their will is not helping them at all. It's causing them harm, misery and is a fundamental violation of a persons basic human rights and consent. The level of stupid, mental delusion required to believe life is inherently good is a shocking and dangerous departure from reality. The lack of empathy for the suffering of other people/animals required to believe such things would be on the level of a psychopath or serial killer.

The least thing a suicidist needs to hear is lies. We are more aware than most of the population, that's why most of us are also depressed. The accusation that suicide is irrational, is not based on fact. The empty promise of suicide prevention can not never be evidence based because they only treat symptoms, not root of problems. Zero Suicide is an international misguided make belief without 100% Assisted Suicide acceptance.

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Astral Storm

Astral Storm

Existence hurts too much
Aug 10, 2022
Exactly. This is why I feel so miserable. Life is based on violence. On the sense to kill and devour. I freaking hate this so much.

It's always funny to see that people think that suicide is some irrational thing. Seriously, how is wanting to live rational? It's the most irrational thing ever.

Most people idealise nature and live in a bubble. They are ignorant of basic facts. As far as I know, there are actually others who think that predation and dominance is a good thing. It's sickening and they lack simple compassion. The only thing they care about is their own pleasure. Nothing else matters to them.
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Jun 3, 2022
This is an objective fact, unless people are going to say that predatory behavior is a good thing. Evolution is a violent, cruel and predatory natural system. This is a fundamental part of what life is. This truth is undeniable. We know these facts about evolution are real. People need to stop making up lies to prevent the right to die from becoming reality. Preventing suicide/Keeping people alive against their will is not helping them at all. It's causing them harm, misery and is a fundamental violation of a persons basic human rights and consent. The level of stupid, mental delusion required to believe life is inherently good is a shocking and dangerous departure from reality. The lack of empathy for the suffering of other people/animals required to believe such things would be on the level of a psychopath or serial killer.
Yes civilization is stuck. It can't let go of the past. It is afraid of change. It wants to keep all existing things like a hoarder. Too much good becomes bad.
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Nov 4, 2020
This is an objective fact, unless people are going to say that predatory behavior is a good thing. Evolution is a violent, cruel and predatory natural system. This is a fundamental part of what life is. This truth is undeniable. We know these facts about evolution are real. People need to stop making up lies to prevent the right to die from becoming reality. Preventing suicide/Keeping people alive against their will is not helping them at all. It's causing them harm, misery and is a fundamental violation of a persons basic human rights and consent. The level of stupid, mental delusion required to believe life is inherently good is a shocking and dangerous departure from reality. The lack of empathy for the suffering of other people/animals required to believe such things would be on the level of a psychopath or serial killer.
Those in power don't give a shit about how you feel, your rights, your suffering, or your dignity. All they care about is two things - 1 controlling you 2 how much they can make off of keeping you alive.
Life is based on violence. On the sense to kill and devour.
Humans are apex predators. Accept your true nature - don't try to fight it.
  • Aww..
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
The least thing a suicidist needs to hear is lies. We are more aware than most of the population, that's why most of us are also depressed. The accusation that suicide is irrational, is not based on fact. The empty promise of suicide prevention can not never be evidence based because they only treat symptoms, not root of problems. Zero Suicide is an international misguided make belief without 100% Assisted Suicide acceptance.

View attachment 96879
i would add to that life/existence image : brain stroke, homelessness, unbearable pain, lies, scams , cancer , kidney stones, torture, grief, heartbreak , disapointment, unfulfilled desires, embarassment, starvation, thirst, constantly having to work and clean and fix things, problems, depression, accidents ( half face falling off but remaining alive, blindness , disability , paralysis, dementia, working, cleaning, taking out trash, chores, worry ,brainwashing, car accidents, stress, despair, hopelessness, injustice , unfair criticism, framing, libel, infections, parasites, all the work to constantly feed and shelter self, false beliefs implanted in childhood , suffering, diseases, old age, alsheimers, faulty memory , false memory , wrong knowledge etc.

Death / non-existence means no suffering and no pain ever again forever and all problems solved forever for me

i also just think that pain is really many many times worse than humans can remember or imagine. I've seen videos on seegore.com where they slowly cut a man's hands off then the tongue and then gouged out the eyes and left him alive . The pain that man felt was unimaginable but it's possible for any human or other animal at any time. Didn't watch this for some stupid "pleasure" but to learn about reality . If it can happen to another human or animal it can happen to me as the brain is capable of producing such torture.

To me a second of that kind of pain is not worth any supposed pleasure much less days, weeks, months of that kind of pain. imo pain and suffering can be so much worse than anything else can be good or anything that it becomes the only real thing = life and that to me is to be avoided if possible

Human memory is really weak and innacurate. If given a 10 digit phone number a human will forget it in 30 seconds unless the human works extremely hard to try to memorize it and that's just 10 measly bytes wheras a computer can remember trillion to the trillionth power bytes. So how is a human going to really remember how bad that pain was?

DNA based life is based on DNA creatures killing and eating each other. And they say life is so wonderful and that we need to worship it and spread it to other planets. i think life is the worst function in the universe a constantly hungry animal looking to kill other animals to eat , the constant hunger torture the diseases, old age, parasites , pain , suffering etc.
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
i would add to that life/existence image : brain stroke, homelessness, unbearable pain, lies, scams , cancer , kidney stones, torture, grief, heartbreak , disapointment, unfulfilled desires, embarassment, starvation, thirst, constantly having to work and clean and fix things, problems, depression, accidents ( half face falling off but remaining alive, blindness , disability , paralysis, dementia, working, cleaning, taking out trash, chores, worry ,brainwashing, car accidents, stress, despair, hopelessness, injustice , unfair criticism, framing, libel, infections, parasites, all the work to constantly feed and shelter self, false beliefs implanted in childhood , suffering, diseases, old age, alsheimers, faulty memory , false memory , wrong knowledge etc.

Death / non-existence means no suffering and no pain ever again forever and all problems solved forever for me

i also just think that pain is really many many times worse than humans can remember or imagine. I've seen videos on seegore.com where they slowly cut a man's hands off then the tongue and then gouged out the eyes and left him alive . The pain that man felt was unimaginable but it's possible for any human or other animal at any time. Didn't watch this for some stupid "pleasure" but to learn about reality . If it can happen to another human or animal it can happen to me as the brain is capable of producing such torture.

To me a second of that kind of pain is not worth any supposed pleasure much less days, weeks, months of that kind of pain. imo pain and suffering can be so much worse than anything else can be good or anything that it becomes the only real thing = life and that to me is to be avoided if possible

Human memory is really weak and innacurate. If given a 10 digit phone number a human will forget it in 30 seconds unless the human works extremely hard to try to memorize it and that's just 10 measly bytes wheras a computer can remember trillion to the trillionth power bytes. So how is a human going to really remember how bad that pain was?

DNA based life is based on DNA creatures killing and eating each other. And they say life is so wonderful and that we need to worship it and spread it to other planets. i think life is the worst function in the universe a constantly hungry animal looking to kill other animals to eat , the constant hunger torture the diseases, old age, parasites , pain , suffering etc.
Regarding the comparison of pleasure VS pain, the gentleman who wrote the book better never to have been makes a very strong argument for antinatalism by asking which is greater, the lions pleasure or it's preys pain? Virtually NO ONE would ever willingly trade such exquisite pain for pleasure.
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Dec 19, 2021
A thousand that lived in pleasure would not negate the death agony of a single one.
- Authur Schopenhauer
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Those who want to live in a world like this must be delusional in someway as the reality is that existence is so objectively horrifying. As long as we live things can get so much worse and we can suffer to such extremes. Life is just unnecessary problems and suffering in which there are no need for in the first place. Never being born is certainly the best possible thing. Trying to force people to live is extremely cruel, as to me there is no benefit to being alive. Suicide prevention is just prolonging suffering.
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Astral Storm

Astral Storm

Existence hurts too much
Aug 10, 2022
Humans are apex predators. Accept your true nature - don't try to fight it.
Humans are not apex predators and I am perfectly aware that our base nature is selfish and violent. It shouldn't be followed either way.
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Nov 4, 2020
Humans are not apex predators and I am perfectly aware that our base nature is selfish and violent. It shouldn't be followed either way.
No, by definition we are absolutely the apex predator on this planet. We can kill anything, regardless of how much bigger or physically more powerful it is. Being apex doesn't mean you're fighting bare handed and naked, it means using all means possible. Our intelligence trumps the strength of elephants. And animals that's aren't selfish and violent just end up food.
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