

death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
So i have heard many times of depression being just some sort of 'disorder', like some irrational/abstract disease. but is it really that way, like only happy people are 'normal'? I feel like society/our modern culture is in fact the thing which is ill. also the huge amount of stress we have to endure on a daily basis, just for meeting our basic survival needs is already depressing in some ways. i mean it seems absolutely appropriate to react to all that trauma, pain, health in the way of being depressed. i also don't like the term of 'having a chemical imbalance', which psychiatrists still refer to when it comes to it.. it just seems like a nice lie to just keep on selling useless and dangerous ssri's, while making enormous amounts of money. our society is built on the hard working people who keep the wheel running. while we keep on polluting this earth,abusing animals, killing nature, creating enormous amount of nuclear waste, just for a short time of cheap energy, which the next generations have to pay for.. and the only way to make money nowadays seems to be creating more useless toxic trash, which in the first case also has to be advertised for so people realize they 'need' it. all this is absolutely mad. how can someone not be depressed... i think the thing is, society cant use those who are depressed, we make 'feeling not okay' a bad thing, young boys are not allowed to cry or/and are being bullied for not appearing 'strong' or just being true to their true feelings. even today, most doctors seem to have no clue about depression, all they think of is giving their clients a bigger amount of anti depressants till they are a complete wreck.. we are close to having automated plant farms, automated food supply, no one had to be hungry anymore.. but big companies are greedy for more and more.. while killing us all slowly.. the founder of amazon, jeff bezos is the richest man on earth, yet still his workers have to work for a low wage job.. big companies like nestle steal water from the poor countries, make our children addicted to sugar and fuels diabetes. this world is so fucked up, how can someone not be depressed?
sorry for another rant, maybe im wrong, would love to hear your thoughts.
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Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
So i have heard many times of depression being just some sort of 'disorder', like some irrational/abstract disease. but is it really that way, like only happy people are 'normal'? I feel like society/our modern culture is in fact the thing which is ill. also the huge amount of stress we have to endure on a daily basis, just for meeting our basic survival needs is already depressing in some ways. i mean it seems absolutely appropriate to react to all that trauma, pain, health in the way of being depressed. i also don't like the term of 'having a chemical imbalance', which psychiatrists still refer to when it comes to it.. it just seems like a nice lie to just keep on selling useless and dangerous ssri's, while making enormous amounts of money. our society is built on the hard working people who keep the wheel running. while we keep on polluting this earth,abusing animals, killing nature, creating enormous amount of nuclear waste, just for a short time of cheap energy, which the next generations have to pay for.. and the only way to make money nowadays seems to be creating more useless toxic trash, which in the first case also has to be advertised for so people realize they 'need' it. all this is absolutely mad. how can someone not be depressed... i think the thing is, society cant use those who are depressed, we make 'feeling not okay' a bad thing, young boys are not allowed to cry or/and are being bullied for not appearing 'strong' or just being true to their true feelings. even today, most doctors seem to have no clue about depression, all they think of is giving their clients a bigger amount of anti depressants till they are a complete wreck.. we are close to having automated plant farms, automated food supply, no one had to be hungry anymore.. but big companies are greedy for more and more.. while killing us all slowly.. the founder of amazon, jeff bezos is the richest man on earth, yet still his workers have to work for a low wage job.. big companies like nestle steal water from the poor countries, make our children addicted to sugar and fuels diabetes. this world is so fucked up, how can someone not be depressed?
sorry for another rant, maybe im wrong, would love to hear your thoughts.
Psychology is a pseudoscience. It's nothing more than a modern and "humane" tool for coercion. If you disturb the balance of society, you are ostracized, told to put on a happy face, sent to a hospital to be "cured"...

"Be positive, keep your negative thoughts to yourself."

"Oh, you are too socially awkward to handle a job? Well, take those meds, they will surely help! What? Changing the way social relations work? Blasphemy! The problem isn't society, it's just a chemical imbalance in your brain!"
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Depression is a normal reaction to cruelty and toxic environments. It is just easier for people to call something a illness, disease, or disorder than to actually admit there is something wrong with society itself.

"Living happily" itself is a myth. Nobody on this floating rock is consistently "happy" every single day unless there is something seriously neurologically wrong with them that makes them that way. Life itself is inherently suffering - this isn't some edgy edict, it's the fundamental nature of the human condition; we are animals, and moreso social animals, which, not unlike elephants, zebras, dolphins, cows, or donkeys, are biologically wired and adapted to chasing short-term fulfillment, and avoiding pain and suffering - to the degree we experience and remember negative feelings and experiences far, far deeper and longer than we do positive experiences. This is the telltale sign of our inescapable animal nature - the hardwiring that makes suffering so inherently unavoidable, and pleasure seemingly so elusive.

Boiling the phenomena of NEETdom down to "mental health" is a reductionistic fairy tale that completely ignores the context of modern life in favor of hyperindividualizing the consequences of that context down to the individual and leaving it there. Speaking of context - the factors you mention are not as much of an immunological force as you imagine. Our society is one rife with celebrity suicides, who so many see as the "winners" of our silly game - they have money, prestige, recognition, fulfillment, endless fancy toys and achievements - and yet still cannot escape the call to the void - which, if anything, speaks to the fact we spend our lives chasing things that really do not make our lives all that worthwhile in the end. Sure, it's nice to be clock in to your 9-5 every day and pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you're doing the right thing like everyone else, but this is the life of an obedient somnambulant - one we are conditioned for in this society. You know the script - go to school, work until you're old, save and scrimp the whole way through, retire, and go rot in an old folks home using the money you've hoarded your whole life. This might be a fulfilling life for an inanimate machine part that cannot feel and is not alive, but for a social animal that needs environmental enrichment and belonging and meaning to feel any kind of consistent fulfilment, it is a slow death.

This isn't to say NEETdom is some grand alternative - it is the final consequence of this meaningless life program - narcissized depression and almost total alienation, whereby one practically declares themselves dead to the outside world and escapes deeper and deeper inside themselves as a solace, until the crushing emptiness of isolation and loneliness destroys their ability to experience pleasure and often their will to live. This is typically because of the self-isolating shame that attaches itself to the status. As social animals, we need people in our lives to feel any degree of worthwhile. Interpersonal interaction injects our lives with a kind of meaning and fulfilment that all the technology, distractions and drugs cannot. Unemployment and NEETdom would not nearly be as bad if not for the immense social stigma, and if we could all expect to live in communities we felt a part of, or at the very least had friends who cared about us outside of our job title. Unfortunately, this is not the nature of our hyperindividualized, materialistic, and vain society whereby one increasingly derives their (narcissized) sense of self-worth and status from their ability to consume and brag about said consumption. Instead, we live in a time where over half of the population reports always feeling lonely and having few if any friends, 1/6 of us are on psychotropic drugs, and the suicide rate hasn't been this high in 30 years.

All the same - this doesn't make "successful" people failures. But it also doesn't make NEETs "failures", at least in any individual sense. The failure is society itself - in providing an insane sociocultural script that makes people incredibly sick; if I could call NEETdom anything, anything at all, I'd call it the canary in the coal mine for a society that is providing an age old lifescript that is no longer worthwhile, rewarding, or even meaningful in any sense - nor does it even guarantee the barest physical necessities for participation anymore; recall that wages have been stagnant for 40 years and we have wealth inequality levels that mimic those found prior to the Great Depression, what becomes all the more clear is that modern life is the new Great Depression. This is a dreadfully sick post-meaning society where mass shootings, panoptic surveillance, suicide, opiate abuse, loneliness, and alienation have become as commonplace as psychotropic drugs and psych diagnoses; which, if anything, says nothing more than that the very concept of "mental illness" is a desperate attempt by the system to hold on to it's collapsing validity by pointing at dissidents and shouting "they have some inherent biological illness that makes them this way!" As such, the realm of modern day psychology/psychiatry has become no more than another long arm of the corporatocratic, neoliberal police state, which has a part in allowing modern-day quality of life to continue it's decades long slow bleed to the sociopathic class - the wealthy and powerful.

We must think of NEETdom, depression, and a wide scope of psychological maladies as meaningful signals our bodies are sending us about the ways we conduct our lives nowadays, not as noise that is to be ignored and medicated away." -Stranger from the internet

If you aren't constantly grinning like an idiot our society thinks there is something wrong with you.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
without looking into it, i personally wouldnt call it a mood disorder. a mood disorder is something that mentally messes with your moods and they are all over the place. depression is depression.

that wasnt a very good explanation but like i said at the beginning i didnt look into it. its basically just how i personally feel because of how my disorders work. which is a personality disorder but really messes with my moods and they are all over the place. you can tell by looking at some of my posts that some days id do anything to recover and some days id do anything to die. its a roller coaster of happy and sad. i didnt even get to when someone pisses me off. lol
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Psychology is a pseudoscience. It's nothing more than a modern and "humane" tool for coercion. If you disturb the balance of society, you are ostracized, told to put on a happy face, sent to a hospital to be "cured"...

"Be positive, keep your negative thoughts to yourself."

"Oh, you are too socially awkward to handle a job? Well, take those meds, they will surely help! What? Changing the way social relations work? Blasphemy! The problem isn't society, it's just a chemical imbalance in your brain!"

Modern society is so fucking toxic, it is easier for them to just say things like "go get help" or tell you that you have a "illness" than to actually help you in any meaningful way or to change the things that are wrong with society itself. Our governments don't take responsibility for failing its citizens, psychiatry doesn't take responsibility for subjecting people to cruelty, and individuals don't take responsibility for their actions as it is easier to pretend that "mental illness" causes suicides, abuse, murders, etc. Avoiding reality seems to be a sign of psychological health for "normal" people.

"The concept of disease is fast replacing the concept of responsibility. With increasing zeal Americans use and interpret the assertion "I am sick" as equivalent to the assertion "I am not responsible": Smokers say they are not responsible for smoking, drinkers that they are not responsible for drinking, gamblers that they are not responsible for gambling, and mothers who murder their infants that they are not responsible for killing. To prove their point — and to capitalize on their self-destructive and destructive behavior — smokers, drinkers, gamblers, and insanity acquitees are suing tobacco companies, liquor companies, gambling casinos, and physicians."―Thomas Stephen Szasz
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Feb 27, 2020
Such impressive wisdom in this thread :)

In my opinion, depression and anxiety are two sides to the same coin. That coin being a loss of control over the things that matter to you in life. It could be, a lack of safety, hopelessness, or anything that relates to the sensation of not achieving what you feel you must achieve.

The OP is spot on. I once had a job for minimum wage building massive crates. I learned one day that the crates were for shipping nuclear missiles. How horrible that this is what I must do to survive?

To answer your last question: You need to learn to believe in something. Something stronger than yourself. Because we are too weak to face this worlds brutal struggles alone. Imagine the depression and anxiety going through the mind of a sheep, wandering all alone in a cold, barren landscape. Does that sheep need prozac? Or does that sheep need to find his way back to the flock? Quality relationships are the solution to depression. Not drugs.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
So i have heard many times of depression being just some sort of 'disorder', like some irrational/abstract disease. but is it really that way, like only happy people are 'normal'? I feel like society/our modern culture is in fact the thing which is ill. also the huge amount of stress we have to endure on a daily basis, just for meeting our basic survival needs is already depressing in some ways. i mean it seems absolutely appropriate to react to all that trauma, pain, health in the way of being depressed. i also don't like the term of 'having a chemical imbalance', which psychiatrists still refer to when it comes to it.. it just seems like a nice lie to just keep on selling useless and dangerous ssri's, while making enormous amounts of money. our society is built on the hard working people who keep the wheel running. while we keep on polluting this earth,abusing animals, killing nature, creating enormous amount of nuclear waste, just for a short time of cheap energy, which the next generations have to pay for.. and the only way to make money nowadays seems to be creating more useless toxic trash, which in the first case also has to be advertised for so people realize they 'need' it. all this is absolutely mad. how can someone not be depressed... i think the thing is, society cant use those who are depressed, we make 'feeling not okay' a bad thing, young boys are not allowed to cry or/and are being bullied for not appearing 'strong' or just being true to their true feelings. even today, most doctors seem to have no clue about depression, all they think of is giving their clients a bigger amount of anti depressants till they are a complete wreck.. we are close to having automated plant farms, automated food supply, no one had to be hungry anymore.. but big companies are greedy for more and more.. while killing us all slowly.. the founder of amazon, jeff bezos is the richest man on earth, yet still his workers have to work for a low wage job.. big companies like nestle steal water from the poor countries, make our children addicted to sugar and fuels diabetes. this world is so fucked up, how can someone not be depressed?
sorry for another rant, maybe im wrong, would love to hear your thoughts.
I do not agree with the scientific definition of 'depression' and another issue is how people (especially the masses) overuse the word so much as to just slap a label on anything that isn't hunky-dory or cheerful, or just someone who is 'sad'. It has been misused so much it lost it's meaning. Also, I believe that people become depressed due to the circumstances that push them towards it (more often than not; this does not discount the rare cases where someone has clinical depression or actual depression of the mind), and certainly being depressed does not constitute as lacking decision making capability (otherwise criminals can just claim depression and never be held accountable via lacking decision making capacity - but that's a different topic.

Psychology is a pseudoscience. It's nothing more than a modern and "humane" tool for coercion. If you disturb the balance of society, you are ostracized, told to put on a happy face, sent to a hospital to be "cured"...

"Be positive, keep your negative thoughts to yourself."

"Oh, you are too socially awkward to handle a job? Well, take those meds, they will surely help! What? Changing the way social relations work? Blasphemy! The problem isn't society, it's just a chemical imbalance in your brain!"
Absolutely, and ever since I've become awakened over the last decade or so, I've dismissed anyone who willingly claim that I'm depressed just as a way to detract from the actual problem that is causing anguish. Society's way of dismissing while sticking it to the person is to weaponize certain aspects of this 'pseudo science' to enforce the status quo. It's absolutely sickening and a strong reason for my wanting to check out of this hellhole of an existence.

Depression is a normal reaction to cruelty and toxic environments. It is just easier for people to call something a illness, disease, or disorder than to actually admit there is something wrong with society itself.

If you aren't constantly grinning like an idiot our society thinks there is something wrong with you.
Well said, plus they are mostly virtue signalers too, wanting to be praised for speaking up yet doing nothing to improve the situation.
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Feb 8, 2019
Depression is just... lucidity.
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I screwed up

Waiting for the damn bus
Sep 11, 2019
Long story short ... For me depression is one way street to the bus stop


Feb 27, 2020
Depression is just... lucidity.
Partial lucidity. Complete lucidity is enlightenment, isn't it?

I only know one thing for certain. My brain is far too primitive to truly know the answers to life's questions. I don't know if complete enlightenment is possible, for any of us.


I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied
Jan 7, 2020
I do think depression is a natural thing for one to have.

If we get philosophical, a "healthy" state of mind and body is not natural. If that were true, we wouldn't need medicine and therapy at all. Humans use tools to fight nature and enhance their minds and bodies to make them last longer and perform better. Ultimately we all get taken care of by entropy. The world is chaotic.
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Apr 8, 2020
It's a disorder in the sense that it's abnormal compared to the baseline of the "average" person. You have to have some sort of baseline to compare to or you can't make a diagnosis.

Supposedly, most people don't feel this low all the time. But I certainly think a lot of depression nowadays is due to the isolation that comes from today's society. We are naturally social creatures and need meaningful connections with others. Unfortunately, the way things are set up doesn't encourage a deep enough level of connection. It's harder to find it today, from what I've seen and experienced. Then of course there's trauma, but I digress.

I really don't know what my point is. I hope something in this mess was interesting to someone out here. I feel like all I do anymore is talk aimlessly lmao.
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