

Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
I think about trying therapy again but then I remember I'm American. Having tried most meds, none of them worked and just made me angrier. Nothing will fix my broken brain. I should've been born a neurotypical.

I can't really go anywhere cause I don't have a car. I've thought about trying remote therapy but no telling how well that would go. I have a feeling most of them are full, or won't take my insurance. Or just tell me to fuckin deal with it, or spin a shpeel about how my crap genes and my neurodivergence is a "gift" all while they are attractive and neurotypical and make tons of money. And don't have to live a day with what I have.

I don't wanna live a life of mediocrity. Of constantly being barred from any semblance of greatness because of my broken genetics. If this is all life is, then I'll check out early while I still have my looks.
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I Love Life - Nihilism Is Retarded
May 26, 2023
Personally, I would never do therapy because I'm of the impression some people killed themselves because all they talked about was how said their life was during therapy. For some people it's good if not great but it's important to recognize it's not some magic pill or holy grail. If you don't mind me asking why do you think you have broken genetics? I used to think I was biologically fucked but then realized I control my own life more than I thought and that it's all what I make of it.


May 6, 2023
Ive been doing remote therapy and it's fine so far, the thing about meds and therapy is that i think about those things as complementary things, meds are not happiness pills, and therapy gives you tools to deal with your thoughts. If i want it to work out i have to have the right attitude and really commit to it
Ive been doing remote therapy and it's fine so far, the thing about meds and therapy is that i think about those things as complementary things, meds are not happiness pills, and therapy gives you tools to deal with your thoughts. If i want it to work out i have to have the right attitude and really commit to it
If meds were to make you feel instantly happy you are most likely going to create dependency on them, same thing with therapy, and that's not the point. Recovery it's not really about instant pleasure, it's about long term tools and that's the hard part about recovery, it's not out of sudden, it's not going to take the pain away and it takes strenght of will to do it. That's why i think neither way it's easy, suicide it's not easy and neither is recovery
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Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
Personally, I would never do therapy because I'm of the impression some people killed themselves because all they talked about was how said their life was during therapy. For some people it's good if not great but it's important to recognize it's not some magic pill or holy grail. If you don't mind me asking why do you think you have broken genetics? I used to think I was biologically fucked but then realized I control my own life more than I thought and that it's all what I make of it.

- Autism
- Got bullied because of said neurodivergence
- The balding
- Depression
- Diabetes runs in family
- Addiction runs in the family too. More on my dad's side but Mom's has their own vices.
- Needs glasses
- Other hereditary shit
- Fat, easy to gain weight yet hard to lose
- Skin gets itchy
- Husky, stocky build when I wanted to be femboy slim
- Unstimulated brain eats food too much because of lack of stimulation
- Brain fucking hates all ADHD meds so I'm left to suffer for it. Dad was the same way. I'm pretty sure he smokes and drinks caffeine to cope. Part of me wants to blame him for giving me untreatable ADD, my mom's neurotypical by the looks of things.
- Body dysmorphia, Possibly gender dysphoria but it's unclear.
Ive been doing remote therapy and it's fine so far, the thing about meds and therapy is that i think about those things as complementary things, meds are not happiness pills, and therapy gives you tools to deal with your thoughts. If i want it to work out i have to have the right attitude and really commit to it

If meds were to make you feel instantly happy you are most likely going to create dependency on them, same thing with therapy, and that's not the point. Recovery it's not really about instant pleasure, it's about long term tools and that's the hard part about recovery, it's not out of sudden, it's not going to take the pain away and it takes strenght of will to do it. That's why i think neither way it's easy, suicide it's not easy and neither is recovery

What would make me happy is not suffering from my dumbass brain every second of every day. Getting more done, actually having a great social life where I can be attractive and neurotypical and make easy wins. But I had to be born like this just to suffer. If there is a God he probably laughs at my failures.
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I Love Life - Nihilism Is Retarded
May 26, 2023
- Autism
- Got bullied because of said neurodivergence
- The balding
- Depression
- Diabetes runs in family
- Addiction runs in the family too. More on my dad's side but Mom's has their own vices.
- Needs glasses
- Other hereditary shit
- Fat, easy to gain weight yet hard to lose
- Skin gets itchy
- Husky, stocky build when I wanted to be femboy slim
- Unstimulated brain eats food too much because of lack of stimulation
- Brain fucking hates all ADHD meds so I'm left to suffer for it. Dad was the same way. I'm pretty sure he smokes and drinks caffeine to cope. Part of me wants to blame him for giving me untreatable ADD, my mom's neurotypical by the looks of things.
- Body dysmorphia, Possibly gender dysphoria but it's unclear.

What would make me happy is not suffering from my dumbass brain every second of every day. Getting more done, actually having a great social life where I can be attractive and neurotypical and make easy wins. But I had to be born like this just to suffer. If there is a God he probably laughs at my failures.
Woa woa woah, mate there are plenty of things that are holding you back, but only by your own will. Bullying and body insecurity are tough to deal with, but as someone who's gone through my own hell, it's doing you damage to hold yourself back by lingering on this. But mate, itchy skin, glasses and whatnot are the least of your worries. People deal with shit like that all the time! People have allergies and asthma but people shouldn't let that hold them back.

The fact you've been bullied will never change, but how you move on makes the difference. I'm gonna assume you're a dude, and like you said, you may not be social, attractive or lean. I will say this - going to the gym or at least using a home workout app is a lifesaver. You'll naturally become more confident, attractive and if you're aware of what you're putting in your mouth, you'll be fit. Getting fat easily really isn't a real thing tbh, I thought so but in reality shitty eating habits makes it happen such as excess carbs.

If you aren't significantly happier with yourself after ONE MONTH or more of working out almost everyday for 30 minutes or more and eating better, then I'd suspect you'd been skipping workouts. That's a solid start, and the only excuse most people have is they're too lazy or "busy" but scroll on their phones endlessly. God bless.


May 23, 2023
Woa woa woah, mate there are plenty of things that are holding you back, but only by your own will. Bullying and body insecurity are tough to deal with, but as someone who's gone through my own hell, it's doing you damage to hold yourself back by lingering on this. But mate, itchy skin, glasses and whatnot are the least of your worries. People deal with shit like that all the time! People have allergies and asthma but people shouldn't let that hold them back.

The fact you've been bullied will never change, but how you move on makes the difference. I'm gonna assume you're a dude, and like you said, you may not be social, attractive or lean. I will say this - going to the gym or at least using a home workout app is a lifesaver. You'll naturally become more confident, attractive and if you're aware of what you're putting in your mouth, you'll be fit. Getting fat easily really isn't a real thing tbh, I thought so but in reality shitty eating habits makes it happen such as excess carbs.

If you aren't significantly happier with yourself after ONE MONTH or more of working out almost everyday for 30 minutes or more and eating better, then I'd suspect you'd been skipping workouts. That's a solid start, and the only excuse most people have is they're too lazy or "busy" but scroll on their phones endlessly. God bless.
I can relate to them having issues they cant help that make their life Hell every day, and I dont think they can use their fReE WiLl to overcome those things. Sorry to shit on your positivity, but clearly I'm not actually sorry at all. It's like telling someone with one leg that if they just stop holding themself back they could walk. Maybe if they just tried harder and had hope their brain would just rewire itself! Oh wait, that's another argument people with less issues make. Rewire your brain! BOLOGNA


I Love Life - Nihilism Is Retarded
May 26, 2023
I can relate to them having issues they cant help that make their life Hell every day, and I dont think they can use their fReE WiLl to overcome those things. Sorry to shit on your positivity, but clearly I'm not actually sorry at all. It's like telling someone with one leg that if they just stop holding themself back they could walk. Maybe if they just tried harder and had hope their brain would just rewire itself! Oh wait, that's another argument people with less issues make. Rewire your brain! BOLOGNA
Another argument people with less issues make? Mate I've gone from having family trying to have me killed in a suicide crash and being a fatass to fixing everything. The only reason I have less issues now is because I moved on. If you don't wanna deal with what I gotta say, that's your choice, but don't discredit what someone has to say because you think their hard work is a lie. God bless.
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
Sorry you are going through this. But I think that therapy is bullshit.
It's just another form of pro-life brainwashing.
Think happy thoughts, etc, etc.
The vast majority of mental illness is with you for life.
You may feel better for a while, but it will always come back to bite you on the ass in the future.
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Jun 28, 2022
Therapy worked for me until it didn't. Was just buying time until I fell apart again. It's worth a shot. I'm glad I can say I at least tried my best to be normal but just am not
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
It's up2you. In my opinion therapy and/or meds can only help when you know the reason and the source of your "illness" and whether it can be cured or not. Unless you don't know it, it's quite difficult to find the right treatment / medication. If you think it may help you then give it a try, it's up2you.


Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
Update: About to sign up for an ADHD telehealth site, hoping for the best. It asked me why I wanna sign up and I've been very tempted to say my true feelings:

"I fucking hate my Autism-ADHD brain because I'm always distracted, fat, lazy and unmotivated, held back on doing things if I even remember to do them at all. I'm constantly held back by my own mental disabilities.

Medications never helped and only made me angrier. I hate living in mediocrity and I would hate whatever sick fuck in the sky made me this way, if there is one. I would rather die than only live to see others succeed in their goals because they either don't have ADHD or have a medication that works for them. While I am left behind because my brain refuses to be treated properly. It just wants to live in filth and hell and I can't do shit about it.

Honestly, my goal is to get in touch with an ADHD specialist and find a medication that would actually work for me. That, or just lay down and rot. Realize that I wasn't genetically fit for this life, I shouldn't have been born and I was doomed to fail since conception because of this damned brain curse."

Nevermind, it tried to make me pay like $180 dollars just for an assessment. Welp, lay down and rot it is then.
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