Are you agoraphobic?

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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
A lot of people here are NEETs, but not many seem to be full-on hermits or agoraphobic. As in you literally do not leave the house either at all, or unless accompanied by someone close to you. Personally speaking, I can't leave the house on my own. The most I can do is wander around our property, but only if my mom is somewhere nearby. As far as actually going anywhere else, it's not something I can do without one of my parents accompanying me. At this point, my mother is all I have left and I can't go anywhere unless she comes with me. The last time I went anywhere by myself must've been like 8/9 years ago when I went for a quick walk in the middle of the night. Even wandering around this empty town at night with no one around or passing me still brought out anxious feelings in me. Eventually, all I wanted to do was get back home ASAP. Anyway, I also don't have a driver's license although my mother has been suggesting lately that I should get one. However, I'd be far too anxious to drive alone, or even drive at all. Plus, I could never take the live test where an instructor is present on account of me being an anxious wreck.

The lack of autonomy can occasionally be frustrating, but it is what it is. I'm unfortunately suffering from a case of severe arrested development, along with numerous mental health problems and self-esteem issues which make navigating the outside world in even the most minimal independent capacity downright impossible.
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Feb 22, 2021
The only time I would ever consider leaving my home is if some criminals break in somehow, there's a fire or some other event that will force me out, like a sudden rat, insect, alien, zombie or other creatures invasion or to ctb, that's all, to be honest.

Also, if I was ever forced out, I would take that opportunity to ctb without hesitation. Going out is the only thing keeping me from ctb so, I'd jump on that opportunity, to be honest.

Jump... Hehehe. Get it? No? Okay... Nevermind... *leaves quietly*

Also, I'm sorry you're going through that, op. I don't really know what else to say, except, I hope you eventually find what you're looking for.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm also a NEET right now, but not socially anxious. I was socially anxious throughout puberty and adolescence and now I can't remember the last time I felt socially anxious. I can still get a little anxious during special social occasions, but it's manageable. I think baby-steps and exposure would be the way to go about treating your agoraphobia on your own, but I can't fix my own psych problems so I'm guessing that it would only work in theory.

I missed your walls of text during my days away from here, btw.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
The only time I would ever consider leaving my home is if some criminals break in somehow, there's a fire or some other event

In my case, I've often fantasized about such things to free me from my miserable life. If a home intruder broke in I'd probably beg them to shoot me in the head. They'd probably be freaked out so bad they'd run from the house in sheer confusion/horror, while I'd just be standing there yelling at them to get their ass back here. Even more extremely than this, I've sometimes thought that when my mother dies I'll simply set the house on fire and then wait to die from the smoke inhalation, or get burnt to a crisp by the flames. I doubt I'll actually do this, but, like I said, it's something I often fantasize about anyway. The rest of the fears you mention are, again, some of my own death fantasies. Like aliens that could death ray my house to ashes, or how a stray meteorite could come in through the ceiling and crush my head like a styrofoam cup.

I hope you eventually find what you're looking for.

Truthfully, I have no idea what that would be. Come to think of it, this is one of my main problems. That I have nothing to look forward to and nothing that compels my continued existence on this planet. I've spent a lot of time looking for death and, fortunately, that's at least guaranteed to find me one day.
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Feb 22, 2021
In my case, I've often fantasized about such things to free me from my miserable life. If a home intruder broke in I'd probably beg them to shoot me in the head. They'd probably be freaked out so bad they'd run from the house in sheer confusion/horror, while I'd just be standing there yelling at them to get their ass back here. Even more extremely than this, I've sometimes thought that when my mother dies I'll simply set the house on fire and then wait to die from the smoke inhalation, or get burnt to a crisp by the flames. I doubt I'll actually do this, but, like I said, it's something I often fantasize about anyway. The rest of the fears you mention are, again, some of my own death fantasies. Like aliens that could death ray my house to ashes, or how a stray meteorite could come in through the ceiling and crush my head like a styrofoam cup.

Truthfully, I have no idea what that would be. Come to think of it, this is one of my main problems. That I have nothing to look forward to and nothing that compels my continued existence on this planet. I've spent a lot of time looking for death and, fortunately, that's at least guaranteed to find me one day.

Same, I thought about those scenarios too, but then I wondered "What if they're here to kidnap and/or torture me?". In that scenario, I concluded that I'd rather not risk it lol.

The number one best scenario for me is still multiple a giant meteorite striking and obliterating the world me, my house and my surroundings, while I'm asleep, to be honest. I'd be okay with it happening while I'm awake too, actually. It would be so epic. The aliens death raying the world my house sounds good too.

N-no I'm totally not in the process of summoning said aliens and meteorites... *nervously looks into the void*

By the way, op, I know you said you don't have anything to look forward to in this existence, which I totally understand. Maybe what you (or your soul if you believe in that) are looking for lies beyond this existence? Hehe just kidding, I was just saying. Anyway, I hope everything will be okay eventually, for all of us. Let's all take care until then and do what feels best for us. By the way, you sound like a Hermit senpai to me, to be honest. And, I'm only looking for death now as well. Being able to accept your situation with such a level of detachment and embracing the end so calmly, I kind of admire you.

Edit: Nevermind, the world is ending, I probably won't need to go outside to ctb. I'm glad my summoning is showing some results lol just kidding... or am I hehehe.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
YES! I feel ending it would be easier than overcoming whatever this is, I've tried countless times to expand my small world and just can't..

Also social awkwardness everywhere I go encourages me to stay home.

It feels SO GOOD to witness others with the same struggles, I suddenly feel less alone.
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Apr 5, 2018
It is somewhat dangerous for me to go outside, and by somewhat dangerous I mean more so than for the average local. I don't have any particular fears about the outside space. I dislike how big it is, and how I should be careful with how far I'm going, for I'll have to traverse the same distance on my way back to the crib.

When I was a kid, I really liked to be able to teleport between distant places, or having a huge (arc-like, rainbow-like) bridge leading straight to my destination point. I wish I knew Mark & Recall spells. Mysticism is my favorite school right now.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I've been agoraphobic my entire life and have issues going anywhere new on my own. It's both a subconscious fear of danger and a fear of failure I've never been able to overcome. I got so bad around 5 years ago from isolation that I started hearing everyday noises at such extreme levels that it made me constantly on edge.

I dont need anyone to go with me to places I've already been if they are close by but the only thing holding me over are meds and they are a bandaid at best.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I am diagnosed with social agoraphobia. I can leave my house on my own, that's not the issue. It's once I'm out a huge sense of 'panic ' takes over and I end up having panic attacks. Since my doctor gave me propranolol it's been much easier to cope with. If I remember to take one before I go out I'm generally ok.
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Nov 30, 2020
I can't go anywhere unless I'm accompanied by support workers. There are "incidents" otherwise.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I can't go anywhere unless I'm accompanied by support workers. There are "incidents" otherwise.
I have incidents of getting angry and tell people to fuck off generally:) some old lady had a pop at me in a shop for not wearing a mask . She pushes in front of me to grab a product I was stood in front of whilst I tried to calm down. I usually just try a level on a game on my phone but it was dead so I just stood counting my change instead. It's so hard isn't it
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Nov 30, 2020
I have incidents of getting angry and tell people to fuck off generally:) some old lady had a pop at me in a shop for not wearing a mask . She pushes in front of me to grab a product I was stood in front of whilst I tried to calm down. I usually just try a level on a game on my phone but it was dead so I just stood counting my change instead. It's so hard isn't
It's very difficult. Especially when old bags start interfering.


Dec 18, 2019
I'm severely agoraphobic. Normally I don't even leave my bedroom. I was forced to do so today though for an in-person doctor appointment, which was torturous because my body doesn't function properly and I'm so self-conscious going outside and being around other people my age who are happy & healthy. But on the bright side the diagnostic assessment performed by my physician confirmed that my body is truly malfunctioning and it's not remotely in my head, so for that at least I'm grateful.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
I can leave my house to go to the psychiatrist and therapist. Nothing else works.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I think baby-steps and exposure would be the way to go about treating your agoraphobia on your own, but I can't fix my own psych problems so I'm guessing that it would only work in theory.

Agreed. In theory that could work, but not without significant outside support. Doing it on my own will simply never happen. Accounting for hypotheticals to that effect feels tantamount to fantasy level thinking, the same as if I stepped out my door and somehow ended up in Middle Earth, or whatever. I do not possess the necessary emotional wherewithal or inner ability to accomplish anything remotely comparable. Even with outside support, there'd be no guarantees. However, the world does not have the time/resources/inclination to help someone like me, so I'm basically fucked forever in this regard.

By the way, I never knew you didn't struggle with social anxiety. You're light years ahead of me in that case.

By the way, you sound like a Hermit senpai to me, to be honest. And, I'm only looking for death now as well. Being able to accept your situation with such a level of detachment and embracing the end so calmly, I kind of admire you.

Well, it's true that I do think about death constantly. It's always entered my head at least once every day for the past 10 years or so. You'd think that would desensitize me to the idea/reality of it and, for the most part, it has. Still, I sometimes wonder how my body would react if placed in a situation where death was imminently certain. I feel like my survival instinct would probably kick in, which even now I can't help, but shake my head about since death is what I've been waiting literally more than half my life for. Even if I were to runaway to safety I'd simply be left with once again experiencing my painfully shitty and empty life which would one day lead to my inevitable death anyway. So it's like, I'd have to tell myself, "C'mon man, just relax. This is what you wanted, isn't it? You've focused on it for years upon years now. Here's your chance to finally step through the exit door out of all this nightmarish crap called life. Don't let your survival instinct ruin it all and self-sabotage your chance at true freedom." I hate how the body can unconsciously assert itself in times such as these. The body is just a machine that wants to stay in operation. It doesn't care what "you" or "I" really want.

Nevermind, the world is ending

Yes, indeed it is. Climate chaos and nuclear war have made certain of that.

I dislike how big it is, and how I should be careful with how far I'm going, for I'll have to traverse the same distance on my way back to the crib.

These would also be concerns of mine had I the ability to actually go anywhere by myself. On top of this, the world outside is also very boring and dreary. Even if I could go out there, there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. The only thing that motivates me whenever I'm outside is a desperate desire to return home. In a weird way, I've sometimes thought that the only kinds of walks that would work for me are ones where I could be dropped off at some random location around town and then I try to get back home ASAP, since it's the only destination that matters to me.

I am diagnosed with social agoraphobia. I can leave my house on my own, that's not the issue. It's once I'm out a huge sense of 'panic ' takes over and I end up having panic attacks.

For me, it's also largely social agoraphobia that troubles me, since I'm not technically afraid of the outside world at all, but I am afraid of being alone in having to navigate it. Someone who's classically agoraphobic simply has an irrational fear of the outside world. However, this doesn't stop them from having friends, or talking over the phone, or even getting into relationships potentially. In my case, I suffer the arguably worst form of this condition where although I can go outside and have no actual fears about it as it exists to navigate in, I could never do so independently and by myself. This is then compounded by the social agoraphobia preventing me from ever meeting someone who might be able to help me with this problem. Without my mother, I'd literally be trapped forever in this house, even though the outside world on the face of it really doesn't bother me at all.

I was forced to do so today though for an in-person doctor appointment, which was torturous because my body doesn't function properly and I'm so self-conscious going outside and being around other people my age who are happy & healthy.

Yeah, same. Whenever I go for drives with my mother, it can be painful to see people walking about or laughing in restaurants who are otherwise normal and can live their lives without anything standing in their way. It's not fair. Why the fuck do I have to be this way? Even people with terminal illnesses or physical deformities aren't as fucked as I am, since there's isn't even the slightest chance I'll ever be able to do anything on my own, or ever have my own life.

I also really dislike appointments. The lead up to them is the worst. Psychologically I pretty much have to psyche myself up as best I can, but it's always still a very tense and anxiety inducing situation. Like with everything else, my mother accompanies me every step of the way, even right into the doctor's office itself. The same is also true with the occasional dentist appointment. My mother will follow me into the dental hygienists area and sit by me the whole time while they're cleaning my teeth. I mean, she kind of has to, since otherwise I just couldn't do it. It's nice because she usually talks their ear off which, for me, makes me feel more comfortable, since it helps me to feel invisible.

Nothing else works.

Exactly. Nothing does work, at least not without the necessary factors. I'd need tremendous outside involvement and resources to even have the slightest hope of getting anywhere with this, but that would require a lot of monetary and social capital that I simply don't, nor will ever have. Things might be technically fixable here, but without enough resources, it's effectively made moot. A broken bridge could be technically repaired, but without a construction crew coming in with the necessary materials, it'll simply remain as it is forever. A bridge can't fix itself and neither can someone as mentally troubled as myself who's bankrupt of any outside opportunities or reasons to do anything.
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Dec 8, 2019
Yess but I don't like "need" anyone to come with me anymore like when I was teenager(if I could I would tho...).
Now its like I'm scared leaving my space or my space. It was worse in 2019 I'll say but it took till this year to realized that this is also a struggle of mine.

This abuse and mistrust of professionals makes so much so hard to deal with bc I want the help but I dunno if I can trust the people giving it...

I've just moved and I have so much anxiety around stuff and no one that im really connected to and I moved hours away. An old friend that could come and im like desperate for that....but they have financial and otherwise issues as well so dunno if its possible

Knowing that im on my own tho I know it gotta work on it somehow.

Im not sure how tho. I guess im trying...

Yeah I am... taking it slow.

It leads to me spending way too much on Uber bc getting around is too much. Ive realized it not so much the social anxiety piece.. its the space aspect... so hard to explain...

Haaa she was toxic but I miss my old "best friend" remembering how comforting it was to ride the subway with her... i hope I can find healthy relationships here.

also it has made nights horrible and I hate that bc I love night time...

Yeah getting away from toxic has been the best for me but it has made some things worse

Im going to keep trying bc I need outside help. For now it's looking okish but if not....
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Nov 4, 2018
I don't have agoraphobia but I sure as hell don't like spending time outside more than necessary. Being around other ppl makes me angry, tired, and stressed. Whenever I see "happy" ppl, I get pissed off for no reason. Just thinking about this makes me even more angry idk why.
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Knowing better hurts.
Mar 7, 2021
I find open space to be refreshing and I love nature; it's the crowds - and three definitely is - that bother me.
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Apr 3, 2019
I'm not officially diagnosed, so I can't say for sure, but I don't really leave the house unless I have no other choice most of the time. I spend a lot of days in my room, because I feel uncomfortable leaving. I'm extremely paranoid once I step outside. I hate the feeling of not being able to be back home right away. I can at least take out the trash and shit now, but back then I couldn't even open the front door, it was like I would die on the spot. I've had times when I've felt relatively fine, but I'm never "at ease".

I don't have a driver's license, either, and don't plan to. I don't like to go anywhere by myself. I have to stay by my mom the whole time while out, otherwise I go into a full on panic if I lose sight of her. When I've gone on a walks outside with my mom in the past, I'd be filled with dread once we left the parking lot, like home was so incredibly far away and there was no quick escape back since we were on foot. Needless to say, I won't do that again.

Despite all of this, I'll have to find it in me to leave the house and walk to a store if I want to CTB any time soon...
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I don't have agoraphobia but I sure as hell don't like spending time outside more than necessary. Being around other ppl makes me angry, tired, and stressed. Whenever I see "happy" ppl, I get pissed off for no reason. Just thinking about this makes me even more angry idk why.
I'd guess it's because they were fortunate to have easy and carefree lives while other people are driven to suicide by horrific circumstances outside of their control.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Whenever I see "happy" ppl, I get pissed off for no reason. Just thinking about this makes me even more angry idk why.

Whenever I see happy or well off people, I'll admit, that I tend to feel similarly. This is especially true for me online, which is partly why I can't really stomach the internet beyond browsing websites like this one. When it comes to just looking at strangers outside the windows of our car however, I usually feel super depressed and suicidal whenever I catch sight of those who actually seem to be enjoying their lives, instead of irritated or angry. I could never engane or talk with anyone that actually loved their lives or was happy, since I'd just want to literally fucking kill myself right in front of them I'd be so depressed.

I find open space to be refreshing and I love nature

Agreed. I feel exactly the same way. So long as there are no people around, I tend to really enjoy walking nature trials or wandering about conservation areas. However, even when it comes to this sort of thing I still need my mother accompanying me. To do this alone wouldn't be as impossibly anxiety inducing for me as walking around a city, but I'd still feel pretty exposed/vulnerable without her around. I went with my parents to a couple nature areas last year and I enjoyed it, but I was always on the lookout for any people that might be approaching. Fortunately, no one ever did, outside of one random family that passed us on a big open walking trail. Even something as minimal as that still had me noticeably tense.

Like I said, I'm not traditionally agoraphobic because those who are would literally freak the fuck out in regards to being outside at all, but I feel like I'm still worse off than them because at least they can still salvage some semblance of a decent life in spite of it, whereas there exists zero possibility for me to ever do the same.

I don't have a driver's license, either, and don't plan to. I don't like to go anywhere by myself. I have to stay by my mom the whole time while out, otherwise I go into a full on panic if I lose sight of her.

Yep, same here. Sounds like you and I are pretty similar, which is actually kind of crazy since I thought I was the only one in this kind of predicament. For me, I can remember how when I was a kid that I'd always hide behind my mother whenever a stranger was approaching us down the street. Even from a young age, I've always relied on my mother heavily as a shield/life preserver to the outside world. When it comes right down to it, nothing much has changed for the better in that regard, even though I'm now a grown ass man nearing 30. I've pitched in a lot with doing various projects around the house to help fix the place up, but I've made next to zero progress with becoming more resilient/independent as far as navigating the outside world is concerned. As it stands, I think this is just something I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of whatever remains of my time on this planet.

Like yourself, I can step out the door to get stuff from the car or check the mailbox, but that's about it. As far as actually leaving to do something somewhere on my own, I haven't done anything of the sort since I was in high school, which was almost 15 years ago now. When it comes to killing myself, if I can't order a gun online, then I'll just put my head on the railroad tracks, or jump from the bridge that's relatively nearby to where we live into the water down below since I don't know how to swim.

I'd guess it's because they were fortunate to have easy and carefree lives while other people are driven to suicide by horrific circumstances outside of their control.

Damn straight. People like this don't know what it's like to suffer and to have your entire existence be an agonizing endurance test to the grave. They're just enjoying their dumb luck, while people like me are fucked completely and will never have a chance at joy or happiness. It's impossible not to be bitter/resentful at the fact that they're too rich (whether monetarily, or socially, or both) to know devastating levels of pain and sadness, while I'm too poor to know anything remotely good or redeemable. Their own circumstances/genetics have allowed them a decent life, whereas mine have utterly condemned me to suffering through the opposite. Their existence stands as a testament to life's pitiless indifference and unfairness. It doesn't help that these people also tend to be hyper ignorant and full of themselves (not to mention vain, greedy, decadent, et cetera) and are usually believers in a just world and that everyone gets what they deserve, when the actual reality is that there are only two kinds of people. Lucky people and unlucky people. That's it.
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Apr 3, 2019
Yep, same here. Sounds like you and I are pretty similar, which is actually kind of crazy since I thought I was the only one in this kind of predicament. For me, I can remember how when I was a kid that I'd always hide behind my mother whenever a stranger was approaching us down the street. Even from a young age, I've always relied on my mother heavily as a shield/life preserver to the outside world. When it comes right down to it, nothing much has changed for the better in that regard, even though I'm now a grown ass man nearing 30. I've pitched in a lot with doing various projects around the house to help fix the place up, but I've made next to zero progress with becoming more resilient/independent as far as navigating the outside world is concerned. As it stands, I think this is just something I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of whatever remains of my time on this planet.

Like yourself, I can step out the door to get stuff from the car or check the mailbox, but that's about it. As far as actually leaving to do something somewhere on my own, I haven't done anything of the sort since I was in high school, which was almost 15 years ago now. When it comes to killing myself, if I can't order a gun online, then I'll just put my head on the railroad tracks, or jump from the bridge that's relatively nearby to where we live into the water down below since I don't know how to swim.
Yeah, I attempt to make up for my inadequacy through cleaning and organizing things around the house when I have the energy for it, too. Part of my problem could stem from being very sheltered, but other life experiences didn't help at all.

I don't know if this makes any sense, but for me it's sort of like a video game, where you fill in the map as you explore, and I only have my house and the parking lot filled in, and the rest is just stuck as this hazy, dangerous and undiscovered part of the map.
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Mar 6, 2021
I am, I guess is common with autism (my case). I don't go out except rarely accompanied by my brother. That is why is so hard for me to do anything or to even find ways to CTB. Even going out with my brother causes me anxiety. I start to think days ahead and worry non-stop.

This is one strong reason that makes my life hopeless, it is not likely I will ever have any autonomy by myself. I don't have my parents so my brother is the one who has to take responsibility for me when he didn't sign up for this and hate it. I will always depend on others and don't have my parents anymore. I was terrified of one day becoming homeless I'm sure I would hide somewhere and starve to death. But I'm sure I won't live much longer for that.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm not fully agoraphobic, I do go out to the cemetery for a walk everyday, but going to a place filled with people gives me feelings of fear. I lack the motivation to do much really and would ideally sleep all the time. I spend most of my time trapped with my own overactive thoughts.


Mar 21, 2021
For quite some time yes, I am trying to get a bit better but all I end up doing is driving far away and going for walks, I feel safe in the car it's like my little bubble. Today I went out on my own and my neighbour was near my car so I thought it'd be rude not to say morning to him but then he asked me how I was and I panicked a bit laughing getting in the car. I thought about that and how stupid it was the whole car journey, why couldn't he just say morning too. :ehh: I don't like it.

I had a 2 year or so period where I did not go out at all though was terrified at the thought of it, couldn't even go to the doctors. I don't know if it counts as agoraphobia so sorry if it doesn't.
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