

Jul 29, 2021
People often speak about death like as if it's the worst thing ever when it's not at all death is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone but because people are so delusional it stops them from seeing the truth of life that is right in front of them they hide from the one true force of good in this universe
& all this suffering is caused by these very same morons who are too scared to face up to their fate so they'd rather drag it out for as long as possible literally near everything life does is motivated by the fear of death & every single bit of suffering that exists only exists because life won't embrace death but would rather hide away from it like some kind of little chickenshit coward instead
life just seems to have such a hard time doing anything other than what it's generally programmed to do
we are above all these feeble minded morons who act like dumb animals it's a real shame that there are so many of them & that they have such a strong say over how things work in this world
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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
I agree but death isn't easy and once you die there's no more sensations ever. If there was an off switch I think people would drop like flies.


Jul 29, 2021
once you die there's no more sensations ever
i don't think that is the case i believe this universe might bring you back alive to be reborn somewhere in the universe i hope not tho
because there should just be nothing but there is not and since everything is being created out of nothing whats to say it can't happen again


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I find it very absurd when people act like ceasing to exist is such a terrible thing, those people just come across as blinded by delusions to me. I see death as only a positive thing as one cannot suffer from not existing, yet there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented in this existence.

I believe that this meaningless and harmful existence was a mistake that is better off erased, existence is something so evil to me as it's the source of all that makes existing beings suffer, it disgusts me how existence has caused endless amounts of harm and cruelty all throughout history. Being free from the terrible burden that is having the ability to exist is all that's ideal to me, the thought of ceasing to exist comforts me.
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Wish for peace
Jul 6, 2023
I somewhat agree—death can be a relief for many people, it is for a part of us here and in that case it's a good thing, though on an emotional level there is still a natural sadness to it as well that's really just part of being human. What's tragic to me is if a person is really enjoying life, wants to live it longer but theirs is cut short. At the end of the day though I agree hatred and fear of death and the depiction of it as some kind of bogeyman is pretty ridiculous…in the end we all die no matter what anyways and sometimes people have seen enough before their natural date and decide they don't want part in living anymore. What I find vile is the selfish, sociopathic lengths that people will go to to keep someone that absolutely hates and finds almost nothing but pain in continuing to live trapped here. You hear those stories about people aged 90, 100 and up in the process of passing away peacefully with dignity and then family resuscitating them against their wishes just to squeeze a few more months out of them. I will never forget, an EMS teacher I had when I was in high school mentioned a man I believe with some kind of chronic condition that had a clear do not resuscitate order written that he even had in card form on his person. When he went into cardiac arrest his wife started compressions and got EMTs to revive him! I can understand it in a way but to pretend that's out of an act of kindness and regard for the other is an absolute joke—that's pure selfishness. Sometimes love is letting someone go.
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