
Mar 18, 2020
Considering everything we know will be gone in a decade thanks to a few rich robber barons, is there any reason to stay here? I'm seriously considering ending it all if my future consists of 160° heat, eating nothing but insects, and year-round category 4 hurricanes
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Feb 5, 2021
Definitely. It's one of the main reasons I wanna ctb.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
climate change doesn't seem so dire right now (I am still able to live comfortably) so it doesn't really play into my desire to CTB.
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Jun 18, 2019
Climate would change anyway, we can speed it up. slow it down, or just stop it, but i don't think we will be able to do that ever. No point in CTBing for it.
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Mar 28, 2021
Yes. But then again, I am of the opinion that we should all have the right to death, just as we have a right to life. I don't think we should have to explain or justify our reasons to others in the first place, here or anywhere.
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Mar 18, 2020
climate change doesn't seem so dire right now (I am still able to live comfortably) so it doesn't really play into my desire to CTB.
Imagine your entire neighborhood is burning, including the house next to yours. The fire is spreading to your backyard. Would you still say that the fire "doesn't seem so dire right now?"


My time is coming.
May 17, 2019
Is it a valid reason to you? If so, then it's valid.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
Imagine your entire neighborhood is burning, including the house next to yours. The fire is spreading to your backyard. Would you still say that the fire "doesn't seem so dire right now?"
I am only speaking for myself, I don't currently live in an area at risk of burning


Mar 22, 2020
Not only because of Climate Change, I think the universe itself is a reason to ctb.
I mean, all starts will die and there will be no more life so, what's the point of existing at all?
I just don't get why people wanna live so much until they're 80 at least.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Where do you live that you think climate change will end the world in a decade?
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Climate change might eventually make the planet so uninhabitable that it'll do the job for you anyway.


salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Mourning your home planet is a terrible feeling.
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Dec 20, 2020
I take the opposite perspective it encourages living more fully as it seems to be apparent techno narcissist proposed futures are a big flat flop.

this is probably as good as it gets

I've been studying the issue casually but somewhat seriously for about 15 years now. I've always been of the perspective the situation with it is that we are toast it's just a matter of when
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Dec 29, 2020
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
First, as others have mentioned, there is no need to justify your decision to CTB to others. It's a truly personal decision that only you should have the power to judge.

But second, climate change is a factor for me too. Falls under the banner of a profoundly hopeless world.
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Jun 3, 2021
Predictions are often way off. I wouldn't make such a decision based on something like this.
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Walking Disaster
Mar 6, 2021
I feel like everyone's reasons are valid. I have my reasons, you have yours and in end, they all mean the same to us. They all lead to suicidal feelings, eh? so, you shouldn't have to ask or explain your reasons to anyone else.
Take care xx


Feb 27, 2021
damn will all those changes actually happen in the span of a decade though?

only you know what you're going through op, so it really doesn't matter what i think.
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Jul 7, 2019
The way I see it, any reason is valid since I believe in absolute body autonomy for everyone.

That being said, you probably shouldn't base your entire reason and worldview on the extreme alarmism that has plagued and ruined the reputation of the climate change and other environmental movements.

It's true that there are some absolutely evil people ruining the world with their pollution (which is in my opinion a far greater threat to the world and a more immediate issue) but there are also some very disingenuous people who have used this issue as a ladder to get recognition and political power. This has been going on for over 50 years, when doom saying scientist in the 70's promised in very strong and warning words that we'd experience famines and mass desertification... by the 80's. It's been a while since then.

The world, from an environmeltal perspective, is absolutely getting destroyed. it's extremely sad to see it. But we're still quite a while from experiencing the really nasty effects from climate change.
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Jun 2, 2021
I don't think it is a reason for ctb. It won't affect us significantly in our lifetime. So if you want to live in general, this factor should not change your decision.
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Jun 4, 2021
definitely not a valid reason.

scientists have predicted "Global Freezing" for decades which didnt happen. Now they are pedaling something else.

even if scientists are right we are some time away for things to go really bad. even that happens only in a few locations first.

See the cover of Time Magazines in 1977 and 2008. See also other Time Covers which predicted "Global Freezing"


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I want to Insert something profound here
May 30, 2021
I would ask Greta Thunberg…


In all seriousness though I'm sure some do whether indirectly or directly as a result, take this article; https://www.theguardian.com/environ...farmers-linked-to-climate-change-study-claims

Obviously this article could be rather bias? But still worth looking all theories

it's probably more common in LEDC/developing countries who also have lots of subsistence farmers and poor infrastructure and financial support.

whereas in the west people might do it to make a political statement like extinction rebellion.

I think it could be like just adding another concern into someones already overflowing mixing bowl of problems. Maybe enough to push them over the edge.

I guess I'm to busy thinking about my own failing health to think far enough ahead as to the future of our planet. Ultimately I don't think we will be around forever, at least not on earth. But hopefully we can make some difference as a species and preserve some of our world, the more the better.


Jun 25, 2020
Any reason is valid to ctb
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Staring at the edge
Apr 28, 2021
Contrary to what some in this thread claim, scientists have been anything but "alarmist". Especially in the beginning they had an unspoken agreement to play down the potential effects of climate change, because they knew fully well that the general public would just ignore the research if it showed the full extent of the decaying world we are about to inhabit.

I highly recommend the book "The uninhabitable earth" by David Wallace Wells if you want to know what the research really says. Chances are, it's even worse than you think.

Also, as many others already said: you don't have to justify your suicide to anyone.
Everything in this pointless existence is a reason for suicide as far as I'm concerned.
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Jul 7, 2019
Contrary to what some in this thread claim, scientists have been anything but "alarmist". Especially in the beginning they had an unspoken agreement to play down the potential effects of climate change, because they knew fully well that the general public would just ignore the research if it showed the full extent of the decaying world we are about to inhabit.

I highly recommend the book "The uninhabitable earth" by David Wallace Wells if you want to know what the research really says. Chances are, it's even worse than you think.

Also, as many others already said: you don't have to justify your suicide to anyone.
Everything in this pointless existence is a reason for suicide as far as I'm concerned.
They've been nothing but alarmists.

Here's a very small collection of articles and opinions of those definitely non-alarmist scientists, and yes, I'll call them alarmists because we're not swimming in lava or frozen solid.

Also, since I have to point this out every time this subject comes out, I'm not a climate change denier, at all. This is an undeniable fact and us humans are clearly an accelerator.
Still, we are currently in an interglacial period, it will get hot before another ice age begins. These events have happened countless times. Pollution is the real issue here since it both contributes to the decline of the enviroment and affects life far more than any small temperature change over decades, but no one cares about it since these doomsayers managed to make a joke out of this movements.
1 2 22 4 1 23 29 31 36 37
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Staring at the edge
Apr 28, 2021
@Fragile some of those predictions weren't even made by researchers, two of them by the same dude called Ehrlich, and some are just straight up based, for example I don't know why you put the second image in there. It's very easy to measure rising sea levels, what do think will happen to coastal regions and island nations when they inevitably rise further?

Regardless, science is a process made possible by many people, and there's always bound to be bad or incorrect research. Indeed, inaccurate research is to be expected. But one bad paper doesn't influence another good one. It's like saying that Wakefield's bad paper about the causation between vaccines and autism somehow discredits vaccine research as a whole. "There was faulty climate research in the past so the climate research now is faulty as well" is fallacious thinking.
Even today it is important to differentiate between alarmism based on bad research, and rational concern based on reality. And yes, there are good grounds for concern. You said that we are quite a while from experiencing the nasty effects of climate change, I wonder what you mean by "a while". Every year there is a new record for heat waves, Australia and California are already getting wrecked by increased occurrences of wild fires.


Jul 7, 2019
@Fragile some of those predictions weren't even made by researchers, two of them by the same dude called Ehrlich, and some are just straight up based, for example I don't know why you put the second image in there. It's very easy to measure rising sea levels, what do think will happen to coastal regions and island nations when they inevitably rise further?
From wikipedia:
Paul Ralph Ehrlich (born May 29, 1932) is an American biologist, best known for his warnings about the consequences of population growth and limited resources. He is the Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies of the Department of Biology of Stanford University and President of Stanford's Center for Conservation Biology.

Not enough of a scientist?
he's also been the head of many research groups and people still respect him despite those dangerous claims that never came true.

And yes, sea level is rising, I never said that it isn't. My point is that no nation has been "obliterated" as those scientists predicted.

Regardless, science is a process made possible by many people, and there's always bound to be bad or incorrect research. Indeed, inaccurate research is to be expected. But one bad paper doesn't influence another good one. It's like saying that Wakefield's bad paper about the causation between vaccines and autism somehow discredits vaccine research as a whole. "There was faulty climate research in the past so the climate research now is faulty as well" is fallacious thinking.
Even today it is important to differentiate between alarmism based on bad research, and rational concern based on reality. And yes, there are good grounds for concern. You said that we are quite a while from experiencing the nasty effects of climate change, I wonder what you mean by "a while". Every year there is a new record for heat waves, Australia and California are already getting wrecked by increased occurrences of wild fires.

You would have a point if it wasn't for the fact that these really fucking apocalyptic and, honestly, misleading anti-science claims and bad papers would've stopped last century. but if you take a look at the last pictures you'll see that they are very recent and I didn't bother to look for newer ones, they absolutely exist and are just as exaggerated.
Also, if you didn't pay attention to shitty figures like Greta whateverberg, the mainstream opinion is that this is going to be the immediate end of the world crisis, as shown by OP here who wants to die because of these claims even if there is a bit of true in them,

Even today it is important to differentiate between alarmism based on bad research, and rational concern based on reality. And yes, there are good grounds for concern. You said that we are quite a while from experiencing the nasty effects of climate change, I wonder what you mean by "a while". Every year there is a new record for heat waves, Australia and California are already getting wrecked by increased occurrences of wild fires.
And finally, let me repeat myself because I feel like every time I talk about this I get interpreted as a climate denier who can't see the facts because I forgot to mention it another billion of times:

I have always acknowledged that this is unquestionable and real, its effects are slowly showing and we are an accelerant factor in this process. And I'm not optimistic about it, this can't be stopped.

By nasty consequences I mean what the scientists predicted and ingrained in popular culture, ice-free poles, nations obliterated, food rationing in first world countries. Not a few seasonal fires here and there that are also related to vandalism, or a few millimeters of water that can only threaten island nations.
The former consequences will only happen in the lives of the next generations, a sad reality by the way things are going, but it's something that takes a lot of time, it's a gradual change. The lives of the vast majority of us will not change that much.

Tree frog

Apr 1, 2021
definitely not a valid reason.

scientists have predicted "Global Freezing" for decades which didnt happen. Now they are pedaling something else.

even if scientists are right we are some time away for things to go really bad. even that happens only in a few locations first.

See the cover of Time Magazines in 1977 and 2008. See also other Time Covers which predicted "Global Freezing"
Those covers are fake and have been disproven many times.



low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Climate change is definitely playing a big role in my wish to exit as early as possible.
I'm disabled and a woman - if society collapses because there aren't enough resources and/or water - I'm screwed. I'm not made for survival and/or fighting others.
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