

Apr 2, 2023
Life is an imposition. It is true that there is initially no one who can complain. But the newly engendered human being is immediately forced, from the first second and without any other option, to persist in life and expose himself to all the assaults on his well-being until, at least, the age in which he is in a position to decide his life. Suicide, a measure that also has its cost. Only people devoid of any empathic capacity can say: "Let nobody complain! There's the exit door." Suicide is difficult and has multiple barriers. In torture centers, where it would be most necessary, it is not allowed. Religions usually forbid it.

Involuntary death, more common, is another imposition, since otherwise it would be voluntary. Bringing a baby into the world is, therefore, an elemental and dangerous imposition. It is the obligation to live to suffering and the obligation to die.

M. Stirner
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Apr 5, 2023
It is a fact that no matter who you are or what you do, you will suffer. However, suffering is not an end result; it can be surpassed and overcome. We should not fear it but rather accept it as something that is inevitable in life. Only through understanding and embracing our suffering can we find happiness and peace. It is easy to think that the grass is always greener on the other side; but in reality, no one truly knows! We must accept our own suffering as part of the human experience, and through it, we can find the strength and resilience to overcome anything life throws our way.

I don't have any reason to overcome my suffering though, I just wanna die lol đź‘»
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Efilist. Possible promortalist.
Jan 14, 2023
It is a fact that no matter who you are or what you do, you will suffer. However, suffering is not an end result; it can be surpassed and overcome. We should not fear it but rather accept it as something that is inevitable in life. Only through understanding and embracing our suffering can we find happiness and peace. It is easy to think that the grass is always greener on the other side; but in reality, no one truly knows! We must accept our own suffering as part of the human experience, and through it, we can find the strength and resilience to overcome anything life throws our way.

I don't have any reason to overcome my suffering though, I just wanna die lol đź‘»
This struggle you talk about suffering is completely unnecessary. There wasn't a requirement for us to be born in the first place.
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Apr 5, 2023
This struggle you talk about suffering is completely unnecessary. There wasn't a requirement for us to be born in the first place.
We don't want to live because of the pain we feel in our daily lives. That's how I feel at least, but I think that if we didn't suffer at all, the little small moments of happiness most people will have felt or feel in their lives won't be as special as they are. The happiness we feel is because of what we suffered before. For example like cheating in a video game. It's easy and you have to put barely any effort in, and it's fun at first, but it will get boring pretty fast. There has to be a challenge for things to feel rewarding. At least that's how I think it is.

Also, yes, no one asked to be born and there is no reason for us to be born, but you can always quit one day, right? I like to cope with my reality sometimes by telling myself that I could just stop it all if it really gets that bad. I think being brought into the world is just like being open-minded and trying out something new. We could always quit if we really really tried. I think if you're thinking about suicide like me, maybe life just wasn't for you. Maybe you'd rather not go through so much pain just to be happy for a few small moments. And I think that's fine. Everyone has at least some freedom in what they do.

That's how I feel about it at least. I can understand how people could think differently, I've been there, but that's just what I think right now in the present moment. Maybe my opinion will change in the future.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
A life without any kind of suffering is a life without meaning and without any possibility of being enjoyed.. this is so for anyone. But a continuous life of suffering, in an obvious imbalance that throws you completely into hopelessness is also a life without meaning and without any possibility of being enjoyed.

Everything must be in its right balance in order to be happy. I shouldn't be afraid to suffer, what I don't like is not being able to enjoy life like other people do... if I could do that I would more than make up for it, but that's not the case.


Una vida sense cap tipus de patiment és una vida sense sentit i sense cap probabilitat de ser gaudida.. això és així per qualsevol. Però una vida continua de patiment, en un evident desequilibri que et llença de ple a la desesperança també és una vida sense sentit i sense cap probabilitat de ser gaudida.

Tot ha d'estar en el seu just equilibri per poder arribar a ser feliç. No m'hauria de fer por patir, el que no m'agrada és no poder gaudir de la vida com fan altres persones... si pogués fer-ho ho compensaria de sobres, pero no és pas així.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
We don't want to live because of the pain we feel in our daily lives. That's how I feel at least, but I think that if we didn't suffer at all, the little small moments of happiness most people will have felt or feel in their lives won't be as special as they are. The happiness we feel is because of what we suffered before. For example like cheating in a video game. It's easy and you have to put barely any effort in, and it's fun at first, but it will get boring pretty fast. There has to be a challenge for things to feel rewarding. At least that's how I think it is.

Also, yes, no one asked to be born and there is no reason for us to be born, but you can always quit one day, right? I like to cope with my reality sometimes by telling myself that I could just stop it all if it really gets that bad. I think being brought into the world is just like being open-minded and trying out something new. We could always quit if we really really tried. I think if you're thinking about suicide like me, maybe life just wasn't for you. Maybe you'd rather not go through so much pain just to be happy for a few small moments. And I think that's fine. Everyone has at least some freedom in what they do.

That's how I feel about it at least. I can understand how people could think differently, I've been there, but that's just what I think right now in the present moment. Maybe my opinion will change in the future.
Actually- I've considered this too- CAN there really be just pure happiness? Or- do we need it's opposite to feel it? Life- or- at least a life that feels balanced and worthwhile does seem to be about contrast to me. I think we only REALLY appreciate our health after we have been sick. Fresh air is nice after being cooped up indoors but it can become too much- too harsh if we are outdoors all the time with no shelter. It's curious that people who appear to have it all it terms of wealth and opportunities DO also get depressed and suicide. It DOES make you wonder whether the 'struggle' element is needed to make achievement feel real... I was actually thinking about starting a thread in off-topic about this...

BUT- to get back to the original theme of the post- I have to agree with the OP- what we choose to do with life is in some way- up to us. Life itself though- (depending on what you believe of course) I don't remember choosing to be born/ to live. We ARE forced into this world. Then- we live whatever kind of life fate has in store for us with whatever genes we were either blessed or cursed with. I guess we ARE at least motal- so- there is an exit door. But just consider what it's blocked by...

For starters- all the emotional bonds we have unavoidably formed with people until now. Leaving ISN'T just a case of exiting- we know we're going to hurt them. So- there's a whole load of emotional blackmail keeping us here- ie. if you suicide- you'll possibly deeply hurt others. I don't want to hurt other people so- for now- I keep living.

The other problem is- it's made to be as difficult/ frightening and risky as possible by limiting our means for a peaceful and reliable death. So- I know I'm going to have to go through at least some pain/ discomfort/ fear in order to leave this place. Even worse- there's the very real possibility the attempt will fail- and life will become a whole lot worse.

So- I have to agree with the OP- life IS an imposition. Not simply an unwanted gift that you can return without any hassle. By giving a creature life- it's a total gamble. They MAY actually enjoy it and be ok. If they don't though- you've just given them a whole long series of problems that they are ultimately on their own to solve. If their life becomes SO unbearable that they simply can't take it anymore- their exit is likely to be the most upsetting, horrific and dangerous decision they will need to overcome to be free.

In a way- I actually think our thinking minds are in some way split from our primal minds and our bodies. When we commit suicide- we are kind of having to murder that part of ourselves. I doubt many of us want to commit murder for starters. I don't actually WANT to hurt myself. I don't enjoy pain. Plus- our primal minds and bodies are going to fight back with all they have in the form of survival instinct.

I REALLY resent being in the position where the only way out of here is to risk doing this to myself- I'm sure I do want to go though- I've no interest in trying to make things 'better'.

So ultimately- we get the choice of a life some of us find horrific or a death that could well end up being horrific! In that way- I think life is the problem. Life started the series of (unfortunate) events that lead us here. We only have SOME control over what happens in our lives- the rest is chance and choice of how we react to it (to some degree.) There isn't an obligation to be happy but there IS an obligation to keep on living in most circumstances- EVEN if that isn't what we want. For me at any case- life seems like the most enormous of gambles with very bad odds- considering what CAN happen in life. Personally, I can't see why people think it's fair to take that risk when they're playing with their own child's life- but there we go- I'm an anti-natilist in my heart.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
In reality there is no such thing as chance, everything is predetermined, living is a 100% imposition. The question I always ask myself is "why?" or what is the purpose of living beyond collecting data or feeling an experience.

The other day I thought that maybe we are just tools that are reused over and over again every time the body dies, that is, we are loaded into a machine (the body), we collect data on a preset life and when we die we are loaded back into another body to continue collecting data ... and so on indefinitely.


En realitat no hi cap tipus d'atzar, tot està predeterminat, viure és una imposició al 100%. La pregunta que sempre em faig és "per què?" o quina és la finalitat de viure més enllà de recollir dades o de sentir una experiència.

L'altre día vaig pensar que potser només sóm eines que ens reutilitzen una vegada rera l'altre cada vegada que el cos mor, és a dir, ens carreguen en una màquina (el cos), recopilem dades sobre una vida prefixada i quan morim ens tornen a carregar a un altre cos a seguir recollint dades... i així indefinidament.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The reality is that there could certainly never be any need for life to exist at all, existence is a cruel burden, an undeserved punishment and I just see it as being so unnecessary forcing people into this harmful world where there is no straightforward way for them to exit. There is no relief from suffering as long as one exists here, there is only the potential for us to suffer more and more as chance so cruelly determines everything in this chaotic world. Never existing at all is undeniably the best possible outcome.