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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I despise it when pro-lifers say things like that, they are so deluded and lack any awareness. Pro-lifers who act like there is something wrong with people for preferring death are so disgusting, I cannot stand them. No matter what suicide should always be accepted and it's criminal how it's not, I'd always prefer to die painlessly than to suffer in this meaningless existence for decades on end just to be tormented dying in agony from old age.

Wanting to avoid unnecessary suffering by suicide is all that feels rational to me, non-existence would solve everything, there's no value in something so undesirable as existence, for me it'd be better if this existence is erased. And anyway all of the so called "help" is just a scam to enslave people in their futile existences, the whole point of it is to prolong the suffering as much as possible, it's sadistic.

Existence itself is the true problem no matter what, it's an abomination to suffer in this existence that is so cruel and futile. Delusional pro-lifers only create way more harm, it's hellish how we exist in this society filled with people like that, they just make me want death even more.
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May 24, 2024
They're not pro-life, they're pro-suffering. Don't do s*** to help others, only preach and use scare tactics. Disgusting people really!
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Mar 25, 2024
Agreed, voluntary assisted suicide with safeguards should be available in every country. Don't turn your back on people and let them suffer indefinitely. Cruel world.
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I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
Prolifers are control freaks who think they know what's best for others and are only looking for a dopamine hit for doing their good deed for the day. The don't give a shit about the quality of life of those they're trying to 'save'. They're brainwashed tools.
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May 27, 2024
100%, If someone is suffering more because they're alive, than any amount of suffering that death could give them then they're just making a logical decision. If you actually want to help someone than maybe help them solve the problems that make their existence worse, If you want to be helpful. Making someone feel guilty for being suicidal isn't helping in any way, just the pro-lifer's delusional view that living is objectively better than death. I also think that they're uncomfortable with the fact that life isn't a gift from some divine being (as pro-lifers tend to be religious) but just something that happened to come into existence.
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Those people would have to have all their limbs torn off and let them live for a while, you would see how they would change their minds.
I have always thought that any person, whether or not they suffer from an illness, should be able to be free to choose whether to live or die, it is our life and our decision, I don't care about doctors' commands to do no harm and human rights, yes. It is my wish, who is anyone to decide that I cannot take my own life?