
Aug 18, 2020
I sometimes/ often try to be a good person. Though lately I was more or less punished for trying to be good. This happened in many instances recently. For example some weeks ago I offered some kids a seat next to me in public transport. I had my bag on it beforehand. In the end the kids mocked me pretty aggressively. It annoyed me but it was not that bad. But it is a good example. The crush I tried to compliment probably considers me insane and found me ridiculous. I tried to give her a good feeling though in the end I looked like a complete idiot.

I had so many examples in my mind when I ruminated about this thread but I forgot them. Lol. Recently I listen a lot to Lil Peep's last concert. He died due to an overdose after this concert. He numbed himself with the drugs because he could not cope with all the stress during his tour. At the concerts the audience often demanded one more songs or things like that. And he often fulifiled their wishes. At his last concert he said. "I am sick as fuck. But I am performing for you El Paso". The exact quote could be slightly different. So he kind of died because of his management and because he tried to be kind to his fans.

I rememeber one example. My worst bullying event which kind of triggered my first severe episode had something to do with trying to be a good person. I won't open up about the details it is too traumatizing and painful and I am scared to be identified. Though basically my closest friends at this time humiliated me because I made a mistake. I tried to be honest and fix the (moral) damage I did. It was pretty harmless what I did. But the people enjoyed to torture me over that and tried to ruin my reputation. I try not to think about it. However my best friends in many instances became the worst bullies in my life. I am glad I can still trust people as an adult. I think my current best friends gave me this gift. I think without them I would have become a misantrope.

Often life is not as easy as portrayed in movies. The good guys often don't win. Good people are often not rewarded for their actions. Though are they really punished? Personally I think it depends on the context. I think there is a story about a famous German politician. `The guy is called Friedrich Merz he is very rich and might be the next chancellor. He lost a very expensive laptops with a lot of important secrets years ago. There were the phone numbers of for example Angela Merkel on it. A homeless guy found it and gave it back to him. He could have easily sold it for a lot of money. In the end Merz gave him a book of himself as present for the homeless honest man. The book title was kind of a teasing for people who struggle to find a job. It is hard to paraphrase. It was so fucking arrogant and ignorant not to give this poor homeless man a proper compensation for his decency. This politician is a millionair and he gave this man a fucking book for a laptop with political secrets which could have ruined them. Yeah it is pretty fucked up.

Something similar I think a lot about. Usually abused people suffer way worse than the people who abuse them. My personal punishment is on a different dimension of what my mom has to endure for her actions to abuse me. Life is often the opposite of fair and just. Though there a different emphasis in different justice systems. I think in comparison the US justice system has a bigger emphasis to punish the culprits. In Germany and even more in Scandinavia the emphasis is to re-socialize the people. Personally I prefer the the latter approach but not in every instance. Today I read an article about a somewhat famous singer in England who sexually abused little babies on many ocassions. Fans of him even offered their own babies so that he could abuse them. This is so fucking sick. (I think I add the name otherwise people won't believe this story his name is Ian Watkins). So inmates in the prison recently beated the shit out of him. Personally I kind of felt comforted by reading that. Though I think the death sentence would be innapropriate. This would be too good for him. At the same time I think torture would be too much. I think otherwise the government would become a monster themselves. In generally people who torture often become monsters themselves and maybe as GTA V alluded they torture themselves. This is kind of incoherent but I had to think of it when I wrote it because this game was part of me growing up. And the game added some thoughful thoughts on torture.

What do you think?
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Feb 1, 2023
I can't speak for u. I think of myself as an anti hero. Someone who needs to b equally as evil as villains to wipe them out.

This post rly speaks to me since this kind of philosophy is how my morals got skewed to hell
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Oct 5, 2022
I don't know. I think a lot of problems have more to do with knowing how to interact with people than what intentions were. We seldom know the consequences of our actions until long after we've made our choices. It's impossible to calculate every factor of every decision.
I don't think torture is ever appropriate. Torture only serves to feed sadism and doesn't add to any beneficial outcome. If someone is really so bad as they can't be reformed, then it would surely be better to be rid of them than simply delight in their torment. It just doesn't help anybody to make others suffer.
People seem to have less of a sense of care for one another than they might have had before. I don't know what the answer is. If there's any objective worth pursuing, then it surely must be to try to be the best person one can be. In the end, I think we do what is right because it is right. Looking for a reward or something else is a losing game. Good things happen to bad people. Bad things happen to bad people. Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to good people. Good people do bad things and bad people do good things. It's nothing new to know that the world is beyond our comprehension.
If we live, then we must try to live the best life we can. If we choose to die, then there is nothing left to ponder.
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May 9, 2023
The Bible is full of these things happening and what it means when they happen. I believe if you're being punished for doing good things you're on the right track, friend. Better to be punished for doing good than for doing evil, and as for the story with the politician and the homeless man, better to be homeless and honorable than rich and deceitful.
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