
Oct 28, 2018
Parents brought us here having good intentions by a mere love and sex without our consent, systematically involving every one of us into this prison like a pyramid scheme where evil psychopaths/sociopaths (founders) sit on top, feeding on lower (middle class) and bottom tiers (lower class). To keep their status, the pyramid constantly needs influx (procreation) of new members to feed the top and recruiters (parents) to facilitate the process.

Our family, relatives and maybe friends are the only people who need and care about us here. Others are strangers who either don't care about us unless they get something from us or just don't like us deeming us as competition. Jobs, queues, dating, business etc.

Like governments who want stable and growing population of slaves that will advance technology and their interests so they can retain their elite status and stay in power. Businesses who care about their profits firsthand and see people as consumers.

Parents treat procreation as a sacred deed, thinking they are doing good thing by making babies but they also wonder why life is getting harder, why there are wars, murder, rape, deceit and injustice in this world. They just try to stay optimistic, hoping that things will get better and live in ignorance without acknowledging that mad people own this world and they infiltrated positions of authority that involve money and power like government, justice system, military and police.

Life has no purpose unless we give it a purpose but what is the point in life after all if wisdom, experience and memories aren't carried over throughout incarnations? We keep returning only to live different lives and make same mistakes.

Life would still go on without humanity, insects and animals would go on living and exist in harmony on this planet and this planet would be clean and green without humans. We are simply not needed here. We are not special despite being told we are by our parents who were told so by their parents and indoctrinated by religion and so on.

Did God create us or we were seeded by extraterrestrials as part of experiment?

Were we created in God's image or extraterrestrial image or are we hybrids from their and animals DNA?

Did God tell us we are special and kings of earth or extraterrestrials told us we are and we further passed this down to future generations?

Why did we choose to come from eternal peace and nothingness and incarnate on earth? Were we interested to experience life and emotions or we were misled by entities on the other side? Do they share interests of founders of pyramid and gain something in return?

As a mere mortal I have no idea and can only have theories but life seems like a pyramid scheme where nobody wins except 1% on top. Life is a scam.
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Deleted member 26067

Deleted member 26067

Perennis odium
Feb 4, 2021
H.P. Lovecraft once coined the term "cosmic indifferentialism" to describe the philosophy he believed and the governing point of view behind his stories. It basically means that we are alone in a vast void of a universe that is dangerous and indifferent to us and our suffering, and we are insignificant and as nothing next to the horrors that lurk within it. There is no god, no creator. Just a horrible void full of claws, teeth, blood, and suffering. There's no purpose behind it; it is senseless and pointless.

The world is a blood-spattered abattoir and meat grinder wherein the strong enslave and butcher the weak.
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Jan 17, 2021
I always admire a clever scam.
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Dec 20, 2020
Make sure that if you CTB you stick it to the pyramid scheme by maxing out and defaulting on all debts before death. If you have heirs you want to pass assets to then set them up a trust before doing this
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Apr 5, 2020
Sure does feel to me like some kind of sad little scheme. I tend to think (but I don't KNOW) that everything, including our minds, is predetermined, and we're just along for the ride. Which bothers me mostly because it would mean that even my suicide would be just more of the unavoidable unfolding of this terrible story, it wasn't actually me beating the system in any sort of way.
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Jan 17, 2021
Make sure that if you CTB you stick it to the pyramid scheme by maxing out and defaulting on all debts before death. If you have heirs you want to pass assets to then set them up a trust before doing this
If the assets are of any value, they will likely be forcibly recovered to cover the debts.
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Dec 20, 2020
If the assets are of any value, they will likely be forcibly recovered to cover the debts.
Nope. That's why I say , set up a trust. If the proper trust is set up the assets cannot be seized as the debts belong to your estate and the trust will be considered a legally separate entity

common tactic used by the rich to escape debt . Many poor won't use it because they buy into lies like "this isn't something god would approve of "
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Sep 19, 2020
If there is an afterlife, I'll definitely never reincarnate. It's masochism.
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Mar 22, 2020
Pyramid scheme? This is certainly interesting!
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Jan 17, 2021
Nope. That's why I say , set up a trust. If the proper trust is set up the assets cannot be seized as the debts belong to your estate and the trust will be considered a legally separate entity

common tactic used by the rich to escape debt . Many poor won't use it because they buy into lies like "this isn't something god would approve of "
I'm saying there are legal methods for recovering assets from legally separate entities if it can be shown that the assets were transferred out for the express purpose of keeping them from creditors. This is true both for bankruptcy of legal entities and for death of natural persons. Rich people circumvent this by making sure no transfers can be proven malicious, by doing them strategically and very far in advance. It won't work for an average sod trying to "throw it all overboard" before dyng.
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Dec 20, 2020
I'm saying there are legal methods for recovering assets from legally separate entities if it can be shown that the assets were transferred out for the express purpose of keeping them from creditors. This is true both for bankruptcy of legal entities and for death of natural persons. Rich people circumvent this by making sure no transfers can be proven malicious, by doing them strategically and very far in advance. It won't work for an average sod trying to "throw it all overboard" before dyng.
Yes, it most likely will work. Especially if the trust is set up in a jurisdiction where recovery and legal proceedings are too expensive. This event is common and happens every day globally. The bar is too high to go after assets held in foreign jurisdictions , which is why global governments heads are exploding to try to find a way to do something about tax compliance. For private creditors it's even worse because they can't just say "hi I'm the super scary US government here to lien a bank account "

Anyone who defaults on a debt and makes life hell for the world financial system is a hero.
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Jan 17, 2021
Yes, it most likely will work. Especially if the trust is set up in a jurisdiction where recovery and legal proceedings are too expensive. This event is common and happens every day globally. The bar is too high to go after assets held in foreign jurisdictions , which is why global governments heads are exploding to try to find a way to do something about tax compliance.

Anyone who defaults on a debt and makes life hell for the world financial system is a hero.
If your assets are so limited that they're not worth going after, how do you get a debt of any sigificance? What bank will want to give you big loans to default on?
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Dec 20, 2020
If your assets are so limited that they're not worth going after, how do you get a debt of any sigificance? What bank will want to give you big loans to default on?
It costs tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to go after international assets. Read what happens to student loan defaulters who move abroad - basically untouchable even with hundreds of thousands in debt. And student loans are the most restrictive type of noncollateralized debt in the US.

best target to max out and default are CCs. They are easily obtainable.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
As a mere mortal I have no idea and can only have theories but life seems like a pyramid scheme where nobody wins except 1% on top. Life is a scam.

It is pretty clear our existence is just slavery to the upper class. We are forced to work jobs we hate to make the rich even richer under the threat of homelessness and starvation.

It is so fucking obvious that life is just not worth it for 99% of the population. Yet people still churn out kids like it is going out of style.
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Dec 1, 2020
Nobody cares about you we are all alone
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Mar 16, 2021
The sad reality is that positions of power attract only a certain kind of individuals - those that we may deem morally corrupt. In a competitive environment conscience is self-eliminating.

wisdom, experience and memories aren't carried over throughout incarnations
Or generations. Our parents are just as clueless and indoctrinated as their parents were, just in a different, context-dependent way. We all go through the same tedious developmental process where we have to learn to incorporate societal values into our behavior. But while being punished for undesirable behavior, a lot of kids are still being sold a fairytale version of reality that comes crashing down as they reach adulthood, although some adapt better than others.

There really is no purpose, or point to any of it, good and bad alike. But the cosmic indifference is only made evident to us in times of great unhappiness which often involves a violation of our personal notions of justice and order.

Although while it is true that humans are the most harmful species on Earth, it is their intellect that gives them the power to enforce their will. There's no special malignant trait that we possess, just pure selfishness combined with intelligence. Other species lack the latter, but the former is abundant throughout nature, and great amounts of suffering result from it alone.

Thanks for the link btw, that was a nice read.
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Oct 28, 2018
@SentientCreature The bottom line is humanity is useless and is a mistake of "nature". There would be difference if it didn't exist. Life would carry on without us either way except there would be no additional suffering caused by humanity and damage to environment. To justify existence humanity will do everything to glorify itself and believe it is important and has good intentions.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions...
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