

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I really do especially hate it when pro-natalists turn all anti-suicide, it disgusts me how so many of the people who want to force everyone to suffer and restrict painless suicide methods are parents who the life they cruelly forced here decided to ctb.

I just find it so disgusting how they believed they owned those people and wanted to enslave them in this existence until they ceased existing anyway, it's just evil to me how they commit the crime of procreating and believe that others should have to be punished for that crime by suffering for decades in this existence they never consented to.

Procreation is criminal to me as imposing existence is something so extremely harmful, there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this hellish reality. It's so repulsive how despite the fact that none of us ever asked for this, those people want to imprison others in this evil world and deny them a way to cease existing in peace doing all they can to stop people from leaving.

If people are so anti-death then why so selfishly procreate in the first place as those people are ultimately responsible for the person ceasing to exist after all, we all have to die anyway but of course they only want them to die a painful death from old age instead.

Honestly I hate how selfish suicide loss people often are and how it's all about what they want, they show no compassion to the suffering others go through. And I know that this offends pro-natalists but other people's existences aren't yours, just because you were deluded enough to create unnecessary suffering by so tragically forcing life here shouldn't mean that everyone else should have to be trapped in this futile existence for decades on end until they die anyway.
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