Isn't the ultimate suicide method a Doomsday event?

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Roy King

Roy King

Jan 12, 2019
Suicide no matter the method is seen by others as an individual failure. The one who commits suicide for sure will be seen as a sad and pitiful fellow by the successful people.

On top of this despising view on the suicidal there is the cause for suicide, many times the product of Society and Biology that aren't in control by the Suicidal...

Giving the context of impotence surrounding Suicide and the arrogance of those who are immune to it, it's hard not to wish an end that also ends the people's silly opinions afterwords!

If there isn't entitlement to a good life for the suicidal what's the moral legitimacy for others in having it?

Considering all this I ask, isn't the ultimate suicide method a Doomsday event?
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Jan 1, 2019
I like these voting ones. My brain isn't very good with reading longer things though. Can you paraphrase into a short sentence or two?
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Roy King

Roy King

Jan 12, 2019
I like these voting ones. My brain isn't very good with reading longer things though. Can you paraphrase into a short sentence or two?

The best suicide is the one that kills the entire Humanity instead of only you!
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Jan 1, 2019
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Oct 5, 2018
I'll probably come across as a psychopath for this but I do occasionally fantasize about a scenerio where humanity finally embraces inevitable exstinction and having one last global going away end of the world party. Since there would be no one left to mourn the death of another I think it would actually be a win win lol.
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Jan 28, 2019
I'll probably come across as a psychopath for this but I do occasionally fantasize about a scenerio where humanity finally embraces inevitable exstinction and having one last global going away end of the world party. Since there would be no one left to mourn the death of another I think it would actually be a win win lol.
That is the fantasy of efilists (along with the extinction of all other life on earth) The answer to the problem of "How do we stop suffering" is pretty simple, isn't it?
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Global Mod
Nov 20, 2018
But if it was caused by something that is completely out of your control, would it really be suicide at that point?
And if the doomsday event was caused by your own actions, would it really be ultimate?

I personally wouldn't consider a method where millions of innocent lives would be forcibly taken to be the ultimate way.
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Jan 28, 2019
The ultimate suicide would be humanity (filled with hope and eagerness) merging with AI during the singularity and converging into a hivemind only to come to the conclusion that life utterly futile and then shutting down

What a anticlimatic end that would be to the hopes of transhumanists
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Sep 22, 2018
Sounds like something that a dangerously-close-to-midnight doomsday clock would say..... hmm....

Interesting thoughts, though. I don't think a doomsday event would qualify as suicide, however it would be pretty kickass.

I'll probably come across as a psychopath for this but I do occasionally fantasize about a scenerio where humanity finally embraces inevitable exstinction and having one last global going away end of the world party. Since there would be no one left to mourn the death of another I think it would actually be a win win lol.

hell yea
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Roy King

Roy King

Jan 12, 2019
But if it was caused by something that is completely out of your control, would it really be suicide at that point?
And if the doomsday event was caused by your own actions, would it really be ultimate?

I personally wouldn't consider a method where millions of innocent lives would be forcibly taken to be the ultimate way.

Some people think otherwise...

Climate change: Failure to tackle warming 'suicidal'
By Matt McGrathEnvironment correspondent, Katowice

The UN secretary-general has warned negotiators at a major meeting that failing to increase efforts on climate change would be "not only immoral but suicidal" for the planet.

"To waste this opportunity would compromise our last best chance to stop runaway climate change," Mr Guterres said. "It would not only be immoral, it would be suicidal."


I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
It wouldn't be suicidal it would be genocidal since wealth is going to insulate some away from these effects of climate change while most get to experience it fully. This is going to occur more frequently and deliberately and we're seeing it now. At some imaginary end point that consist of absolute species extinction it would probably be viewed as a mistake and thus an accident.

roy king said:
If there isn't entitlement to a good life for the suicidal what's the moral legitimacy for others in having it?

moral legitimacy is loaded

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