
Jan 15, 2024
If self termination where to be legalized around the world tomorrow, I wonder what the numbers would be on the first day ?
What country would have the most ?
What would be learned form the data collected,
What would the biggest grouping of people be ?
Rich, poor, educated, illiterate, women, men.
Worldwide suicide is on the rise, What are the biggest factors pushing so many to death rather than life ?
How many could be turned back ?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It would prevent so much unnecessary suffering for certain, it'd be so ideal and compassionate to allow people the option to be euthanised. Existence itself is very undesirable and I'd always see it as better to not exist so it could only ever be something positive allowing people to take control over their inevitable fate in a peaceful and guaranteed way. It's hellish how people cannot choose to be euthanised even know existence causes so much suffering


Oct 1, 2020
What country would have the most ?
USA due to various mental health and poverty problems in the population, I would dare to say that countries where the majority population is poor or have limited resources would continue to be on the list.

What would be learned form the data collected,
Perhaps we would have a more detailed idea of what type of living conditions most influence the suicidal tendencies of the population.
What would the biggest grouping of people be ?
Poor people
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Jan 2, 2023
I don't know, but euthanasia should always have safeguards. There are people in temporary crisis who would die unnecessarily if everybody could just show up and access it on the same day. If a person cannot find a solution to their problem(s) then I'm all for legal euthanasia, but it shouldn't be as easy to get as purchasing groceries at a grocery store.
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