

Aug 12, 2018
The location I will jump is Beachy Head UK. As a massive 500ft drop from the highest point, it is an extemely likely death, but even from this height I am fearful of hitting the ground and not dieing instantly or even losing consciousness and having to wait for death in agony. I'm trying to come up with some ideas, which may seem like overkill (pun intended) to ensure a quick and painless death even after jumping from that height, such as taping up my nose and mouth and tieing my hands behind my back before jumping, so that if the fall doesn't kill me instantly aspyhixa soon will...All ideas welcome/anyone considering Beachy Head as their location...
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Jun 15, 2018
The location I will jump is Beachy Head UK. As a massive 500ft drop from the highest point, it is an extemely likely death, but even from this height I am fearful of hitting the ground and not dieing instantly or even losing consciousness and having to wait for death in agony. I'm trying to come up with some ideas, which may seem like overkill (pun intended) to ensure a quick and painless death even after jumping from that height, such as taping up my nose and mouth and tieing my hands behind my back before jumping, so that if the fall doesn't kill me instantly aspyhixa soon will...All ideas welcome/anyone considering Beachy Head as their location...
No from that height it's instant lights out the body will hit terminal velocity on the way down and it will be a quick fall your head will smash to smithereens and your body will crumple - it's a way I'd like to go if I wasn't so fuckin afraid of heights my body pushes me back away from the edge
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Aug 12, 2018
It fucking sucks and is very scary but for me it is all about the most certainty, and I'll never be able to get a shotgun in UK and even the most well planned hanging does not seem certain enough.


Jun 13, 2018
You won't feel any pain with a jump from that height. Your brain is where pain is manifested and it will be mush. The nerves won't even have time to send the signal saying "hey this hurts" before everything is turned off. Remember the last time you hurt yourself and it took a couple seconds to register how bad? And...lets say you somehow were the victim of a very cruel miracle where you didn't mulch your brain and die'd still be dead in a matter of seconds due to blood loss, would be unconscious from the shock/impact, and not sitting around thinking about how bad it hurts.
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Aug 12, 2018
Would I need to land on my head to 'mulch' my brain? The idea of having to try to nose dive from that (or any) height is not pleasant. I'd probably convince myself I'd have to jump try that way for extra insurance. Say I landed feet first from that height, how do you think that would go?

I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
do you need to fall on a certain part of your body to ensure death from that height? for example, the head or the front of the ribcage.


Jun 13, 2018
do you need to fall on a certain part of your body to ensure death from that height? for example, the head or the front of the ribcage.

Not from 500 feet landing on rocks. You are going to be smashed. You can always find one example of some extreme case of survival if you want to...people have fallen from airplanes without parachutes and survived, but they were seriously fucked up. Jumping from a 500ft building onto pavement...a cliff onto rocks. You are gonna die 99.9% of the time.
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Jun 13, 2018
It really enrages me that so many people are so desperate they have to worry about such things at all. Which method has a higher chance of working etc....its all so fucked up. Lots of people could avoid the issue entirely with support....and the ones who cannot deserve a peaceful way to stop suffering. Needing to resort to such violence pisses me off.
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Aug 11, 2018
Falling will only cause blunt trauma, it is hard to control which angle and which body part will hit first, it's not an ideal method because you are leaving a lot of things for chance. If you're still determined, maybe falling while your back is in the direction of the fall, like you will fall while facing the sky. I would recommend other humane and more controlled methods.


Jun 13, 2018
Falling will only cause blunt trauma, it is hard to control which angle and which body part will hit first, it's not an ideal method because you are leaving a lot of things for chance. If you're still determined, maybe falling while your back is in the direction of the fall, like you will fall while facing the sky. I would recommend other humane and more controlled methods.

Blunt trauma from that height onto those surfaces will smash vital organs, puncture them with broken bones, tear blood vessels open with shearing forces etc. People die all the time from blunt trauma.
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Jun 13, 2018
The only time it's a concern is from low heights where not enough speed is built up....and the "landing" surface is energy absorbing at landing on a car roof that can crumple. You hit pavement or jagged rocks from 500 feet you are dead no matter what hits first.
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Aug 11, 2018
Blunt trauma from that height onto those surfaces will smash vital organs, puncture them with broken bones, tear blood vessels open with shearing forces etc. People die all the time from blunt trauma.
I did not say that it's not gonna be fatal, but does it worth the suffering and the pain? Imagine lying there bathed in your blood and with each burning heartbeat it feels like an iron rod shoved in it which might be a rib, you might be in that states for seconds? minutes? or hours.


Jun 13, 2018
I did not say that it's not gonna be fatal, but does it worth the suffering and the pain? Imagine lying there bathed in your blood and with each burning heartbeat it feels like an iron rod shoved in it which might be a rib, you might be in that states for seconds? minutes? or hours.

That won't happen in 99.9% of cases. You won't be laying there suffering. The impact will knock you will bleed out in seconds. You are taking the absolutely worst case, tiny percentage chance thing and focusing on it. You can do what with any method. It's not rational and generates fear.
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Aug 11, 2018
That won't happen in 99.9% of cases. You won't be laying there suffering. The impact will knock you will bleed out in seconds. You are taking the absolutely worst case, tiny percentage chance thing and focusing on it. You can do what with any method. It's not rational and generates fear.
I understand your perspective, but still you're leaving a lot of chance to fate which might not treat you nicely as it always been or else you won't be here. The margin of error is pretty high and suffering can be eminent. 99.9%? I cannot recall ghosts who had to be surveyed about their suffering once they committed the act. I would advice him with a tent and an charcoal grill, it's not irritating and call kill you in minutes, no pain, no suffocation.


Aug 12, 2018
Lol Breathing in charcoal fumes is no way more certain to ensure death than a 500ft fall.
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Jun 13, 2018
No I am not leaving "a lot" of chance. It's a miniscule chance. Smaller than most method's chances of failure...smaller than Charcoal which you suggest...smaller than Nembutal.

This sort of fear mongering helps nobody and makes everything more stressful. Every method has it's "possible" failure modes and all can be terrifying. I don't think you are being reasonable by inflating this one.
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Jun 13, 2018

lol, it's called carbon monoxide poisoning, google it.

You need to back down. You are wrong here. CO poisoning has a high failure rate and can leave you a vegetable. Don't make this about your ego. We have enough trouble getting people to understand the realities of methods and lots of people harm themselves because they got bad info.
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Aug 11, 2018
No I am not leaving "a lot" of chance. It's a miniscule chance. Smaller than most method's chances of failure...smaller than Charcoal which you suggest...smaller than Nembutal.

This sort of fear mongering helps nobody and makes everything more stressful. Every method has it's "possible" failure modes and all can be terrifying. I don't think you are being reasonable by inflating this one.
Nembutal is the worse, I read so many stories where it went wrong. Personally I prefer less of sudden death methods because it can really screw with you on the other side. Will jumping off a cliff would be your best method? Like will you surely use it for your exit?


Jun 13, 2018
I am likely using Nembutal because I am confident I can use it in proper conditions and I am not good at overcoming the fear of violent methods. If I lose that option then jumping is always on the back burner since it's highly effective and accessible in most places.


Aug 11, 2018
I am likely using Nembutal because I am confident I can use it in proper conditions and I am not good at overcoming the fear of violent methods. If I lose that option then jumping is always on the back burner since it's highly effective and accessible in most places.
Probably you have to get an anti vomit medication with it. I am thinking of carbon monoxide or lidocaine and a knife. I feel what sucks about corbon monoxide is that you have to be in an enclosed space, I prefer somewhere open and airy not jumping though. Do you know when are you gonna do it?


Jun 13, 2018
Probably you have to get an anti vomit medication with it. I am thinking of carbon monoxide or lidocaine and a knife. I feel what sucks about corbon monoxide is that you have to be in an enclosed space, I prefer somewhere open and airy not jumping though. Do you know when are you gonna do it?

No I don't know when. My advice is just to read the Peaceful Pill Handbook as a lot of research has gone into it. You can find it in the Resources section.


Aug 12, 2018
Beachy head highest point is 530 feet but that not the biggest drop? I see the picture and is has slope. I think the straight drop is more like 350-400 feet no?

Edit actually look more like 400-450 feet

That is a very good point. I wouldn't want to land on the slope...Im trying to figure out the exact best spot to jump, obviously looking online, have a couple of books about the place on the way, have a walkers map...


Aug 11, 2018
No I don't know when. My advice is just to read the Peaceful Pill Handbook as a lot of research has gone into it. You can find it in the Resources section.
I did read it, I couldn't agree more, thanks though, that's where you had the Nembutal idea I assumed. The book make it sound way more peaceful than it is. Besides that it is hard to obtain, I would highly recommend that you do a lot of reading online about people who have attempted it, it's not as easy as the book make it look. Wish you luck.


Jun 13, 2018
I did read it, I couldn't agree more, thanks though, that's where you had the Nembutal idea I assumed. The book make it sound way more peaceful than it is. Besides that it is hard to obtain, I would highly recommend that you do a lot of reading online about people who have attempted it, it's not as easy as the book make it look. Wish you luck.

I have been reading about this for over 10 years. It is peaceful. Failures are because people are discovered before they body totally shuts down. It's the medicine they use to put cats and dogs to sleep. It's the medicine they use for ethanasia in humans in places that allow it. It's not as hard to get as people drum on about. It's been used by thousands of people to CTB over many, many years.
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Jun 28, 2018
That is a very good point. I wouldn't want to land on the slope...Im trying to figure out the exact best spot to jump, obviously looking online, have a couple of books about the place on the way, have a walkers map...
But don't use a parachute