

Apr 6, 2021
I'd been testing partial suspension with no luck and my partner caught wind of it. He and his family have always been there for me when my family wasn't and he's known about my depression and suicidal thoughts for years. He and my best friend talked to me at length to convince me that my judgement is impaired and I should listen to them and seek help.

I listened to them. We'd go to a hospital covered by my insurance and I'd tell someone there I wanted to ctb. My partner and his sister said one of them would sign for me because someone has to even if I'm an adult. I agreed and the hospital staff gave me valium and some other shit so I'd sleep it off?? and I had to tell them that I wanted to ctb again when I woke up.

A nurse came and tested me for a bunch of shit. She said they'd found a spot at a psych clinic and they'd transfer me in the morning. Morning came and it was a different nurse. She greeted me, looked at my boyfriend and asked why my parents weren't supporting me on this "journey". So I said my parents didn't believe in mental illness and they'd abuse me if they knew I was there. She immediately went on a tirade about motherly love, how my mom loved me no matter what was done, etc. I stopped her and she seemed offended.

Next time the nurse came by she declared we HAD to call my parents and they HAD to sign as responsible for me. I'd always been told that any adult could sign for another adult – which I am. So I asked her if my parents had the right to deny my treatment and she said that they didn't, cause I HAD to be sent to the psych ward, and in that case someone else could sign.

So I gave her my parents phone numbers cause I'm fucking stupid. They called my parents and a while later she came back and said "Oh no, it seems like that spot at the clinic has been occupied, seems like you'll have to wait here." At this point I was already paranoid she was lying to me and buying time for my parents to show up.

A doctor came by and said that actually my parents could deny my treatment if they wanted to. I tried to get more info and he started kinda yelling "HOW YOU, SOMEONE WHO HAS SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, WHICH IS BAD ENOUGH, BUT ALSO PUT ROPE AROUND YOUR NECK, THINK YOU CAN DECIDE..." – and he said all that in front of another patient who had kidney stones or whatever. Fucking humiliating.

So yeah. You guessed it. They were indeed buying time for my parents to get there (8 hour trip) so they could surrender me to them. When they arrived, a doctor asked me to talk to them because "They really care about you, they've traveled all this way to see you, you HAVE to talk to them". I asked to have a few minutes to calm down. He said sure, but he immediately brought them into the room.

And that's how a hospital surrendered me into the care of the people who've neglected my mental health and emotionally, sometimes physically, abused me my whole life. I'm under constant surveillance and will have to go to a psychiatrist of their choosing. Thank you, healthcare system, for giving me will to live. I'm fucking cured now. Assholes.
  • Aww..
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  • Hmph!
Reactions: Birthinjune, demuic, DarkWolf and 10 others


Mar 22, 2020
I'm under constant surveillance and will have to go to a psychiatrist of their choosing. Thank you, healthcare system, for giving me will to live. I'm fucking cured now. Assholes.

Damn, I'm so sorry.
Something similar to this happened to me last year.
My dad had to even pay to a woman to "take care" of me 24/7. No time to be alone.

The system sucks.

Wish you the best, pal. I know it's hard to deal with it but some day you'll be free again!
  • Aww..
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Apr 6, 2021
That fucking sucks. My parents actually convinced my boyfriend to be the watchdog for them. This place is hellish right now. My parents keep expecting me to act nice and function even though they just fished me out of a hospital lol.

I hope you're in a better situation rn too. Thank you...
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
That doctor is a scumbag. He deserves to have his lisence shredded up and tossed in the bin for making those asinine statements. I can't believe how cruel all of those people were to you. Just manipulative and infantaliasing, that's all those behaviors are.

I wish this hadn't happened to you. No one deserves to be treated like cattle or someone's property to manage when they decide that you aren't "thinking correctly."

I know how awful it feels to seek out help and support, only to feel even worse afterwards due to the ignorance of those who are supposed to be providing relief. I wish people could see the error of their ways when it comes to how they handle their interactions with the suicial.
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Apr 6, 2021

I know how awful it feels to seek out help and support, only to feel even worse afterwards due to the ignorance of those who are supposed to be providing relief. I wish people could see the error of their ways when it comes to how they handle their interactions with the suicial.
That's the exact word for, infantilizing... I walked in there knowing I would have no choice as to where I went after I told them I wanted to ctb, but I never expected to have absolutely every choice taken from me and to be humiliated. I wanted to get help and keep trying for the sake of the people who care about me and this has knocked me down even further. If a hospital won't help, who the fuck will?

Thank you for your words, they ring very true. Hope your day has been ok as much as possible.
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Reactions: demuic, Isisnefert and KuriGohan&Kamehameha


Apr 6, 2021
Things have just gotten worse. I'm now apparently deemed "incapable" (that's the legal term in my country) and my parents hold the power to make all healthcare decisions for me. Looks like I'm gonna be locked up in their house with a nurse watching me. Basically I'm fucked and desperate.

I also managed to get gaslit both my mother AND by a psychiatrist today. So that was fun lol.
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Reactions: demuic and KuriGohan&Kamehameha


Jan 31, 2021
I'm sorry you have to go through this. I've had similar bad experiences in the past.

May I ask what country you live in? Where I'm from, only a judge can deem someone "incapable".
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Apr 6, 2021
I'm sorry you have to go through this. I've had similar bad experiences in the past.

May I ask what country you live in? Where I'm from, only a judge can deem someone "incapable".
I'm sorry that you went through this too. If I knew it would go down like this I wouldn't have asked for help...

Brazil. Idk if I'm truly deemed incapable, but all the doctors keep telling me that I am. They act like that's the default for a suicidal person in "an emergency".
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Apr 6, 2021
I want to vent more about the current situation but don't want to open a new thread, so I'll do it here.

Things have just gotten worse. I'm now apparently deemed "incapable" (that's the legal term in my country) and my parents hold the power to make all healthcare decisions for me. Looks like I'm gonna be locked up in their house with a nurse watching me. Basically I'm fucked and desperate.

I also managed to get gaslit both my mother AND by a psychiatrist today. So that was fun lol.

I tried making the psychiatrist understand that my mother was emotionally abusive and she looked at me like I was a cockroach and told me not to take things out of context. I said I didn't want to be put with my parents and she said I don't have the power of choice anymore.

Now my mother is throwing that phrase around. She fucking loves it. She decides what I do, when I do it. Now she has decided I cannot be in my room during the day. She tried to twist things the psychiatrist said to make me believe this was something the doctor said was good. I told her I was there and she didn't say that, to which my mom said I don't have the power of choice.

I told her that the phrase is about my medical treatment and she said "No, you don't have a choice over anything." I guess this is her dream situation: being a manipulative ass full time and act justified. She's forcing me to do things with her she's always wanted me to, like play cards or watch a movie. If I say I'm too depressed to do something she says I have to and makes an ugly face.

Yesterday we had a huge fight over how I didn't come to them for help and she gave me some anxiety med that made me sleep heavy. When I woke up, she looked at me sweetly and said "It's okay that you don't love me, because I love you enough for both of us." She said it so smugly, acting nicely even after mean old me freaked out at her. What a saint.

I'm so done with this. I just wish there was someone who could take me out of here. Or that I could just spontaneously die and that they couldn't stop it.


Nov 4, 2020
No offense Mossball, But it sounds more like your Mother needs Taken Out than you, l really hope you get the help you so desperately need, sending Hugs your way and my doggy sends a tail wag and friendly woof :-)


Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Damn....this is truly heartbreaking. I don't even know what to say....I cannot fathom being monitored and controlled like that. Plus, the way that doctor acted? Highly, highly unprofessional and actually probably did further damage to you mentally. Now you're in a situation in which you have no say whatsoever? Its stories like this that show that most places in the world have a HUGE problem with taking care the most vulnerable members of our society in a way that gives them comfort and helps them. Its deplorable that people react in a selfish manner that does more harm than good to a person in a fragile mental state....

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