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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I've read a few times of this site being referred to as a "death cult" which doesn't make any sense as it doesn't insist that people must die or force them to, rather it just supports the idea of the right to decide for ourselves. Anything that is anti-suicide is just wrong as we all have a right to cease existing on our own terms, our personal decisions aren't other people's business and aren't theirs to make.

The only cult is this pro-life society, it's the cult of prolonging suffering where if one wishes to die peacefully on their own terms without struggle it's not allowed.
Anti-suicide people who label those who wish to prevent all future unnecessary suffering as being "ill" really disgust me, it's disgusting how there's so much anti-suicide brainwashing in this society.

The proof that this pro-life society is so cult like lies in how suicidal people are locked in psych wards with the focus being on so cruelly stopping suicide plans and trying to restrict reliable suicide method options so people are imprisoned in this existence that they were so harmfully imposed with in the first place.

Anything which supports the right to cease existing is compassionate, I despise this hellish prison like anti-suicide society where not wanting to suffer isn't seen as a valid way to feel.
To me existence will always be the true problem and it only feels rational wishing to be free from the cruelty and futility of being enslaved in this harmful reality. Pro-life people just cause more suffering with their disgusting delusions that they push onto other people.
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Reactions: haibane, Specific_Milk, remcycler and 13 others


On overtime in life
Oct 19, 2023
They don't even know what is a cult. There are real death cult out there, and its a completely different thing.
This a place where people can talk and discuss without pro-life bullshit, and this bothers them.
If life was so good, there were no need to try censuring places like this.
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Feb 28, 2023
Anyone who calls this site a death cult is either ridiculously misinformed or acting in bad faith, no one describes it that way unless they hate the site for whatever reason. But I guess "cult" just means a group of people you don't like at this point.
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Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
This group is not a cult by Hassan's BITE Model
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Sep 30, 2023
Pro - lifers are extremely biased and hysterical and are so out of touch with reality its ridiculous.
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Reactions: LetmeCTB566, Seered Doom, myusername890 and 2 others


I return to the raiding shadows of death.
Sep 9, 2023
pro-life society itself is a cult, and yet people are so keen on calling us a cult. It's laughable.
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Reactions: 0000000000000, LetmeCTB566, WAITING TO DIE and 3 others


Feb 22, 2023
Right to die is a fundamental right
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
Purely from a selfish point of view, people like me know that our disease will kill us. Ive seen diseases such as cancer and AIDS, etc kill young people. My Mother died amongst her own filth. I think i have developed some form of PTS Syndrome over this because the thought of dying like my Mother and others did, terrifies me. I need to control my cessation and when the time comes, I will cease. I dont want to die in pain, withering away and mentally confused.with pipes and tubes stuck into me. I want a peaceful cessation to life, surrounded by peace and nature and no relatives crying politely. Our care and health service is absolutely crisis point and even now, I find it difficult to get any support or real pain relief from the service. If im to die, I cannot see why the choice to non -exist should be a problem. Surely its the compassionate way, the less protracted and less painful way to cease. And yet humanity obsessing over religion and ethics would rather have me die in agony and filth, instead of ceasing on my terms, suddenly and without pain.
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Sleep Connoisseur
Dec 19, 2023
Wanted to bump this, I agree with pretty much everything here. I think it's more than important to have spaces like these <3
Many people just won't understand how these spaces benefits others


Sep 9, 2023
It doesn't make sense. Compared to most people here, I am probably more sympathetic to those that are against this site, but when I hear "cult" I just know they're trying to make it look worse than it is.