
Aug 29, 2019

I've decided to make this thread because I haven't found any other place to discuss this subject. Anything true or worthwhile on youtube will literally have 0-2500 views and barely any comments.

Seeing videos that speak the truth about the system, and are worth something to have 700 views and 28 old comments is a joke. And this happens for almost every single one. This proves that it is actively being censored by YouTube and all the other companies.

It's the same for any other website/place. So I decided to make this thread on a suicide website in hope to reach other people who hate life and want to kill themselves because life is shit.

TL;DR: There are too little places to talk about the reality of the system and life and if there are any they are inactive and dead.

Purpose of this Thread

This thread is for discussion on all the negative reality of the system and life is general. Things that society is blind to and that the government doesn't want others to know.

Also, for discussions on the future dystopia that is quickly coming and how the average human is completely fucked. You can talk about anything that fits here and anything you find.

There is a need for a thread like this in a world where every single real problem is non-existant in the eyes of the population. There are infinite articles, videos, boards for bullshit but 0 for anything real.

TL;DR: Talk about how life is extreme hell and is only getting worse by day. Expose the system, examples of the reality of life..etc

I'll start

Automation is taking over. Many have lost their jobs and it will continue to happen until there are barely any left.

I won't get into every single statistic now, you can research that if you're interested. But the bottom line is that more and more people are losing their jobs since robots can do them. That means no money, no nothing. And nobody is going to help them. This is only increasing and it will grow exponentially meaning that most people will be starving on the fucking street soon enough.

That's one part, Automation/Job Loss. So most people are literally fucked with no money and no hope. And that's only the beginning.....

The real problem is that the government/elite have so much power. Soon enough they'll be able to do pretty much anything and the average person will not even have privacy in their own thoughts. They will not be able to kill themselves if the elite don't allow it.

Sure, nothing new. Elite get stronger while peasants get less of everything. BUT, this time, the elite will be able to do anything while the peasant will have 0 privacy, safety, hope and freedom.

Without privacy, safety, hope and freedom YOU ARE FUCKED.

So, let's have a real discussion about things that actually matter. I'll leave you with this video:

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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
As awful as this is, it may well be the natural order of things. Everything has its time and everything dies. Including humanity. It's terrible for us but nature doesn't give a fuck either way.
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Aug 29, 2019
As awful as this is, it may well be the natural order of things. Everything has its time and everything dies. Including humanity. It's terrible for us but nature doesn't give a fuck either way.

Still, this thread has value and is something that should be talked about instead of The Kardashians, Politics and what flavour of fucking shit you'll have for dinner.

A part of me is pissed at the fucking world.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Still, this thread has value and is something that should be talked about instead of The Kardashians, Politics and what flavour of fucking shit you'll have for dinner.

A part of me is pissed at the fucking world.
I'm pissed at nature.
Before I became housebound I used to put my wages in the bank by cheque. I refused to use the automatic teller and every week the bank manager would ask me why. Was I afraid of the technology? I'd point out to him the four teller windows only one of which was occupied and ask when he was expecting the branch to close.
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Aug 29, 2019
I'm pissed at nature.
Before I became housebound I used to put my wages in the bank by cheque. I refused to use the automatic teller and every week the bank manager would ask me why. Was I afraid of the technology? I'd point out to him the four teller windows only one of which was occupied and ask when he was expecting the branch to close.
Yeap, automation is coming to all kinds of jobs.

And the people who lose those jobs are fucked. I doubt even 1/10 can relearn a new skill that is actually needed to the levels needed. And to be good at it, good luck.

Plenty of kids in china/india for example learning to code since young. Who in the hell would give you a job when you're 40 and barely competent when they can give it to a 18 year old form a 3rd world country just as good if not better than you for a lot cheaper.

Also, I doubt there will be tens of millions of programmers needed. So, either way, the majority of people are bound to starve and go to hell while the minority that has a job struggle to live like the average person does now.

Only a very small % will actually enjoy life.

Automation is a thread to almost everyone.
And if a robot or a poorer person can do your job, then you become obsolete. A.k.a useless A.k.a fucking fucked.

You will be replaced and useless. When you have nothing to offer you get nothing. This is a serious issue. But people still don't give a damn, lol
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Automation and technology are a double edged sword. I've posted before about the toolmaker paradigm. If we are headed for extinction, it may be that the very thing that drags us towards it may be the only thing that has any chance of saving us. Or at least those of us that remain.


Aug 29, 2019
And people don't even care. The average person would lose it if you'd talk to them about this.

They live in their own fabricated lies and delusions and they will get absolutely fucked for it, that's a promise from life to those who ignore reality.

Besides, automation isn't really the issue. It's a leaf of a twig of a branch of a tree of a forest of a continent of fucking problems.

The real problem is that the elite, evil(no better word to describe them, selfish, greedy, psychopathic, stupid) will have unimaginable power.

Look at the social credit system in china. Or how there is no privacy and the government can see and know everything.

You can't even have a fucking normal phone number in some places. You need to give them every detail including your face.

Look at deepfake technology and computer generated fake voices.

Point is, soon, very soon, 99% of the population will have 0 control over their safety, privacy and freedom. That also means 0 hope

And if you think that the government cares about you...............

Nothing. Nothing, Zero. Everything they want is not up to them and everything they don't is pretty much guaranteed.

And this is not in the future "oh, i'll be dead by then". Hahahha, funny.

They are completely fucked. These are real problems. This should have 80 millions views instead of fucking bullshit.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
. I watch this guy regularly about how close we are to economic collapse. That's more worriesome than anything in my opinion. Many people will starve and be homeless as they continue to inflate the currency making it worthless.
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Aug 29, 2019
Yes many people will starve and die.

That's great for the elites. Population decreases and they get to live with all land, resources and the technology.


Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
I expect...a lot of things will be drawn out in a painfully slow manner.

I'm up for major changes but...short of (possible) sudden economic crises, most upheavals will take time.

Natural disasters will keep ramping up.
Animal extinction & natural habitat destruction shows little signs of slowing. At some point zoos will be about all we've got.
Air/water quality will continue dropping.

Poverty/homelessness will keep rising along with extreme poverty/starvation.
That have/have not divide we know so well will keep expanding and essentially swallow the middle class.

Social media will speed up its (already vital) impact on society. It's a very obvious form of mind control that easily sets (and resets) societal standards through the whims of our modern day gods and demis.
(gods = the 1%;
demigods = stars/celebs + these ridiculously named "influencers.")

The right to privacy (for herd members) will eventually come to a close. Those not broadcasting their daily lives will first be penalized, punished and ultimately persecuted.

Facial recognition software & fingerprint databases and systems will be scrapped in favor of straightforward identity tracking.
Your mobile device will make that simple enough as will bank/credit cards, passports and other IDs. But that's nothing...

Thousands of Swedes and a healthy peppering of other nationalities are already sporting microchip implants / RFID transponders.
Several US states have just made mandatory chip implants illegal but let's not fool ourselves. The groundwork is being laid.
This tech will first be accepted as "cool, high tech wonders that make my life oh so convenient." Once implemented,...there's no going back.

BTW: Implantation only costs $150-$200 currently.

Technology has grown exponentially and will continue to with the truest tech remaining out of reach to the commoners and in the hands of the almighty elite, naturally.

Wars will march on but the methods will drastically change as the heaving populations create even more stress on the ecology.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I expect...a lot of things will be drawn out in a painfully slow manner.

I'm up for major changes but...short of (possible) sudden economic crises, most upheavals will take time.

Natural disasters will keep ramping up.
Animal extinction & natural habitat destruction shows little signs of slowing. At some point zoos will be about all we've got.
Air/water quality will continue dropping.

Poverty/homelessness will keep rising along with extreme poverty/starvation.
That have/have not divide we know so well will keep expanding and essentially swallow the middle class.

Social media will speed up its (already vital) impact on society. It's a very obvious form of mind control that easily sets (and resets) societal standards through the whims of our modern day gods and demis.
(gods = the 1%;
demigods = stars/celebs + these ridiculously named "influencers.")

The right to privacy (for herd members) will eventually come to a close. Those not broadcasting their daily lives will first be penalized, punished and ultimately persecuted.

Facial recognition software & fingerprint databases and systems will be scrapped in favor of straightforward identity tracking.
Your mobile device will make that simple enough as will bank/credit cards, passports and other IDs. But that's nothing...

Thousands of Swedes and a healthy peppering of other nationalities are already sporting microchip implants / RFID transponders.
Several US states have just made mandatory chip implants illegal but let's not fool ourselves. The groundwork is being laid.
This tech will first be accepted as "cool, high tech wonders that make my life oh so convenient." Once implemented,...there's no going back.

BTW: Implantation only costs $150-$200 currently.

Technology has grown exponentially and will continue to with the truest tech remaining out of reach to the commoners and in the hands of the almighty elite, naturally.

Wars will march on but the methods will drastically change as the heaving populations create even more stress on the ecology.
I agree with all of that.
I also suspect that this is inevitable for any species that has developed the intelligence to use tools to manipulate it's environment.
It's a natural homeostatic feedback mechanism.
That doesn't mean it's not tragic and it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight it but ultimately we cannot do anything that is contrary to the forces behind nature.
The irony that I'm replying from a mobile phone is not lost on me.

I'm a huge hypocrite. I've used technology all my life even though I hate it. I hated polluting the atmosphere but I drove a car. I hated eating chocolate cus I'm aware how much suffering occurs to farm cocoa. I hated the damage social media does but used it to stay in touch with friends.
The list is endless.

Equally ironically now I'm housebound I'm sure my carbon footprint has lessened significantly.
Yay for me.
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Mar 24, 2019
I'm pissed at nature.
Before I became housebound I used to put my wages in the bank by cheque. I refused to use the automatic teller and every week the bank manager would ask me why. Was I afraid of the technology? I'd point out to him the four teller windows only one of which was occupied and ask when he was expecting the branch to close.

i`m the same and agree ," use it or lose it "is my moto
We had four Banks on my main shopping road a couple years ago , we have one now as mine closed last year so i have to go in the city centre now to do banking. Nat West then have the cheek to use "We're always thinking of new ways to bring the bank to you. NatWest. We are what we do. " what by closing the branches ?

My Doctors like most closed and moved into the new (privately owned ) walk in health centre , guess where , in the City Centre .

I have two direct debits , my car insurance and my internet. i pay the rest as they come in cash , even my mortgage i pay in cash which confuses them in Santander as they have to dust off the cobwebs on the drop down menu.

I flat out refuse to have a "smart meter" and it disgusts me that they got rid of all their showrooms/paying in counters and put pay point machines in supermarkets and corner shops , not the fact they closed them and saved themselves millions , the fact it actually costs the corner shops money to collect their money , they get about 60p per hundred pound they take but costs them 70p per hundred they bank .

When i was on Facebook etc i was sick of the comments when a store closed in the city centre which usually consisted of , " typical council , they should put the rates down , i haven't shopped in there for years it`s cheaper online " D`oh....

I've decided to make this thread because I haven't found any other place to discuss this subject. Anything true or worthwhile on youtube will literally have 0-2500 views and barely any comments.

Seeing videos that speak the truth about the system, and are worth something to have 700 views and 28 old comments is a joke. And this happens for almost every single one. This proves that it is actively being censored by YouTube and all the other companies.

It's the same for any other website/place. So I decided to make this thread on a suicide website in hope to reach other people who hate life and want to kill themselves because life is shit.

TL;DR: There are too little places to talk about the reality of the system and life and if there are any they are inactive and dead.

Purpose of this Thread

This thread is for discussion on all the negative reality of the system and life is general. Things that society is blind to and that the government doesn't want others to know.

Also, for discussions on the future dystopia that is quickly coming and how the average human is completely fucked. You can talk about anything that fits here and anything you find.

There is a need for a thread like this in a world where every single real problem is non-existant in the eyes of the population. There are infinite articles, videos, boards for bullshit but 0 for anything real.

TL;DR: Talk about how life is extreme hell and is only getting worse by day. Expose the system, examples of the reality of life..etc

I'll start

Automation is taking over. Many have lost their jobs and it will continue to happen until there are barely any left.

I won't get into every single statistic now, you can research that if you're interested. But the bottom line is that more and more people are losing their jobs since robots can do them. That means no money, no nothing. And nobody is going to help them. This is only increasing and it will grow exponentially meaning that most people will be starving on the fucking street soon enough.

That's one part, Automation/Job Loss. So most people are literally fucked with no money and no hope. And that's only the beginning.....

The real problem is that the government/elite have so much power. Soon enough they'll be able to do pretty much anything and the average person will not even have privacy in their own thoughts. They will not be able to kill themselves if the elite don't allow it.

Sure, nothing new. Elite get stronger while peasants get less of everything. BUT, this time, the elite will be able to do anything while the peasant will have 0 privacy, safety, hope and freedom.

Without privacy, safety, hope and freedom YOU ARE FUCKED.

So, let's have a real discussion about things that actually matter. I'll leave you with this video:



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