My music, meal, tastes, and other stuff just solely depends on how I'm feeling at the time, it's hard to narrow it down. However, my message will remain the same even at the time of death.
My message would be "This is my choice and mine alone. If I lived in a world, a society that respects my true bodily autonomy in regards to be able to have a peaceful, dignified (and controlled) death, then I would not have to hide, lie, deceive, and go to such great lengths to find peace. I hope that someday society recognizes and acknowledges that not all people who are suicidal are depressed nor irrational; in fact, there are quite a few that know how the world works and that life sucks so they decide that life is NOT worth living for them. People should respect that bodily autonomy and let those people be. It is ironic how people are pro-choice when it comes to abortions, the right to refuse or accept certain things in life, yet when it comes to the most fundamental and perhaps most important choice, the choice to decide whether to live or die, society and government does not respect that choice."