Yea but he would have to wait until he enters a hypoglycemic state in order to succeed with that and even if you double dose, theres no guarantee that it will be lethal, every case is different.
Btw i have been in a hypoglycemic and its scary.
Symptoms are clod sweats, paleness, body shivers and trembles and just the general physical feeling is very displeasing.
Yes, but then you were sober and awake.
I works like this iirc; when you drink alcohol the liver stops making bloodsugar, and while drunk you maybe forgets to eat and on top of that insulin and metformin. It will kill you if you dont have someone to check on you.
So, dont eat during 24h, drink vodka (no sugar in it) and take a metforminpill every hour until you drop. The alcohol takes away any discomfort.
Anecdotal, my husband has almost killed himself like this several times and has not suffered at all. He cant understand why im upset the day after. Luckely he only drink once a year.