
Sep 7, 2024
Long story short,the man responsible in my conception is a psychopathic narcississist.He is no less than a crazy control freak and a monster.I secured a job abroad but I still have a lot of time before I join.

They are like leeches and parasites.Going no-contact is very hard in the regressive culture,I unfortunately come from.Besides my mother and my brother would still be living with him due to bad circumstances.

I don't think of a way to freedom.My brother has some mental health issues due to this abuse since our birth.I know that narcissists are leeches and there is no real way to free oneself from demons like them no matter where in the world,UNLESS you have law,justice and a liberal culture on your side.

My biggest fear post-ctb is an afterlife or this hellhole being a prison planet.Or worse if there is forced and coerced reincarnation back into this place in worst circumstances and into bad places.I just want to sleep forever in peace.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds so cruel what you've had to go through, I understand just wanting some peace, eternal sleep truly is all I wish for as well. But anyway I wish you the best.
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Sep 12, 2024
If you believe that you can get out of there then my advice is to hold off until you can, CTB to win against someone is not a good idea at all, and you're just letting them win in the end. Please explore other options to get out of that situation, if you can save yourself first then you might also be able to help out your mother and siblings if they wish so.
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Aug 25, 2024
Personally i would never kill myself because someone else is a piece of shit.

I HATE people like that. Controlling scum who make normal recent people feel they are worthless (personal experiences).

If there is any way to get away from this person then do so. Even if it means your temporary life is worse, being away from such toxicity gives you a chance to recover.

I've lost a friend and fiance to ctb and murder from people like this and all I can say is get away as fast as possible. You can rebuild as you are worth far more than they've made you feel.
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Feb 22, 2024
There is no winning against a psychopath, narcissist, sadist, etc.
There is only being free from them.
CTB is the nuclear option in this regard.

It is sad to hear you've had to endure this. The most important thing for you is to try and truly understand that if this person is truly a psychopathic narcissist, they DO NOT CARE. You are not human to them. There might be a sort of contest going on, but there is no winning, only entertainment through them. Negative reactions from you actually fuel engagement and entertainment for such a person.
Don't fantasize that getting away from them will 'deprive them of supply' and you will 'win' that way either. It does not work like that. These things are monstrous machines, there will just be an urge to find another object of entertainment.

But getting away from them eventually is critical. I have never been in a situation as bad as yours, but it sounds like you understand you need to de-emphasize the importance of anything they say or so. Cutting them off in the modern era is easier than ever, you can blend into the background of human mass. The difficult thing would be how you could help your mother or brother as well.

I agree with your sentiments hoping there is no afterlife, no prison planet, no reincarnation, no more hell (but we are in hell now so, it doesn't make sense, fuck I hope there is no more hell).
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Sep 7, 2024
Personally i would never kill myself because someone else is a piece of shit.

I HATE people like that. Controlling scum who make normal recent people feel they are worthless (personal experiences).

If there is any way to get away from this person then do so. Even if it means your temporary life is worse, being away from such toxicity gives you a chance to recover.

I've lost a friend and fiance to ctb and murder from people like this and all I can say is get away as fast as possible. You can rebuild as you are worth far more than they've made you feel.
Thanks a lot for your words.He is a hardcore psychopath who is clever at hiding their true demonic nature.

He was responsible for ruining my mom's life beyond repair.My mom was forcefully married to him.The one she loved and the one man who loved her,she couldn't be with him.She now has undergone 7 surgeries ever since I was born and has chronic illness every year due to pregnancies.

He has an iron grip over everything.Getting this far was a miracle in itself.

I just want to see my family be free and smile for once in their lives.That's all I want.


Aug 24, 2024
The only way to win against a narcissist is to live your life your way. If you are able, I highly advise getting as far away as you can and never, ever look back. Narcissists enjoy torturing others emotionally and they love the high they get out of harming others. They feed off the reactions they get from their targets reacting to them. The are incapable of truly loving another person because everything is about them being in control. They don't change, no matter how much they say the can or have. It's all a lie to drag someone back to play more mind games. The best thing a person can do is go no contact with the narc, but if you really cannot, then I suggest reading as much as you can about identifying their behavior, games, manipulation techniques, gaslighting, and all the other crap they pull. Learn methods of dealing with them (such as "grey rock") if you absolutely must have contact. Never let your guard down. Sadly, they are beyond fixing and are dangerous emotionally to their targets. They do NOT change.

No one is worth ctb over. No one. And even if you did ctb, this person would feel nothing other than a sense of loss that they can no longer control you. I'm truly sorry if that sounds harsh, but narcissists and psychopaths are 100% incapable of caring about anyone but themselves. Please trust me - no matter what you do, this person is beyond redemption. He is not worth losing your life over.
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Aug 1, 2024
No, it is not the only way to win. And I would argue that ctb is actually letting him win because he WILL take some perverse pleasure in knowing he affected you SO much you would do this. The ONLY way to win (in my experience) is to go completely no contact. Erase his name from your vocabulary. If anyone mentions him tell them you don't discuss that part if your life any longer.

I am SO terribly sorry that another being (not a human IMHO) would do this shit to you. I hope you find a way to move on and find some peace.


Sep 7, 2024
The only way to win against a narcissist is to live your life your way. If you are able, I highly advise getting as far away as you can and never, ever look back. Narcissists enjoy torturing others emotionally and they love the high they get out of harming others. They feed off the reactions they get from their targets reacting to them. The are incapable of truly loving another person because everything is about them being in control. They don't change, no matter how much they say the can or have. It's all a lie to drag someone back to play more mind games. The best thing a person can do is go no contact with the narc, but if you really cannot, then I suggest reading as much as you can about identifying their behavior, games, manipulation techniques, gaslighting, and all the other crap they pull. Learn methods of dealing with them (such as "grey rock") if you absolutely must have contact. Never let your guard down. Sadly, they are beyond fixing and are dangerous emotionally to their targets. They do NOT change.

No one is worth ctb over. No one. And even if you did ctb, this person would feel nothing other than a sense of loss that they can no longer control you. I'm truly sorry if that sounds harsh, but narcissists and psychopaths are 100% incapable of caring about anyone but themselves. Please trust me - no matter what you do, this person is beyond redemption. He is not worth losing your life over.
That's true.They don't care about anyone or anything.

They just will go any lengths to control someone.Especially the offsprings.I don't care about this parasite.

He wants to follow me abroad help me "set up" things.I come from a very pathetic and backwards culture and that simply doesn't help to let individuals set boundaries.

All my years of hardwork is down the drain.No contact has to become a miracle now.