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Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
I'm thinking Potassium chloride to stop the heart and benzos or other similar to possibly make it easy on yourself. Perhaps with Intravenous administration for increased reliability. Would it work?
Also what about oral administration? I know it will require a lot of pills, maybe crash and diluted in water and ofcourse take anti-emetics or follow an anti-emetic regime to avoid vomiting.
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F’ing A
Apr 19, 2019
Don't do that. That would eat through your stomach or intestines.


Mar 16, 2019
Interesting. KCl is used orally to treat low blood potassium and the intravenous form is on the WHO list of essential medicines. Also used in some states in the US to cause cardiac arrest as the third drug in the "three drug cocktail" for execution by lethal injection. And that's just the first couple of paragraphs on Wikipedia.

Do you know what concentration/quantity is required to induce cardiac arrest?

I notice that the other 2 drugs used are a barbiturate and a paralytic. Barbiturates prevent the unconscious brain from accessing motor functions, unlike benzos. I guess the paralytic is used to prevent convulsions, but I reckon that's more for the people viewing the execution.

There's no mention of this on Wikibooks suicide methods, but it has piqued my curiosity. Getting the timing right may be a bit tricky. Intravenous may be too slow, hence the use of injection for executions, and I would expect medical concentrations to be too low to be practical.

Worth further investigation I would say.


Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
Interesting. KCl is used orally to treat low blood potassium and the intravenous form is on the WHO list of essential medicines. Also used in some states in the US to cause cardiac arrest as the third drug in the "three drug cocktail" for execution by lethal injection. And that's just the first couple of paragraphs on Wikipedia.

Do you know what concentration/quantity is required to induce cardiac arrest?

I notice that the other 2 drugs used are a barbiturate and a paralytic. Barbiturates prevent the unconscious brain from accessing motor functions, unlike benzos. I guess the paralytic is used to prevent convulsions, but I reckon that's more for the people viewing the execution.

There's no mention of this on Wikibooks suicide methods, but it has piqued my curiosity. Getting the timing right may be a bit tricky. Intravenous may be too slow, hence the use of injection for executions, and I would expect medical concentrations to be too low to be practical.

Worth further investigation I would say.
Just to make it clear, I don't have any medical expertise.

Lethal dose according to wiki ...
The LD50 of orally ingested potassium chloride is approximately 2.5 g/kg, or 190 grams (6.7 oz) for a body mass of 75 kilograms (165 lb)
Intravenously, the LD50 of potassium chloride is far smaller, at about 57.2 mg/kg to 66.7 mg/kg; this is found by dividing the lethal concentration of positive potassium ions (about 30 to 35 mg/kg)[13] by the proportion by mass of potassium ions in potassium chloride (about .52445 mg K+/mg KCl)[14]. In such quantities, it has severe consequences on the cardiac muscles, potentially causing cardiac arrest and rapid death. For this reason, it is used as the third and final drug delivered in the lethal injection process.

And another wiki link regarding lethal injection protocol ...
In most states, the intravenous injection is a series of drugs given in a set sequence, designed to first induce unconsciousness followed by death through paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or by cardiac arrest through depolarization of cardiac muscle cells. The execution of the condemned in most states involves three separate injections (in sequential order):
  1. Sodium thiopental or pentobarbital:[25] ultrashort-action barbiturate, an anesthetic agent used at a high dose that renders the person unconscious in less than 30 seconds. Depression of respiratory activity is one of the characteristic actions of this drug.[26] Consequently, the lethal-injection doses, as described in the Sodium Thiopental section below, will—even in the absence of the following two drugs—cause death due to lack of breathing, as happens with overdoses of opioids.
  2. Pancuronium bromide: nondepolarizing muscle relaxant, which causes complete, fast, and sustained paralysis of the skeletal striated muscles, including the diaphragm and the rest of the respiratory muscles; this would eventually cause death by asphyxiation.
  3. Potassium chloride: a potassium salt, which increases the blood and cardiac concentration of potassium to stop the heart via an abnormal heartbeat and thus cause death by cardiac arrest.
It's also mentioned that every drug used is of lethal ammount by themselves. It seems to me that they are using a lot more drugs than necessary to assure death and to make it as peaceful as possible( I think). If you read following from the same wiki page ...
Barbiturates are the same class of drug used in medically assisted suicide. In euthanasia protocols, the typical dose of thiopental is 1.5 grams; the Dutch Euthanasia protocol indicates 1-1.5 grams or 2 grams in case of high barbiturate tolerance.[39] The dose used for capital punishment is therefore about 3 times more than the dose used in euthanasia.

Generally the following is how it works ....
Typically, three drugs are used in lethal injection. Sodium thiopental is used to induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) to cause muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, and potassium chloride to stop the heart.[35]
If you prefer a breakdown ..

Long story short Potassium chloride is the drug that makes you ctb. Barbiturates are there for pain management & SI through unconsciousness (if you aren't conscious that means you don't feel as you should I suppose) Muscle relaxant to deal with convulsions and maybe

My idea is to take lethal dose of Potassium chloride/KCI and take benzos (anti-emetic regime should be followed if taking KCI or benzo's orally).
Benzo's because Barbiturates are really hard to get and those that are available are perhaps a bit too pricey and then there is the issue of fear of getting caught at customs which is a issue of its own.
While benzo's aren't as strong as Barbiturates, if we take a really strong benzo like Midazolam and take lots of it.
According to this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6618119 Midazolam is more potent than Diazapam

The reason I'm skipping Pancuronium Bromide or similar is because its a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant (a paralytic agent) which is probably close to impossible to acquire for someone who's not a medical professional.
However if taking another muscle relaxant helps and doesn't conflict with the benzo+ Potassium chloride, then sure but I'll need help with this to figure out what works.

Finally take the Potassium chloride in its lethal amount, either via oral ingestion or Intravenous or intramuscular or injection. According to this https://www.hindawi.com/journals/criem/2012/323818/ , injection should work just fine.
According to this and few other sources, Potassium chloride when injected in lethal amount would "burn like hell" and that is why we're using benzo's first to create a deep sleepy and/or possibly unconscious state.
Ideally for this method injection would be the best way to go and Yes I know its highly likely it will be painful but not for long. If done right, death should occur in about 10 minutes? If taken orally, it would take longer, hours or more. see here for oral ingestion ctb report.
We'll be feeling some pain and discomfort because bezno's doesn't create unconsciousness immediately or even close, even at high dosage it takes more than a couple of minutes, specially if taken orally. Also acquiring benzo like Midazolam or Diazepam ampules might turn out to be rather troublesome (not sure).
I think, perhaps wait a couple of minutes (2/3min) after taking benzo's and proceed with taking Potassium chloride oral or injection.
Probably inject it faster so you can try and hold on for a few minutes until benzo's kickin?

Couple of interesting reads:
https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/16723368#16723368 (read the quote, not the post itself.)

Before we continue I would like to clarify that I'm trying to achieve "cardiac arrest", preferably not "heart attack".
The difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest:
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Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
If my proposed modified version doesn't seem reliable because of lack of information or evidence or perhaps if it turns out to be a bit too painful how about something similar. By similar I mean as try to work with the heart or cardiac, here we try to use a modified version of DDMP without the morphine (which is the hard to acquire drug for most) and add-in some other drugs.

According to DDMP wiki:
  • Diazepam 1G
  • Digoxin 50mg
  • Morphine 15G
  • Propranolol 2G
As with all cocktails, it should be used with an antiemetic regimen.

My idea is to remove Morphine altogether unless someone can suggest an easy-to-acquire alternative. Replace Diazepam with Midazolam simply because it is my understanding that Midazolam is more potent. Add increase the amount of Midazolam to 1.5g+ to 2g or higher (simply because more is better?) and again if anyone knows of a reason why Midazolam be used or increased amount I'm suggesting, please do share.
Now add-in
  • Digoxin 50mg (should be increased I think)
  • Propranolol 2G (same)
Not sure but perhaps the Propranolol & Digoxin dosage can be increased a little bit in proper proportion too to increase success chance maybe. Why? If you research Propranolol OD, there are reports of people surviving at a higher dose, even at dosage of 5g+ or even 10g, not sure how that happens how well, some people survives. And while I do think that those who survive higher dosage of Propranolol , there is more to the story than just the higher dose but for all I know is that it didn't work and I don't have the medical expertise required to even remotely understand why or what exactly happened there.
Which is why I'm going with the cave man way ... more = better (unless someone suggests otherwise). However I'm still unsure what the increased dosage of Propranolol & Digoxin would be.

Also in ppeh, in terms of anti-emetics ... a stat dose of 20mg Meto and 2mg Haloperidol is suggested to be ingested 1hour prior to the actual DDMP/4-drug protocol mixture ingestion.

See here, the OP of the post shares their own thoughts and research regarding DDMP (original non-modified version).

Another couple of good reads:

However, in this post an user suggested the following:
Dunno if this will work..LD50 of propranolol is 660 mg per kilo, so pretty large. And the DDMP cocktail works mostly because of morphine and only on those with no tolerance.

I tried to look for evidence that proves the suggested claim. I was unable to find any such evidence, even anecdotal ones. I tried looking more into how the 4 drug lethal protocol works and nothing.
Looked into the LD50 of propol and came up with the following:
Unfortunately no human LD50 data.

/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ Limited information is available on the acute toxicity of propranolol. In adults who intentionally ingested the drug, estimates of the ingested doses have ranged from 0.8-6 g. The principal manifestations of overdosage were bradycardia and severe hypotension (which may result in peripheral cyanosis); loss of consciousness and seizures have also occurred. Cardiac failure and bronchospasm may also occur. In most cases of acute propranolol overdosage, the patient recovered; however, in a few cases, toxicity was severe enough to result in death.
I personally feel like this specific one be taken as rather incomplete because it doesn't state the actual numbers or any specifics as to what amount of drug was taken, their age and/or physical condition and/or other relevant facts which may play a role in this, if they took any other drugs, how long before they were found, in what state etc and more.

individual variations which may be due to an
underlying cardiac disease, to the ingestion
of other cardiotoxic drugs and to variations
in first-pass metabolism.

The toxic dose is about 1 g. In 104 cases
reported in literature the mean toxic (but
non lethal) dose was 1.75 g (Gross 1991)
although survival has been reported after
ingestion of 5 to 8 g (Lagerfeldt & Matell,
1982; Tynan et al., 1981). Khan & Miller
(1985) reported survival of a 28-year-old man
following ingestion of 3 g.

The minimal lethal dose reported was 1.6 g in
a 57-year-old man (Auzepy et al., 1983). The
mean lethal dose in 17 cases reported in the
literature was 5.85 g although there is wide
interindividual variation (Gross,

Suicidal intoxication from massive propranolol ingestion is rare. Surprisingly, no reported cases have involved physicians. The author herein reports a case of self-poisoning death due to ingestion of propranolol by a young male physician. A 31-year-old man with major depressive disorder was found dead in his dormitory room. Fifteen empty packages, each having contained ten 40-mg propranolol tablets, were found without any tablets leftover in his room. A suicide note was also found in his room. He was thus alleged to have ingested 6 g of propranolol for self-poisoning. Autopsy findings revealed approximately 150 mL of pink fluid with some partially dissolved pink tablets in the stomach. No anatomic cause of death was found, except for mild dilatation of cerebral ventricles. Toxicologic analysis revealed propranolol in his blood and gastric contents. The cause of death was attributed to acute cardiac arrest due to severe acute propranolol intoxication from self-poisoning caused by major depressive disorder possibly secondary to organic brain syndrome.
The person took 15 strips of 10 40mg tablets, which is 6g and they managed to ctb.

Also found a number of case reports where the person managed to CTB with Propranolol OD but non of them mentions important details such as how much they took, how long it took from ingestion to time of ctb.

This thread discusses the Propranolol OD.
In the thread here, an user suggests the following:
For a life-threatening drop in blood pressure: Propranolol+Verapamil or maybe Viagra+Nitroglycerin.
Later on a different post made by another user sort of verifies the previous suggestion of "Propranolol+Verapamil" being a potent combination.

From what I've read so far, personally I think if going with the Propranolol as the drug of choice, then going for rather high dose of 8g+ Would be optimal(could be over the top, yes but might just result in a success and provided there has been reports of failiure at 6g doase, I chose 8g). And yes probably an increased dose of anti-emetic to along with it..

Finally, much later the same day at 1530, the patient arrested again and could not be resuscitated. She expired nearly two full days after her ingestion.
Please read the report above. From what I understand, the reason it took 2 days is quite likely because obviously she wasn't alone but more importantly because the SR or Slow release drug. Oh and how many Propranolol did she take? I couldn't find it or maybe I'm just tired.

A 15-year-old girl presented in cardiogenic shock after alcohol consumption and a propranolol and verapamil overdose; plasma concentrations: propranolol, 0.53 m/mL; verapamil, 1.06 mg/mL. She was successfully resuscitated with extracorporeal life support.
How much(in mg or number of pills) is " propranolol, 0.53 m/mL; verapamil, 1.06 mg/mL " ?

Wondering if I were to choose a combination of Propranolol+Verapamil, what would be considered an ideal amount with a possiblity of high success rate with this drug combo?

On a different note: the wiki page suggests that bioavailability of Propranolol is 26% , does it means 74% of the ingested amount doesn't exactly come in play? Asking specifically about Propranolol bioavailability.

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