

Dec 17, 2019
  • Very good safe anesthetic. Used safely with pediatric , asthmatic , and COPD patients.
  • May cause hallucinations which may scare people , especially with SI . This pre-ctb severe anxiety coupled with dissociation and hallucination could be terrorizing .
  • Anesthesia full state is for surgery, person should use much lower quantities to resolve SN's mild discomfort.
  • Lower dosage introduces calmness, euphoria, analgesia ; medium dissociation , cognitive and motor impairment , hallucinations ; higher serious hallucinations (K-Hole) and sleep .
  • Due to that members should be familiar with substance and effects first , with a trial at a safe calm place , with a very low dosage first ("start low go slow") .
  • This is not a recommendation , but , and considering above caveats , Ketamine timed to act shortly after SN intake should provide very peaceful ctb ; check timing (for example: IV/IM right after SN intake, nasal 5 minutes before SN intake, oral 20 minutes before SN, etc)

This drug has a wide margin of safety; several instances of unintentional administration of overdoses of up to 10 times that usually required have been followed by prolonged but complete recovery.

The 100 mg/mL concentration should not be injected IV without proper dilution. It is recommended the drug be diluted with an equal volume of either Sterile Water for injection, USP, Normal Saline, or 5% Dextrose in Water.

IV100%0.5–2 minutes10-20 minutes
IM93%1–5 min0.5–2 hours
Subcutaneous"high"15–30 min
Intranasal8–50%5–10 min45–60 min
Oral16–29%15–30 min1–6 hours

Resistant Depression (Off-label)Infusion 0.5 mg/kg IV
Anesthesia Induction (Load)IV: 1-4.5 mg/kg , IM: 6.5-13 mg/kg

Medical site claims K-Hole (not preferred with ctb unless one plans a knock out):

75 to 125 mgIntramuscular (IM) injection
60 to 250 mgInsufflation (intranasal or "snorting")
50 to 100 mgIntravenously (IV)
200 to 300 mgOrally (by mouth)

Generally speaking, with intranasal or oral, 50mg should be good, 100mg should be quite enough, and 200mg more than enough (may induce K-hole). Technical aspects of preparation or administration are not covered here. Physical side effects are not harmful, painful, or significant, but it will incapacitated a person (do not walk around); mental side effects discussed briefly . PLEASE RESEARCH MORE .

Side notes (not recommendations but 'good to know'):
-Diazepam (2 to 5 mg over 60 seconds), administered in a separate syringe, may be used along with ketamine IV infusion for induction or maintenance of anesthesia. In most cases, 15 mg of IV diazepam or less will suffice.

Some discussions:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but please do so kindly .
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Apr 26, 2020
I've posted my concerns about high dose benzos and won't rehash here other than to say that this is a better option in the sense that this actually can anesthetize someone, which benzos cannot

I only point out my previous concern that if the sn fails, aspiration can occur while under anesthesia (not lucid enough to vomit), and a reactive substance can cause significant pulmonary issues. Rescue position can help, but is not guaranteed.

Many inexperienced users find ketamine dysphoric, but this, high dose opiates, propofol, etomidate, barbs, and a few other things can achieve what you are looking for (with the aforementioned caution).
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Dec 17, 2019
this is a better option in the sense that this actually can anesthetize someone
I find administration a problem considering many wouldn't use IV/IM, and it would effect too quickly. It's not a hospital, there's no one there to help, and the situation can be stressful. This means "snorting" 50-100mg ketamine , which sounds a lot, or drinking 100-150ml . Timing that before SN may be a problem . Intranasal could be done 5 minutes prior, but oral can be a problem.
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Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Take a healthy enough dose and you could easily get yourself run over by a truck or something just by trying to cross the road. Probably not pleasant for anyone though.


Dec 17, 2019
Take a healthy enough dose and you could easily get yourself run over by a truck or something just by trying to cross the road. Probably not pleasant for anyone though.
Why would you try to cross the road when you take SN?

If you haven't read the post but just the title , well , that's not cool .


Dec 17, 2019
*Dose of ketamine.
You can edit your previous post .

Still not sure what you wanted to say regarding anesthetics (ketamine) with SN? Why cross the road when you ctb? How would one walk under anesthesia and considering 'motor impairment' mentioned?.....


Born to lose
May 22, 2020
It's just takes forever to cross the road when you're high on ketamine was all I was saying.

It's like walking through molasses.
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Dec 17, 2019
It's just takes forever to cross the road when you're high on ketamine was all I was saying.
Yeah better not cross roads under high doses of any sedative :) I now understand you were describing a general experience rather than talking about specifics of ctb method, sorry
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Hi dude. I think Ketamine + SN is a good combination. Ketamine is a really powerful analgesic. If it is administered IV in anesthetic doses, it causes loss of consciousness. It can offer a 100% peaceful CTB with SN. It is very difficult to find the IV form. The IV form of ketamine could offer a much clearer time to drink SN. It also works intranasally but when do you drink SN?

If there is a way to sterilize the powder form of Ketamine, it could be administered IV. How do they apply heroin IV? Perhaps ketamine can also be administered IV in this way? Idk.
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Dec 17, 2019
Hi dude. I think Ketamine + SN is a good combination. Ketamine is a really powerful analgesic. If it is administered IV in anesthetic doses, it causes loss of consciousness. It can offer a 100% peaceful CTB with SN. . . . The IV form of ketamine could offer a much clearer time to drink SN.
Yes , but also a problem it affects 30 seconds , how can one inject themselves and take SN? It's possible technically but hard to do under circumstances when clock ticking and about to lose consciousness.

Another problem is that IV lasts for 5-10 minutes , which may not be enough for SN , in medical procedures it's transfusion (continuous IV) , and I think that is not easy for members to implement at home .
The onset of action of ketamine is rapid; an intravenous dose of 2 mg/kg of body weight usually produces surgical anesthesia within 30 seconds after injection, with the anesthetic effect usually lasting five to ten minutes. If a longer effect is desired, additional increments can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly to maintain anesthesia without producing significant cumulative effects.

Also reading about this (not high risk):
The intravenous dose should be administered over a period of 60 seconds. More rapid administration may result in respiratory depression or apnea and enhanced pressor response.

It is very difficult to find the IV form.
I've seen it in medical settings , a glass bottle . I wouldn't know what to with powder , and wouldn't recommend injecting stuff from the internet . So this poses another problem for IV . (as you mentioned sterilizing the powder etc)

It also works intranasally but when do you drink SN?
Ketamine timed to act shortly after SN intake should provide very peaceful ctb ; check timing (for example: IV/IM right after SN intake, nasal 5 minutes before SN intake, oral 20 minutes before SN, etc)

How do they apply heroin IV? Perhaps ketamine can also be administered IV in this way? Idk.
I assume heroin is "cut" (?) , diluted with toxins by dealers , which is dangerous .

You raised important points . I guess unless medical product -- don't IV/IM . Timing should be further discussed as mentioned .
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Yes , but also a problem it affects 30 seconds , how can one inject themselves and take SN? It's possible technically but hard to do under circumstances when clock ticking and about to lose consciousness.

Another problem is that IV lasts for 5-10 minutes , which may not be enough for SN , in medical procedures it's transfusion (continuous IV) , and I think that is not easy for members to implement at home .

It is actually possible with 2 IV access. The medicinal form of ketamine is 500 mg / 10 ml vial. Let's call the infusion sets A and B. A is to adjust the dose required for anesthesia induction. The 10 ml solution ends in about 1 minute with a gravity-fed infusion (Fully open up roller clamp and blue cannula). Let's calculate for a 100 kg person. This means 10 ml serum bag containing 200 mg of ketamine. It will end in 1 minute. This is our induction dose.

B contains the ketamine required for maintenance of anesthesia lasting 20 minutes. It is necessary to calculate it. The dose required for maintenance of anesthesia is 15-45 μg / kg / min. If we calculate for one of 100 kg, that means 4.5 mg in one minute. You can adjust this dose by diluting the ketamine with sterile water. So simply plan, just drink SN and start 2 infusions.
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Apr 26, 2020
The bag idea is an easy and excellent way to maintain an infusion. (I'd still stick with your propofol idea though!)
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Dec 17, 2019
It is actually possible with 2 IV access. The medicinal form of ketamine is 500 mg / 10 ml vial. Let's call the infusion sets A and B. A is to adjust the dose required for anesthesia induction. The 10 ml solution ends in about 1 minute with a gravity-fed infusion (Fully open up roller clamp and blue cannula). Let's calculate for a 100 kg person. This means 10 ml serum bag containing 200 mg of ketamine. It will end in 1 minute. This is our induction dose.

B contains the ketamine required for maintenance of anesthesia lasting 20 minutes. It is necessary to calculate it. The dose required for maintenance of anesthesia is 15-45 μg / kg / min. If we calculate for one of 100 kg, that means 4.5 mg in one minute. You can adjust this dose by diluting the ketamine with sterile water. So simply plan, just drink SN and start 2 infusions.

Good resource, thanks:)

However not easy nor practical for members (explained) -- hence intranasal or oral.


Darker dearie, much darker
Feb 5, 2020
Article about a big dose of Ketamine

Most Ketamine in the black market is from vets, some people said it have a different affects from the katamine who used on people
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Jun 8, 2020
Ketamine that's a drug wasn't expecting to be mentioned here.


Jun 28, 2020
does anyone know if it's possible to take ket orally even if it's the liquid version and not oral pills?
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You deserve more than the world ever offered you.
Mar 16, 2020
I've got prescription k for my suicidal nature and depression. It's been helping a bunch but I think this thread covers it the best to use prior to sn for a smooth painless end.

To others, yes you can take it orally or nasal or iv etc.
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Jan 14, 2020
As someone who has regular doses of IV Ketamine and access to prescription grade oral ketamine (liquid form), there is no way you could orally dose enough ket without feeling horrendously sick and possible vomiting. I've taken large doses of it before and the nausea can me unbelievable. IV Ketamine will just make you disassociate but keep in mind, this is not a long lasting drug and the effects will wear of within an hour, regardless of dose. The body is very good as processing it quickly.

I guess if you were to take SN first followed by Ketamine that might work, but my biggest concern would be the nausea and the hallucinogenic feeling it gives you which could in fact, be terrifying.

Hard pass from me .
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You deserve more than the world ever offered you.
Mar 16, 2020
As someone who has regular doses of IV Ketamine and access to prescription grade oral ketamine (liquid form), there is no way you could orally dose enough ket without feeling horrendously sick and possible vomiting. I've taken largest doses of it before and the nausea can me unbelievable. IV Ketamine will just make you disassociate but keep in mind, this is not a long lasting drug and the effects will wear of within an hour, regardless of dose. The body is very good as processing it quickly.

I guess if you were to take SN first followed by Ketamine that might work, but my biggest concern would be the nausea and the hallucinogenic feeling it gives you which could in fact, be terrifying.

Hard pass from me .
Seriously solid points.
My oral troches to dissolve sublingually would seriously have me vomiting in my mouth and swallowing it back up at least 3 times in the fifteen minutes it takes to dissolve the troche. Let alone, imagining drinking or eating anything directly before or during dose would mean immediately throwing up, and thus near immediately sober feels.

I now have a nasal spray which creates a painful and sore drip feel in my throat and nose, but the nausea is almost entirely gone. This leaves me feeling more hopeful. If your K is bugging you, you might wanna swap if it helps and it's beneficial. Totally understand if Nasal makes you sick too, as many others have said it bugs them.
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Jan 14, 2020
We don't have access to the nasal spray in the UK and honestly, I only was given an oral liquid take at home because of Covid and the hospitals being closed for this particular treatment. The oral liquid is absolute foul tasting. Thankfully I'm able to have IV's again now but my doctor always wants me to take oral doses each week (not looking forward to that).

Maybe OP might be more inclined to take the Ketamine for its antidepressant qualities and it may even lessen the desire to CTB? Ketamine has way better properties than just being an old fashioned sedative.
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You deserve more than the world ever offered you.
Mar 16, 2020
I'm sorry to hear about the limitations of medical access for you in that capacity. It's great to hear you'll get the IVs again.

Ketamine has incredible results in helping with depression and suicidal thoughts. Using ketamine only for its old fashioned properties of a sedative, really doesn't do the medication justice. I agree and whole heartedly hope that op will try k without an attempt to ctb for the anti depressant qualities alone. Good call.
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Oct 20, 2019
I get ketamine nasal spray it is prescribed and i get it through a compounding pharmacy. first my psychiatrist prescribed it in oral form called troches and once I took a troche and combined it with sterile saline and took it IM which risked infection and if my doctor know would never prescribe it again i imagine but I was taking it to try and help be less suicidal and it worked for that and i was suicidal enoigh i felt ok risking infection if that makes sense. when I have strong suicidal urges now I wonder about injecting the nasal spray I get since it would be a lot easier and less likely to risk infection. I could easily take a very large dose and I really enjoy the k-hole effect at larger recreational doses when I have had that. I guess i wonder how long it would take to ctb and how large a dose I would need to use to be succesful. it is weird since if i practiced and took just 100mg i would go to the k-hole and then also probably have no interest in suicide for a week or two. the nasal spray i can only measure dose by the metered sprayer. so I dont even know how I would measure it for injection. i wouldn't want to spray it in another container because of risking adding in impurities and stuff.

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