
Mar 22, 2020
Hello my dear SS fellows, how are you? I hope you're doing great.

As for me, well, I haven't been having good days lately but they were not so bad either.

After thinking over and over again, I've decided that I won't visit SS anymore. Why? Well, basically, I want to remove from my mind and life anything that is related to suicide, mental illnesses, depression and so on. You are not a negative influence on me at all. I'm just trying all the options to see what the hell could work and make me keep on living in this world.

During my time here, I've done my best to help you and I gotta admit you've helped me lots. You were my friends when no one else was. You were always there for me and I've made great friends too.

I haven't told anyone I'm leaving SS but I've been thinking about this for some weeks. If you were talking to me, I'm really sorry for not letting you know that my time on SS is over.

There are millions of things I want to write but to sum up, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such wonderful invididuals. I hope life gets better for all of you somehow and if not, at least I wish you lots of love and eternal peace. We don't deserve to suffer. We were just born in a world in which we never asked to be born. Life is nonsense and I hate not understanding the meaning and origin of everything but still, I will give life one more shot. I just can't leave my dad and dog alone. You can't imagine how lovely they are.

Having said this, it's been a pleasure talking to all of you. I might be back someday so, I won't disable my account, just in case but you won't be seeing me posting around anymore.

I'm glad to have been part of the best community out there. I'm so happy there's a place in which we can talk about suicide without being censored and judged.

I hope we meet again someday,

See you around,

Yours sincerely,

Matt aka WornOutLife
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Feb 9, 2021
Glad to see you doing what you can to feel better. Best of luck to you. You'll be missed.
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Trans Magus

Mar 8, 2021
One of the reasons I joined is because I liked your posts so much. I hope you never have to come here again, but if you do, I hope you find it welcoming. Good luck in life.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Adiós amigo. Cuídate
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Aug 18, 2020
It was always a pleasure to talk to you. I really hope everything works out for you.
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● I do not live ● ● I exist ●
Mar 6, 2021
Thank you for these kind words. I wish you only the best. :hug:
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Good luck, I'll miss you a lot
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
As they say, when one door closes another one opens. I hope you find whatever you're searching for. Have an interesting life - farewell.
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Jan 30, 2021
Even though I haven't been a member for a very long time and I haven't talked to you directly, I've seen many of your messages and they always put a smile on my face. I'm glad to hear you're choosing life and I wish you all the best.

Cuídate mucho y siempre serás bienvenido aquí. :heart:
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Feb 27, 2021
I'm gonna miss you bunches! ;-; When I first joined here and seen only a couple of your posts I knew automatically you were gonna be one of my fav regulars around here.

I'm sad that you're leaving but completely understand that your well being comes first. I hope nothing but the best for you in life. You're a sweet person and deserve a shot at making things better for yourself.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Going to miss your posting. All the best, hope things go well for you. Stay Beautiful
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Dec 8, 2020
Hello my dear SS fellows, how are you? I hope you're doing great.

As for me, well, I haven't been having good days lately but they were not so bad either.

After thinking over and over again, I've decided that I won't visit SS anymore. Why? Well, basically, I want to remove from my mind and life anything that is related to suicide, mental illnesses, depression and so on. You are not a negative influence on me at all. I'm just trying all the options to see what the hell could work and make me keep on living in this world.

During my time here, I've done my best to help you and I gotta admit you've helped me lots. You were my friends when no one else was. You were always there for me and I've made great friends too.

I haven't told anyone I'm leaving SS but I've been thinking about this for some weeks. If you were talking to me, I'm really sorry for not letting you know that my time on SS is over.

There are millions of things I want to write but to sum up, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such wonderful invididuals. I hope life gets better for all of you somehow and if not, at least I wish you lots of love and eternal peace. We don't deserve to suffer. We were just born in a world in which we never asked to be born. Life is nonsense and I hate not understanding the meaning and origin of everything but still, I will give life one more shot. I just can't leave my dad and dog alone. You can't imagine how lovely they are.

Having said this, it's been a pleasure talking to all of you. I might be back someday so, I won't disable my account, just in case but you won't be seeing me posting around anymore.

I'm glad to have been part of the best community out there. I'm so happy there's a place in which we can talk about suicide without being censored and judged.

I hope we meet again someday,

See you around,

Yours sincerely,

Matt aka WornOutLife
I'll miss you Matt. You are one of my favorite members on SS and I hope you can find peace.
Hello my dear SS fellows, how are you? I hope you're doing great.

As for me, well, I haven't been having good days lately but they were not so bad either.

After thinking over and over again, I've decided that I won't visit SS anymore. Why? Well, basically, I want to remove from my mind and life anything that is related to suicide, mental illnesses, depression and so on. You are not a negative influence on me at all. I'm just trying all the options to see what the hell could work and make me keep on living in this world.

During my time here, I've done my best to help you and I gotta admit you've helped me lots. You were my friends when no one else was. You were always there for me and I've made great friends too.

I haven't told anyone I'm leaving SS but I've been thinking about this for some weeks. If you were talking to me, I'm really sorry for not letting you know that my time on SS is over.

There are millions of things I want to write but to sum up, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such wonderful invididuals. I hope life gets better for all of you somehow and if not, at least I wish you lots of love and eternal peace. We don't deserve to suffer. We were just born in a world in which we never asked to be born. Life is nonsense and I hate not understanding the meaning and origin of everything but still, I will give life one more shot. I just can't leave my dad and dog alone. You can't imagine how lovely they are.

Having said this, it's been a pleasure talking to all of you. I might be back someday so, I won't disable my account, just in case but you won't be seeing me posting around anymore.

I'm glad to have been part of the best community out there. I'm so happy there's a place in which we can talk about suicide without being censored and judged.

I hope we meet again someday,

See you around,

Yours sincerely,

Matt aka WornOutLife
I'll miss you Matt. You are one of my favorite members on SS and I hope you can find peace
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Hey Matt, you've been around for awhile and it's good to see you progress in life by giving it another shot, not just for your dad and your dog, but for yourself. Find new avenues in life to keep things interesting. If you ever find yourself in a hole again, you're always welcomed back here. Definitely will miss your supportive posts, but I'm sure someone will take up the mantle in your absence. Be well and take care of yourself man!
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Jul 12, 2020
Thank you Matt. You wrote me a very kind message when I was in deep despair. I'll never forget that!

I mean this in the best possible way but I don't want to see you back here! Please leave, don't ever think of this place again and never come back.

I wish nothing but the best for you in your future.
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Feb 15, 2021
Matt, you are one of the kindest most amazing people I have had the pleasure of talking to. You have helped so many people in here more than you can ever imagine. I am going to miss you so much, but I am proud of you for doing what's best for you. I completley understand your reasoning and just know that you still have all of our love and support here if you ever need us again - and truthfully, I hope you don't. I wish you a happy and amazing future - no one deserves it more than you and thanks again for all you've done for me and everyone.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
The most familiar poster on here by far, this sounds like a good thing to try in your case.

Go easy on the girls (and the champagne), champ. You've got this!

Last edited:
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Take care, Matt, and may life be as kind to you as you have been to everyone here.

The very best wishes to you ❤️
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Mar 18, 2021
I am new as well but I always look forward to reading your post. You seem like a kind and insightful guy. I love the way you composed your prose. Good luck with your life and whatever you decide. You genuinely deserve the good things in Life. Bye
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
Goodbye, Matt.
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Reactions: WornOutLife, iwanttodie000 and not-2-b-the-answer

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Good luck and I wish you the best.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
all the best my friend. hope you slay a few inner demons along the way!
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
You're my favorite here. I wish you the best of luck and will miss you. :heart: I'm happy for you that you don't need this place any more. You deserve the best in life.
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Jan 31, 2021
We've all got to spread our wings and for you it means living for your nearest and dearest. It's clear from the responses that you'll always have a place here no matter what's around the corner :heart:.
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Nov 1, 2019
You're presence will no doubt be missed but it is always a beautiful thing to see members graduate from this place and chase life. Thank you for your kind posts and sharing a bit of yourself with us here. I'm sure that you've brought a lot of members comfort and have been a huge help. Thank you for your support. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and hope that you live a full life. I believe that you are capable and am cheering for you. Please continue to study Japanese and work toward your goal of visiting Japan.


¡Buena suerte! Espero que todo vaya bien.

EDIT: Would it be okay to request a nice hug for your dog friend?
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Weed Addict
Aug 20, 2020
Never got to speak to you I think, or maybe I did. But I hope you have a pleasant rest of journey through life. I wish I could have been born as someone like you who overcame his illness but I'm set on CTB. Your comments were always so full of life, gonna miss ya.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
Good luck, I hope you find meaning to your life, life is short and full of challenges, and can be rewarding for those that push onward.
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Dec 4, 2020
I felt my heart drop when I read the title :ahhha:
You are a kind soul and I wish you all the luck in the world. Be well.
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Dec 11, 2018
I wish you all the luck Matt and may you never feel the need to come back here.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Thank you for everything you did, I hope you find what you're looking for.

I know there's some of those negative topics in it, but perhaps you could switch to the Recovery section later on when you've made some progress to update us all?
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Reactions: WornOutLife, iwanttodie000 and not-2-b-the-answer
fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
i am very jealous of you! me,i may be leaving here one day,but i doubt if i will be walking out the front door--more like carried out the back!
so hug dad and pet the dog, or vice versa.
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Reactions: WornOutLife, iwanttodie000 and not-2-b-the-answer

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