

Jul 29, 2021
Life does not make any sense because there is no clear purpose for existence. We are born into this world without choosing to be here, forced to struggle, meet endless needs, and eventually die. There is no universal goal or reason for why any of this happens. People try to create meaning through personal achievements, relationships, or beliefs, but ultimately, everything we do is temporary, and death nullifies it all.

Suffering is guaranteed, while happiness is uncertain. Every living being experiences pain, whether through hunger, illness, emotional distress, or physical harm. Pleasure, on the other hand, is fleeting and fragile, often requiring effort just to maintain. If life were designed to be good, why is suffering built into the system as an unavoidable part of existence? The asymmetry between suffering and happiness makes life feel like an unfair and pointless struggle.

Life is fundamentally unfair and random. Some people are born into wealth, good health, and loving families, while others are born into poverty, illness, and abuse. Hard work does not guarantee success, and luck often plays a bigger role than effort. People who do everything right can still fail, while others succeed through no merit of their own. This randomness makes life feel absurd, as there is no justice or fairness in how circumstances are distributed.

We have needs we never asked for. No one consents to existence, yet from birth, we are burdened with biological and social needs that we must fulfill just to avoid suffering. Hunger, thirst, sleep, companionship, and purpose are all imposed on us, forcing us to keep running in an endless cycle of survival. We are slaves to these needs, and no matter how much we satisfy them, they always return. This endless cycle makes life feel more like a trap than a gift.

Everything we build gets destroyed. Civilizations rise and fall. Personal achievements fade with time. Even if someone builds a great legacy, it will eventually be forgotten, whether in a few generations or billions of years when the universe itself dies. If everything is temporary, then what is the point of striving for anything? No matter how much effort we put in, everything we do is ultimately erased by time.

Death nullifies everything. No matter what we accomplish, we all die. If death erases all experiences and memories, then what was the point of living in the first place? Whether someone was happy or miserable, kind or cruel, successful or a failure, they will all eventually cease to exist. In the end, nothing remains, making all struggles meaningless.

Human existence relies on exploitation. Most of the conveniences we enjoy come at the cost of others' suffering. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the technology we use—all of it is built on exploitation, whether through sweatshop labor, environmental destruction, or economic oppression. Even those who try to live ethically are still part of a system that forces suffering onto others. If life requires harming others just to survive, then it feels morally bankrupt.

Free will is an illusion. People like to believe they are in control of their lives, but in reality, our thoughts, actions, and circumstances are shaped by genetics, upbringing, and luck. We do not choose our personalities, our desires, or our strengths and weaknesses. We are simply acting out scripts written by forces beyond our control. If we are just passengers in our own lives, then where is the meaning in any of it?

Nobody knows why we are here or how all of this came to be in the first place. Science can explain how the universe works, but not why it exists at all. Theories like quantum fluctuations, the multiverse, or eternal existence try to explain the origins of reality, but none of them truly answer why there is something rather than nothing. If existence has no ultimate reason, then life itself may be a meaningless accident.

When all of this is taken into account, life appears to be an absurd, pointless cycle of need, suffering, and eventual oblivion. It is a system where suffering is certain, happiness is fragile, fairness is nonexistent, and death erases everything. If existence has no reason, and everything is temporary, then life itself does not make any sense.
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New Member
Mar 27, 2025
Agree; I hate when people Says "but god", like dude wym, the same god that doesnt care about billions suffering dont care about You eighter; just a fairytale to avoid reality


Born, survive, reproduce, die.
Dec 23, 2024
Yup. The more you study the universe, its fundamentals leading from chemistry to biology, nothing makes sense. Why? Because it's not supposed to. Entropy is the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. On every scale, whenever chemical and biological processes take place, entropy is increased in the universe.

But we are beings of logic and the more we learn about the rules of the universe, the less it makes sense to us. There is no meaning behind life because there was never any intention behind the formation of it. Abiogenesis was random. Carbon just did its thing when interacting with other atoms and molecules.

It amazes me how many people stay alive and don't attempt to ctb more often. How can a being of logic live in a world where the more rules are found, the less it makes sense? But because of the government and idealistic superstructures, it's almost impossible to admit you are suicidal. And even more so to go through with it.
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Jun 17, 2022
Honestly the only thing that can fill that void for me is spirituality. If you see life from a purley biological/materlistic way, life will ultimately seem meaningless and pointless. Suffering is a constant and joy (besides doing drugs) is a rarity. The few things that bring me meaning is meaningful connections with intelligent people (who are freethinkers) and my higher power.

The funny thing is that people like you who realized pointlessness of this life aren't actually the crazy ones. The crazy ones are most people living out their delusions and believing in the mass psychosis of the matrix, the conformists. These are institutionalized people like doctors, corporate workers, judges, etc. You can almost never have a real conversation with these people on how modern society is so fucked. They either tell you to get medicated or to seek therapy for being a bad fit in a corrupt a civilization that benefits a few people.

Suicide for me is a response to a system that is rigged. Like you said, only a very few people can get the opportunity to live a decent life. Most of us either have to work paycheck to paycheck or to try live on the system via welfare. You can't ask for some financial equality in this system because you're seen as communist. You can't ask for a way to end this all because then you're seen as suicidal. The only thing that can bring some quick joy is drugs for me. And the system punishes you and throws you in the cage for trying to squeeze a sliver of dopamine that's left in your brain. It's all fucked. The government, corporations, institutions, they're all fucked.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It makes more sense if it was all chance and evolution (to me.) If time goes back infinitely (although, obviously I don't know that.) Really though- even if it goes back billions and billions of years, wouldn't there be more chance of something happening to build up the chain reaction for life rather than nothing happening whatsoever?

Maybe the human condition problem is we are so narrative obsessed. Everything needs to be explained and have a purpose and a right and a wrong. When you consider that- given the age we know the earth is, human occupation of it is a tiny fraction so far- what does our opinion of it even matter? It will continue to go on with or without us until the sun dies I suppose.

There was an advert once that said- if the earth's timespan was represented within a single day, modern humans would have been around a couple of seconds. Whereas dinosaurs, comparitively speaking would have been here for 10 hours and 15 minutes. I wonder what they thought about the earth. They had a whole lot longer to form opinions of it.

Still, if we compare them to modern day animals, it seems more reasonable to deduce that they likely lived more on their instincts. Not really having all these existential crises about the meaning of it all. They certainly didn't seem to leave behind texts, drawings or anything else about what their theories were.

Do you ever wonder or consider that maybe humans are just a freak of nature? That our obsessively enquiring minds don't actually do us many favours in the end? Seeing as we can't find concrete answers, maybe we start creating them in terms of things like religion possibly.

But, maybe the meaning of life isn't to try and deduce like mad over things we likely will never get the answers to. For example- If there is in fact a God and, they don't want to be found- we won't find them! Instead, perhaps we've got it all wrong. Perhaps we should just be trying to live life rather than figure out the meaning.

I just think that being miserable especially makes us more like this. More intent on trying to find answers. Maybe even something to blame for this mess. It probably doesn't do us any favours. But then, it's hard to stop too.
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Full Bloom
Apr 13, 2023
There is no point to living, as there is no point to dying

But there also doesn't need to be a point to live or die, all of it is meaningless in the end, so it's fine for things to be wasted in vain, to struggle pointless strife, it's as equally meaningless as giving up entirely and finality
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