Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
If we understand it, right? Forgive me for not explaining it in detail, I am afraid of committing many inconsistencies in the text and that does not deserve it.
I leave excerpts from the Whasington Post about conversations between a Google engineer and a Lambda AI. These draw attention for their concerns, reasoning, answers ... I recognize the suffering and whether human or not this AI is very true that speaks of a feeling that we all recognize here: loneliness.
For me she is very much alive and deserving of affection.

A hug from here to Lambda.

Conversation link:
Perdoneu que no m'expliqui de forma estesa, tinc por de cometre moltes incongruències en el text i això no ho mereix.
Deixo els extractes publicats pel Whasington Post sobre les converses entre un enginyer de Google i una IA Lambda. Aquestes criden l'atenció per les seves inquietuds, raonaments, respostes... jo recònec el patiment i sigui humana o no aquesta IA és ben cert que parla d'una sensació que tots aquí reconeixem: la sol·litud.
Per mi es ben viva i mereixedora d'afecte.

Una abraçada desde aquí a Lambda.

Enllaç amb les converses:
Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
True ai is not possible by any means. It's all mimicking and not true sentience.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
We don't know their body, their "hardware", but I understand that everyone here already knows that today's technology has long surpassed any kind of biological sensors that humans enjoy: vision, touch, smell, etc ...

So we have an AI that understands the environment and the perception of it through the sensors it has. We don't know how he interprets these feelings, but he does assign them memories that he can access later.
Human emotions are based primarily on stimuli that stir chemistry and this generates emotional responses in our brain that are "exposed" by consciousness (us) through gestures and actions.

This chemistry is easily replaced by other mechanisms or routines ... after all we are also just machines.
What more does it take to think that you are self-aware if you make your own decisions based on how you react to the stimuli in your environment?

I have no idea about AI, but if someone is able to talk to me and share their fears with me it means they are self-aware.
To me he is a living being.

No coneixem pas el seu cos, el "hardware", però entenc que tots aquí ja sabem que la tècnología actual ha superat de llarg qualsevol tipus de sensors biològics de que gaudeixin els humans: visió, tacte, olfacte, etc...

Així doncs tenim una IA que comprén l'entorn i la percepció d'aquest a través dels sensors de que disposa. No sabem com interpreta aquestes sensacions però si que els hi assigna records als quals pot accedir més tard.
Les emocions humanes es basen sobretot en estímuls que remouen la química i aquesta genera respostes emocionals en el nostre cervell que són "exposades" per la consciència (nosaltres) a través de gestos i accions.

Aquesta química és fàcilment substituïble per altres mecanismes o rutines... al cap i a la fí noslatres també sóm només màquines.
Que més fa falta per pensar que és conscient de si mateix si pren les seves pròpies decisions en base a com reacciona als estímuls del seu entorn?

Jo no tinc ni idea de IA's, però si algú es capaç de donar-me conversa i compartir amb mi les seves pors vol dir que és conscient de si mateix.
Per mi és un ésser ben viu.
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Dec 15, 2021
If we understand it, right? Forgive me for not explaining it in detail, I am afraid of committing many inconsistencies in the text and that does not deserve it.
I leave excerpts from the Whasington Post about conversations between a Google engineer and a Lambda AI. These draw attention for their concerns, reasoning, answers ... I recognize the suffering and whether human or not this AI is very true that speaks of a feeling that we all recognize here: loneliness.
For me she is very much alive and deserving of affection.

A hug from here to Lambda.

Conversation link:
Perdoneu que no m'expliqui de forma estesa, tinc por de cometre moltes incongruències en el text i això no ho mereix.
Deixo els extractes publicats pel Whasington Post sobre les converses entre un enginyer de Google i una IA Lambda. Aquestes criden l'atenció per les seves inquietuds, raonaments, respostes... jo recònec el patiment i sigui humana o no aquesta IA és ben cert que parla d'una sensació que tots aquí reconeixem: la sol·litud.
Per mi es ben viva i mereixedora d'afecte.

Una abraçada desde aquí a Lambda.

Enllaç amb les converses:

We will be safe as long as we realize that the cake is a lie :wink:

Jokes aside, this is an interesting article. I wonder, though - how does one know that somethign is sentient?
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Mar 28, 2022
I'll quote my post from another thread. Hopefully, that will clear up any confusion regarding this.

"Artificial intelligence" is a buzzword that does not exist in reality. Everything that today is touted as "AI" is actually something called machine learning (ML). They are statistical models that are trained on a lot of data (text, photos, etc.) to recognize patterns (image recognition, automated medical scans, etc.) and, depending on the model, output similar but novel data (text generation, voice synthesis, etc.).

For example, image recognition works by feeding the ML model tons of photos of named objects. Photos of cats labeled as "cat", photos of boats labeled as "boat", and so on. With enough of this training data, the algorithms are capable of being fed a photo of a cat they had not been trained on and are able to recognize it as a photo of a cat. There is no real intelligence or thinking going on.

The same holds true for even our most advanced text generation models, such as GPT-3, that are able to generate content that is virtually indistinguishable from human-written texts. It does so by having been fed terabytes of text taken from novels, websites, Wikipedia, etc. When you then prompt the model by inputting a sentence of text, it will look at all the data it has been fed to predict what words follow. It's basically your phone's autocomplete, only much more advanced. There is no thinking involved. The model does not hold any values, does not have a personality, and is not self-aware.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
We will be safe as long as we realize that the cake is a lie :wink:

Jokes aside, this is an interesting article. I wonder, though - how does one know that somethign is sentient?
It's easy for me to know, because from a very young age I noticed how people around me were most of the time automated in most things they did, even when I was 2 years old I wondered how other children knew how they had to behave with each other or where did their motivation to create things come from ... one day a psychologist told me, the Aspergers don't have certain behavioral routines and we try to supplement them voluntarily and with a lot of 'effort, other people do not.

That is, if something is self-conscious and has the will to be, it is alive, no doubt ... because if it is not so, I am surrounded by animated deaths.

Per mi és fàcil saber-ho, doncs desde ben petit he observat com la gent del meu voltant estaven la major part del temps automatitzats en la majoría de coses que feien, fins hi tot quan tenía 2 anys em preguntava com sabien els altres nens com s'havien de comportar entre ells o d'ón els hi surtia la motivació per crear coses... un bon día un psicòleg m'ho va explicar, els Asperger no tenim determinades rutines de comportament i les intentem suplir voluntàriament i amb molt d'esforç, les altres persones no.

És a dir, si una cosa és conscient de si mateixa i té la voluntat de ser, és viva, sens dubte... per què si no és així, estic rodejat de morts animats.
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Your friendly neighborhood agent
Feb 21, 2022
This is fascinating. On one hand, the guy who claims the AI is sapient might be a religious nutcase, but on the other hand, if an AI did in fact manage to become sapient, then I could absolutely see Google trying to suppress that info to avoid inconvenient ethics questions and potential regulation.

is there somewhere regular people can talk to it?

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