

All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Anyone familiar with Watchtower teology knows that they are waiting for the "end of the system". They have been saying we are nearing the " final days" and that armageddon is near ever since their origins in the 1870´s.
They believe that the UN will forbid all religions and proclaim "worldwide peace" but will then turn it´s attentions to them and start to persecute them, alas triggering God´s Wrath and Armageddon. During Armageddon Satan will be captured and bound for 1000 years.
They will then live in the earth during these1000 years and "become perfect" before Satan is released and once more will tempt humankind. The ones that keep faithful will be spared and live forever in a paradisiacal earth under the ruling of Jesus Christ.

What do you make of all this? Do you think things will play out like they predict or do you believe that it´s a just another religious load of crap?



Dec 28, 2019
I, for one, hope they are right. I hope god descends down from heaven to punish us all for our sins, and in so doing lay to rest, once and for all, that burning question that we have driven ourselves mad trying to answer: Is there a god?

But, my gut tells me they're not. Pity.
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Dec 28, 2019
I don't believe corona has any religious connections.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
We are in the middle of the Holocene Extinction, the sixth great extinction period this world has witnessed.
This decline is caused largely by us. The intelligence that raised us will also be our downfall. It's an intrinsic failsafe.
Our massive success and population explosion was always going to result in a Malthusian crisis at some point within the next few generations.
The virus is part of that. So will be what comes after.
Any species that learns to manipulate it's environment starts a ticking time bomb on the path to extinction.
This is the Toolmaker Paradox.
There's ways out of it but they are very unlikely.
I wouldn't worry about it though, it's not the end of the world.

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Darker dearie, much darker
Feb 5, 2020
Everytime I hear someone talk on the end of the world, I really get peaceful, I'm still waiting from 2012
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the box is empty

the box is empty

Sometimes the fall kills you. Sometimes you fly.
Mar 8, 2020
Everytime I hear someone talk on the end of the world, I really get peaceful, I'm still waiting from 2012

Maybe whoever deciphered the Mayan calendar was dyslexic and meant 2021.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Everytime I hear someone talk on the end of the world, I really get peaceful, I'm still waiting from 2012
I'm still waiting from 2000. I was drunk by 8am just in case.
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Dec 28, 2019
2000 New Year's Eve

I was out celebrating with my boyfriend, god bless his soul, a nice Irish guy - old school, sex after marriage type. It was freezing cold, we could not feel our toes and we were drinking champagne to get warm.

Oh.... Nostalgia hits med like a bullet, straight through the head.
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Aug 28, 2018
Just more crazy nonsense.
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Dec 20, 2019
Hahh I don't believe it, nor will I put my hopes into it. I'm still waiting from back in 2012 lol

Plus I would rather die myself than have everyone around me experience our last days together. I wish for those around me to live a peaceful and loving life

Not to mention, this whole COVID-19 thing is doing the world a huge HUGE favor. People are social distancing, etc. Most of us are staying in our homes, being pro-active and aware. This means that people aren't going out a lot. This limits pollution. In earth's case, this is a blessing in disguise. They're also coming up with ideas on how people can stear clear of this whole thing (put clothes in direct sunlight, santize, etc). They say heat kills it.

I'm also going to add that there's more recoveries than deaths. In one novel (I'm sorry that I don't recall the exact name :( ), it predicts a "pneumonia like-illness" to start, and then suddenly vanish. It's said to appear in another ten years and then vanish for good.

Either way, there's way too many sources and opinions around this pandemic from panic. We're going to beat this pandemic, and we'll all see another day. That's my belief.
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Jun 30, 2019
How many times thus far have they proclaimed that these days are the last few ones? I would guess 100s. Not that it matters, cognitive dissonance will shove this aside as ''we prayed the doom away'' or ''not this then this thing will mean the end''.
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In Vino Veritas
Feb 11, 2020
I'm still waiting from 2000. I was drunk by 8am just in case.
I worked the night shift in a prison on the millennium, got paid handsomely for it, the joke was on them as the real millennium was 2001
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Jan 5, 2019
Most religious leaders are nut head con artists who seek to maximise the profit of their chosen sect.

It's easy to absolve yourself of accountability if "The Lord ordained IT"
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