

Jul 29, 2021
Our society runs on hopium for a better future. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Never give up hope!". But why? Why am I not allowed to give up hope? Why is hopelessness a bad thing? Why is hallucinating a light at the end of an dark, endless tunnel viewed as good? Having a distorted reality is apparently a good thing in a dark, cold world, because it keeps your going, it makes your meaningless suffering meaningful. I think it makes it much easier for Sisyphus to roll the boulder up the hill for eternity. It keeps the slaves working repetitive, meaningless jobs until death.

It's like when I was a dumb little kid playing a racing videogame. In it, the world around the racetrack had a pretty convincing "skybox"; a two-dimensional scenery of mountains and forests surrounding, encompassing the three-dimensional world, the racetrack. I somehow managed to overcome a small barrier at the edge of the racetrack and there was just an open field with no further barrier in sight. There was nothing in between me and the convincing skybox, so I thought, why not try to reach the nice scenery of forests and mountains? I thought I could reach it in a given amount of time. Little did I know that the skybox always remained at the same distance relative to me, the player. After maybe a couple of hours driving I realized it was an illusion and I lost the hope to reach it. To have me kept going, I must've been dumber or the illusion must've been more convincing. I hypothesize that there is an illusion for every degree of intelligence. Luckily, our masters can never create an illusion that could trick themselves.

So, we all might not be able to see through the highest illusions of the universe, but some of us certainly see through the illusions created by our masters. An adult that knows a thing or two could have pointed out to me that I am driving towards an illusion, but that would not have been enough to convince me, even if he explained everything to me in detail.

From my perspective as a kid, I would feel motivated to convince the adult that I'm not driving towards an illusion and that he will see. People that see a light at the end of the tunnel would try to convince the people who don't that there is one and "you gotta keep moving!", "if you stop, you'll never reach the end", while the disillusioned person thinks "it doesn't matter what I do, I'll never reach the end, either way".
The problem is that the illusioned people try to pathologize the ones who see through all of the illusions created by man. "Hopelessness" is even listed as a symptom for depressive disorders in the DSM. If you don't believe in a better future, in general, or for yourself, you are apparently mentally ill and most probably a danger to yourself, because hopelessness predicts suicides.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I certainly just see any hope in this reality as a delusion to just prolong meaningless and unnecessary suffering, to me existence as the problem rather than the very valid wish to be eternally free from it. I cannot stand those people who continue to repeat that toxic positivity as it's undeniable we exist in such a hellish and harmful reality where there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented as long as they exist.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I loved your metaphor of the racing game you played. I used to do that kind of thing all the time. Go rogue and go off exploring the scenary- only to find some weird glitch.

Yeah- I think life will be like that for a lot of us- the golden carrot on a stick. Of course- the real trick they play is to allow the tinniest fraction of us to succeed. As in 'The Hunger Games':

President Snow : 'Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous.'

It's why people play the lottery. Try hard at their careers. Go on dating sites- they just hope they will be the lucky one. If literally no one won- it wouldn't work and it's that whole: 'You gotta be in it to win it' attitude.

What's more effective in life though- I've found at least is to work out what you yourself truly want. Not to say that will be achievable either of course but- 'All that glitters isn't gold.' Sometimes, I think we go for things because we become sold on this idea of what we should be doing. What should make us happy and sonetimes- it doesn't.

But yeah, I know what you mean. I think it's the smartest players in chess that resign or that fold in poker because they know they can't win with what they have.
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