I like, suffer from disordered eating (not bad enough to be an eating disorder lol, I do restrict a little bit) and I very well might(?) have a body or facial dysmorphia. I don't have an official diagnosis for it and I don't want to get one, it's probably just that I am that ugly.
I'm 5'4-5'5 (around 166cm) and 55kg (15kg too heavy tbh)..
Spoilering the massive rant about how I hate how I look since I don't want to trigger anyone.
I used to be unable to look in mirrors without feeling physically ill, I've improved in that regard but now i'm on the opposite end. I constantly check every reflective surface and can spend hours in the bathroom either skin picking or looking at all the flaws in my face and body.
I don't know whether this is concurrent with other people with facial dysmorphia but some of my features (primarily my eyes) every time I look they either look creepily big or too small for my fat face. The worst part is when I look at my chin and jawline, I'm half german and so I have that classic german chin, not to mention I have a sort of underdeveloped jawline and it's the ugliest thing you could ever see. My double chin is so prominent because of my jawline, I must be vile to look at when I move my head around. I look most disgusting from a side view, you can see my fat round fucking chin always.
Don't even get me started on my body though, I look so fucking fat, I'm like an apple or a rectangle, I have ugly ass hip dips and my hips aren't wide at all, my stomach flabs over slightly, my boobs are so fucking small and triangular, my arms are so fat at the top, my fingers always look so chubby and I have calluses from the gym, and all of the fucking stretch marks, do NOT get me started.