
Jul 9, 2024
Is there a way to convince people you to want to die humanely before things get worse.

I have a health condition that is slowly getting worse and truly and considering starving myself. I know doctors are against this as is family, but is there a way to die humanely in a bed with the approval of family members?

I know starvation is extremely hard to do, but people have died this way. The problem is I need a bed to lay on and am going to pleas with my family to at least try to understand why I'm coming to this decision.

It's the most humane way I could when my life outside of taking nembutal, and I'm honestly just curious if a humane suicide is even possible.Thanks for the input.
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May 1, 2023
Sounds like assisted suicide, which is completely illegal and, of course, morally bankrupt. If your family doesn't agree, you must find a substitute family to help carry out your final wishes or relocate to a country where it is legal.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
If your situation is considered severe enough by doctors then- I imagine it would be assisted suicide at a clinic in a sensible country that has legalised it. You don't always have to be resident in the country. People have travelled from the UK for assisted suicide in other countries. I imagine it's more difficult though. Obviously, you have to travel there. Family member(s) would need to be willing to go with you.

As for doing it at home with loved ones around. Probably a lot more tricky. Obtaining a relatively peaceful method is one issue but then- them actually witnessing your suicide I imagine could be problematic for them. It's so cruel when you really think about it. People are being pushed into risking unreliable methods and doing it all alone. I'm so sorry for your situation.
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