do any of you believe that consciousness continues in some form after death? and how would the idea of ,,nothingness,, after death make you feel?
if death truly is the end.. does that make life more precious/special or meaningless?
Yes Death is the end of consciousness forever.
evolution is true. there is massive evidence for evolution and that life is cells, rooms full hundreds of years of evidence, there is evidence nor mechanism for any soul afterlife nor reincarnation.
very smart hard working focused people have been working for 100's of year to find out what life is what a human is where did it orgininate. evlolution cell biology are just 2 sciences which show what life is . life is just a cell . a cell evolved around 4 billion years ago . that is the ancestor of every living thing including fish, humans, mice , bacteria.
there are thousands of books that detail what life is and where it came from . there is no mystery and is on the internet and in books what life is . life is cells and chemical reactions so is a human cells and just chemical reactions. all life descended from a single cell that evolved around 4 billion years ago .
consciousness is only a function of the Brain. even if a small area of the brain is damaged that can change the personality thinking consciousneess.
Drugs affect the brain and also change the personality ability to think and halucinations etc.
there is no constant self the human is different at 1 day old, 2 weeks old , 3 months old and every year or time period thereafter. so which self is the real you ? there is no eternal self . so where was my soul when i was a single celled zygote? there is no soul and there has never been any evidence of a soul ever
imo i don't see any difference between life and everything else like chemical reactions or machines since a human or an ameoba is a machine chemical reactions. imo the Brain fools a human into thinking things and themselves are important meaningfull needed and evolution forces some things to be needed like food water sleep avoiding pain etc. so then these things become important to the organism but only because evolution programmed them in the brain of the organism to be constantly hungry for food for example so food becomes important . but to the universe food is not important . to me it's another imposition that food is important because i'm a slave to that garbage in that i have to work so hard every day to fucking feed myself these 30 trillion monstrous cells that they call a human body. and that is just one need one prison me a slave all we are