

I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
I started wondering a out simple economics. I wonder if the large health actuaries and u esurance and benefits providers see the math that says a suicide here and there is much cheaper than prolonged mental health help. I wonder the same thing about a terminal cancer patient and the big insurance industry; "if we deny the treatment long enough then the problem solves itself". I wonder if the industry sees the treatment resistant depression as the same thing. 200 usd per hour is a lot to pay forwhat could be years of unraveling a person's health. Well meaning families hope the person just gets better too and I wonder if some of them dont realizethis pain and treatment will cost tens of thousands of dollars and never end for a bipolar or treatment resistant depressed individual.

The mental health industry doctors have realized it; many simply stopped taking all insurance because the insurance companies see mental health as a set of 6 visits total at 50.00 and a 10 dollar copay.

The groups fighting sanctioned suicide are really attacking the wrong I dusty. The loud screaming questions should be, "why can my family member not be treated affordably when they have a disease that can kill them.
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Mar 22, 2020
Your question is quite interesting.

There is a manga called Jisatsutou which is about suicidal people. These individuals are sent to an island because keeping them alive is really expensive. Getting rid of them and making them go missing is cheaper.

I always think about this. I wish somebody sent me to an island (in which I would probably starve and die lol) instead of forcing me to go under mental health treatments and meds which are extremely expensive.

To sum up, I think suicide is cheaper than living on.
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Nov 18, 2020
Cheaper for the individual and government/insurance but not for private healthcare providers. For them it's big bucks
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Aug 18, 2020
The health industry and clinics earn the vast majority of the money from very old people. These people who suffer multiple diseases and pray for an end of their suffering. If euthanasia was legal this clinics would earn way less money.
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Mar 21, 2021
Probably when you think about it like that but imagine how much tax money goes into paying for the education of a child plus all the healthcare and whatever else is publically funded, then if that kid doesn't grow up to be an adult that pays taxes all their life maybe it costs money in terms of lost revenue (tax).