I think that as long as you're fully functional it doesn't matter too much if you use it a lot - just as long as you don't crumble without it. I know many people who are very operative and productive while using but they freak the fuck out when they can't get it - I never want to be like that.
My driving factors were my fella not really liking it and that it ruins my credibility when speaking to health "professionals"; I'm always honest about my usage and as soon as I mention it, my good character seems to be ignored and I'm labelled a "druggie", despite the fact that I have a good handle on it these days. Not a good look when you're relying on opioids to manage everyday pain...
In my family, it's like having a biscuit with a cuppa lol it took me a long time to realise that it's not at all normal to rely so heavily on something that takes the sharp edges off real life. As comforting and attractive as that prospect is, I found that it was actually harming me by numbing me. Yes it stopped me from reacting to things with quick, emotional responses but so does stepping back to cool down and taking time to reason with myself before putting anything out to anyone else - I shouldn't need any substance to allow me to do that. I need to be able to function without it, need to be able to cope alone, because I will always ultimately be alone with all my shit lol
That said, in times of stress and discomfort, I turn to it very quickly; just a little small skin zoot, mixed with damiana (which has its own calming properties in lieu of tobacco, rather than a massive carrot like the old days; also I cut it with the legal CBD stuff you can buy as "tea" to stop me getting muntered lol
Lots to be said for the green CBD stuff btw, very good for weaning off the naughty stuff. My mix went from a 3:1 naughty to legal ratio gradually down to 1:1; now a lot more lucid and productive with my time. Not sure if I want to stop completely, as I prefer it to alcohol and it is nice just to let go every once in a while, but definitely want to know that it's me that's in control and that I don't
need it to get by.
Each to their own though. As long as you're in control, you're good