EDIT, IMPORTANT: just realized you said valium, my bioequivalencies were off, at this dosage of both benzo and opiate the possibility still very much exists for failure. i can't give you an exact figure, but IT IS RISKY, NO MATTER THE ROA.
what's your roa? bc orally, it's almost assured to fail (on drugs alone). even if you can keep it in your stomach long enough to pass out, you will eventually puke it all back up in your sleep.
rectally has a significantly higher bioavailability (like, at least 3x) amd also will be impossible to puke up, meaning higher odds of success but requires a bit of a convoluted method to do so:
- start with a coldwater extraction of the oxy to remove acetaminaphin, then make a liquid suspension (i believe it requires gentle heat to full incorporate)
- crush the ativan and mix with roughly equivalent amount of propylene glycol (vape juice works in a pinch lol), stir vigorously, then add ~1/4 water, drop by drop, stirring constantly until the particulates matter is MOSTLY dissolved (if it looks mostly dissolved and you have water leftover, you don't need to add the rest), [optional: some say lemon juice or vinegar can help along thd process, but i haven't noticed too much], finally gently heat until it's ~fresh coffee hot, stirring constantly. once finished, you can combine this solution with the oxy suspension, make sure to shake/mix well.
- [NOTE: make sure your bowels are as empty as possible, otherwise you risk losing much of this to *matter*] using a rectal syring (don't quote me on this, but as a rough guesstimate you'll probably need 20ml+?), draw up your solution into the tube, lube her up, then stick it minimum of 2" inside you rectal cavity (you should defs do this laying down, it helps to lay on your side with your top leg pulled up go your chest), slowly squirt all the liquid in, and try not to fart lol.
as for the alcohol, you're probably best to just drink it as normal.