
Aug 18, 2020
I have made that joke to many of my healthy friends. Some did not like it because they are genuinely scared about having to fight in war. I still think it is pretty unlikely but I tried to take their sorrows seriously.

I mean I have/had psychosis and bipolar. Noone would even consider giving me a gun. There are a lot of war movies in my language which try to show how horrible war is some are classics. In some of them there are soldiers who cannot cope anymore with the persisting threat of their life. I can remember it some soldiers go full psychotic due to that.
I think giving me a gun would be pretty insane. I am way too fragile for that. On the one hand I would probably just kill myself with it. On the other hand if I became psychotic I would be a danger for my team.

Some still liked the joke. To make it clear I said something like "Yeah I am so lucky to be insane at least I don't have to fight in WW3: Have fun fighting in it." Maybe it is a little bit dark humor but whatever.

Are you glad you would not have to fight in case a world war started? Though I think in Ukraine being mentally ill is I assume no excuse for not fighting. At least I have not heard of it.
Maybe I would have to be part of the medic service. In my country I think they have no law with which they can force people to fight. Everyone can say this is incompatible with my conscience. Damn we would lose so hard in case a war started. Though they need to be part of the medic service.
We would have a 1:20 relation of medics and soldiers.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.

Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye?

Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?

Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe.

Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.

A lot of atrocities can happen during war, so that is the main reason I hope a world war doesn't break out.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Is that a Mash reference?

How pleasantly refreshing.
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May 27, 2022
i've never been afraid of being drafted. i wish i could join the military.


Feb 12, 2022
Back when Don't Ask Don't Tell was still a thing, I sarcastically pretended to support it so I'd never have to be drafted into war.

I wonder if I could get out of serving in WW3. None of us can really know for sure, because it would change everything about culture. All standards potentially out the window. I doubt I'd last long either way.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
No, in most cases this just means you will break down and be killed all the quicker, lol.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
In all the wars that have taken place and for being the first to fall, there are people like me, even in pre-war times. The famous Eugenics ... just thinking about the Aktion T4 program of the Hitler regime makes my hair stand on end.

No, I don't want a war, because only in peacetime will I have the opportunity to try to live for myself.
En totes les guerres hagudes i per haver els primers que cauen son gent com jo, inclòs en temps de pre-guerra. L'Eugenèsia tant famosa.. només de pensar en el programa Aktion T4 del régim de Hitler s'em posen els pèls de punta.

No, no vull pas cap guerra, doncs només en temps de pau tindré l'oportunitat de provar de viure per mi mateix.


Dec 15, 2021
I have made that joke to many of my healthy friends. Some did not like it because they are genuinely scared about having to fight in war. I still think it is pretty unlikely but I tried to take their sorrows seriously.

I mean I have/had psychosis and bipolar. Noone would even consider giving me a gun. There are a lot of war movies in my language which try to show how horrible war is some are classics. In some of them there are soldiers who cannot cope anymore with the persisting threat of their life. I can remember it some soldiers go full psychotic due to that.
I think giving me a gun would be pretty insane. I am way too fragile for that. On the one hand I would probably just kill myself with it. On the other hand if I became psychotic I would be a danger for my team.

Some still liked the joke. To make it clear I said something like "Yeah I am so lucky to be insane at least I don't have to fight in WW3: Have fun fighting in it." Maybe it is a little bit dark humor but whatever.

Are you glad you would not have to fight in case a world war started? Though I think in Ukraine being mentally ill is I assume no excuse for not fighting. At least I have not heard of it.
Maybe I would have to be part of the medic service. In my country I think they have no law with which they can force people to fight. Everyone can say this is incompatible with my conscience. Damn we would lose so hard in case a war started. Though they need to be part of the medic service.
We would have a 1:20 relation of medics and soldiers.

The less possessions that we own, and the less healthy we are, when or if World War III starts, the less we have to lose - at least it's some comfort in this world.


May 10, 2022
War is the last of my concerns, they're just the upscaled version of day to day crimes, be detached from the political nonsense and you'll be fine mentally, physically every exaction is possible, but once you've been victimised enough during "peace time", you'll be prepared for it.

Being unstable will get you killed, just lurk the shadows and don't involve yourself, let the stupid wannabe heroes die for the sake of their governors, but arm yourself, you don't want to end as collateral damage don't you?

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