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Jul 29, 2021
the thing is, I often feel like the world is a bad place. To me, it feels like there is more bad in the world than good overall. There is so much negativity and hostility worldwide. People fight, people hate each other, people treat each other with cruelty, wars happen, injustices happen, there is massive inequality, the rich and powerful exploit the poor, people lie and cheat, so many people are superficial and materialistic, so many people are greedy, so many people are selfish, abuse happens, some bad people get away with their actions and many good people suffer.

All these things I listed are FACTS. They really HAPPEN. Every day, the news is filled with negative stories: environmental damage, murders, suicides, government corruption, and sexual assaults. On social media, I see people bullying others; I could go on and on and list more terrible things that happen worldwide. These things are reality. You can't deny them. You can't run from reality. Now my question is, is it as bad as I feel like it is? Or am I focusing too much on the negative? I'm not denying that positive things exist in the world. I know it is good, too. But I feel like the bad outweighs the good. So, what is the accurate answer? Do the bad things really outweigh the good things in the world?
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Yes the bad far outweighs the good.

If anyone thinks being in a fire . And getting 90% of your skin burned off , and being "saved" . then having to live like that is something good , neutral , all in ur head , or worth some bs pleasurable crap is heavily brainwashed.

Just this one example out of many shows life is bad

Non-existence means escape from the prison, escape from the bad life, freedom from pain suffering and problems. So non-existence is good
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Apr 26, 2024
I truly believe the bad things outweigh the good things in this world and there's nothing we can do about it. My only hope is that after hell comes paradise.
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Apr 21, 2024
The problem is being aware that bad things could happen, religion used to help me not care too much because I thought God would protect you if you believed in him and were a good person, but now I know that's fake too I feel like no one's watching over me anymore and I'm vulnerable.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, this world truly is the most hellish place filled with endless cruelty and suffering, no matter what I'll always see it as an abomination to exist, it's so horrific how existing beings are tormented immensely as a result of the fact that they were so tragically forced into existence. I could never see anything positive about any of this, more than anything I really wish I never existed at all, I find it so disgusting and extremely cruel how humans so cruelly procreate even know there is literally no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they exist here.
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searching nothingness
Jun 12, 2024
I really think the worst about all of this is indifference. Bad things always happen and people would never stop to give them a hand, you'll be exploited, and you'll suffer just so people can walk past you as if it's nothing important because for them, it is not. Little story time: 3 years ago a friend committed suicide, I didn't know him that much, but we certainly got along as we played together and hanged out sometimes... But when he died it was like if the world itself, in the most brutal way of showing it just didn't care, obvious, right? Why would the world stop just because someone died? I always knew that was common sense, but seeing how he was just left behind and how I personally never heard about his struggles felt fundamentally wrong, and it just feels strange even to this day... I wanted to feel bad for him, but I was too occupied with my studies that I couldn't cry over his death and to this day I hate myself so much for this. The indifference of the world is precisely what makes it seems so scary and brutal in my eyes, things just happen because that's how it is regardless we like it or not.
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Jan 1, 2024
The world is neutral . Our brains can only see the bad cause of how its wired from genetics and trauma
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Mar 26, 2023
Hello -

glad you posted that you "feel" the world is bad, not that you "know" the world is bad. Yes, a lot of bad things happen, but good things too. The good things get rarely reported. "Accident on the motorway" gets reported. "Thousands of car passed and nothing happened" doesn't get reported. Does the good outweigh the bad? idk I don't have the scales of justice. What I do know is that if you behave correctly you might set an example to others *and* you will have a good conscience.

About the feeling, some feel the other way. I myself am neutral. The world is how it is :-)
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I think the world is too complex to simply label it as bad. There are bad aspects and we tend to hyperfixate on them but there are many good aspects too. People fighting against discrimination in the hopes of making the world a better place for the next generation, people sacrificing their lives to save others, people working to defend those in need, etc. There are good aspects but those aspects rarely get the same amount of attention in comparison to the bad ones. The world is a messy mosaic of good, bad, and everything in between. An overly pessimistic view of the world isn't any better than an over optimistic one. Only focusing on the bad, even if you acknowledge that there is some good, gets you nowhere and is still going to lead you to having the same mindset as someone who believes there is only bad in the world.

Whether you feel the world is bad or good comes down to mindset in a lot of cases. It's something based more in your subjective interpretations of the world rather than it being based purely in objectives. At least that's my view on the matter.
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Mar 8, 2024
Who would choose to come into this world (be born) knowing what they know now about the state of affairs they'd be caught up in and the state of the world in general? To me nothingness or not being born is neutrality . No good. No bad. Nothing can beat that .
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, the world is as bad as you feel like how it is. The bad outweighs the good
Who would choose to come into this world (be born) knowing what they know now about the state of affairs they'd be caught up in and the state of the world in general? To me nothingness or not being born is neutrality . No good. No bad. Nothing can beat that .
Neutrality is significantly better than being bad. In the end, the number 0 will always be higher than any negative number
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
it is
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
What's good or bad, happy or sad to one person is different for someone else; so it's an impossible question to answer. I believe it is very much influenced by an individual's biases and experiences. I also think it changes during your lifetime - so as long as you remain slightly open minded, your opinions on good or bad can and often will change over the years.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
No, I think there is significantly more good than bad. Bad is a tiny minority but it's what sells adverts and clicks.

It's also a mindset.

A mind suffering with depression will naturally only be able to see suffering and sadness in the world.
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