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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
What would be something that could if you wished allow you too truly live.....

Mine are maybe a bit perverse (dunno if thats the right word)
If a quack turned round to me & said you have x or y & you will be dead in (insert) years
Or if euthanasia was better implemented & i knew that if i was still on the same hamster wheel in a couple of years that i could opt to leave....

If any of the above were real i feel like i could maybe enjoy a year or two, despite the depression & being suicidal for a lot of my life i have also had a lot of fun, when I'm well i can interact with folks & i dunno, it just feels like if i had that option then for a bit at least i could really truly live....

Sorry & of course please remove if pointless.
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Dec 17, 2018
I wish I could live without anxiety, without this loneliness. Without constantly worrying about literally everything on this horrible planet, and to have friends who could understand what I'm going through.
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Oct 23, 2018
In an ideal world rational thinking would be taught as standard. Meaning irrational damaging systems would be challenged and changed accordingly, from the weight of pressure of people not being swayed by media machine propaganda. In that ideal world, we may then actually tackle gross abuses within political systems, business and wage slavery that is rendering us into free-range slaves. As well as the push towards more sustainable living that does not result in a future for children akin to this…

Sand castles
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Chicken of ss
Aug 9, 2018
I don't want to be in this mental pain. I know it is selfish, but please, PLEASE just make this pain stop! I can't endure this much longer...

Beside that, I wish we would have never begun with living settled.
There are a lot of things in nature wich I want to be "better", but I think we shouldn't play too much "god"...
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
I think generally for a lot of people the wish is actually desire but exists as metaphysics. As it is all that I can do here right now my desire is that people would interrogate their wishes in ways that make them horribly uncomfortable and to the point of madness consider the material implications of it. This world is mortal, you are completely nothing, and you can do anything you want.
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Jan 1, 2019
In an ideal world rational thinking would be taught as standard. Meaning irrational damaging systems would be challenged and changed accordingly, from the weight of pressure of people not being swayed by media machine propaganda. In that ideal world, we may then actually tackle gross abuses within political systems, business and wage slavery that is rendering us into free-range slaves. As well as the push towards more sustainable living that does not result in a future for children akin to this…

View attachment 6551

I must say, the person who I fear the most is the one who spends much time fantasising about "ideal worlds" and about means to bring about such ideations (not necessarily talking about you, just talking in general). People of that mindset have an awful track record. Take the revolutionary communists of Bolshevik Russia, for instance - they aspired to a goal that they thought insuperably noble (to implement a Communist state) and, as such, they felt that no injustice was too wicked to bring about their aspired end. What resulted was decades of famine, forced labour camps, millions of deaths, and heavy authoritarianism; all in a vain attempt to bring about a system that had no demonstration of practical viability, and only a theoretical backing from the texts of intellectuals like Marx and Engels (whose texts surely gave much validation to the revolutionaries, despite wholly lacking in the ability to form a practical economic system nonetheless).

You say, for instance, that in your ideal world "rational thinking would be taught as standard". But think about the authoritarian implications of that statement. What if a parent wants to homeschool their child and teach them about religion (which I'm sure you'd agree is not the most rational of things)? We would have to rip the child from the hands of the parent in order to put them into a state school, and then teach them what the state has decided to be "rational", whilst the parents are inhibited in their ability to freely raise their own child (simply because we have made the decision for the parent that it is bad to teach their kid something "irrational").

In my opinion, we should not exert too much energy trying to socially engineer society into molds that we personally find good, like attempting to mold people into our personal conception of "rational". That is the behaviour of a dictator who has enough hubris to think that he should be a moral authority, and that he should be steering everyone's lives. No, that is certainly not an ideal world. Now I put forth my vision of an ideal world - let us allow humanity to express it's free soul; let us allow those who freely make good decisions to be rewarded by natural systems, and those who freely make bad decisions to be punished by natural systems; if a parent decides to teach their child irrational superstitions, then allow the natural flow of evolution to arbitrate and to lay judgement upon the virtue of the decision, rather than an authoritarian figure. Not to say that I am an anarchist, but merely that I am closer to one than most (if I were plotted upon on axis of anarchy to strict control).

That's my personal opinion.
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Oct 23, 2018
I must say, the person who I fear the most is the one who spends much time fantasising about "ideal worlds" and about means to bring about such ideations (not necessarily talking about you, just talking in general). People of that mindset have an awful track record. Take the revolutionary communists of Bolshevik Russia, for instance - they aspired to a goal that they thought insuperably noble (to implement a Communist state) and, as such, they felt that no injustice was too wicked to bring about their aspired end. What resulted was decades of famine, forced labour camps, millions of deaths, and heavy authoritarianism; all in a vain attempt to bring about a system that had no demonstration of practical viability, and only a theoretical backing from the texts of intellectuals like Marx and Engels (whose texts surely gave much validation to the revolutionaries, despite wholly lacking in the ability to form a practical economic system nonetheless).

You say, for instance, that in your ideal world "rational thinking would be taught as standard". But think about the authoritarian implications of that statement. What if a parent wants to homeschool their child and teach them about religion (which I'm sure you'd agree is not the most rational of things)? We would have to rip the child from the hands of the parent in order to put them into a state school, and then teach them what the state has decided to be "rational", whilst the parents are inhibited in their ability to freely raise their own child (simply because we have made the decision for the parent that it is bad to teach their kid something "irrational").

In my opinion, we should not exert too much energy trying to socially engineer society into molds that we personally find good, like attempting to mold people into our personal conception of "rational". That is the behaviour of a dictator who has enough hubris to think that he should be a moral authority, and that he should be steering everyone's lives. No, that is certainly not an ideal world. Now I put forth my vision of an ideal world - let us allow humanity to express it's free soul; let us allow those who freely make good decisions to be rewarded by natural systems, and those who freely make bad decisions to be punished by natural systems; if a parent decides to teach their child irrational superstitions, then allow the natural flow of evolution to arbitrate and to lay judgement upon the virtue of the decision, rather than an authoritarian figure. Not to say that I am an anarchist, but merely that I am closer to one than most (if I were plotted upon on axis of anarchy to strict control).

That's my personal opinion.

It is no more authoritarian than schools being obligated to teach math as part of the curriculum. Teaching people how to discern and verify information is shockingly neglected as a skill. You would think it would be the bedrock of education no different to English and Math. However oddly enough it is not, Instead we sort of have a lot of focus on rote learning and regurgitation to jump through specific hoops. To the point, schools are pretty much coaching people through their exams to meet targets. None of that is either thinking for yourself or knowing how to logically approach information and arrive at the most evidence-based conclusions. We also know what the fallacies are now, the psychological deficits we naturally have. As well as how dangerous ideology left in empty echo chambers is. Arming people with this early on means that instead of people being victims of agendas that prey on ignorance or being moulded by baseless ideologies through youth. (Including the will of parents. All at the most formative years of life.) People will get to choose for themselves. It is not then driven by fear or jumping on a bandwagon. That for me is even more free. I am not going to comment on religion or homeschooling. The laws that govern that seem okay enough. You are the one alluding to sending out the Gestapo, you already have people opting out of lessons on various religious grounds, like sex education. I am just wanting lessons in critical thinking and logical fallacies taught in school as standard. Coaching people to pass exams is not educating them how to think for themselves or making them capable of challenging rotten systems that want to convince you, you are free when you are not. Some of the greatest leaps in quality of life have come from knowledge and education being applied.

It bothers me that there are questions on reddit asking how various kids can get vaccinated in secret behind their parents back. How did everything get so absurd that measles has made a comeback and is killing children all over again!

let us allow humanity to express it's free soul; let us allow those who freely make good decisions to be rewarded by natural systems, and those who freely make bad decisions to be punished by natural systems

That is not what happens though. You should look up the just world fallacy. People also being taught irrational ideologies also go on to do terrible things in the name of those ideologies. I am not just talking about religion either. More accurate thinking would benefit everyone. All the technology, knowledge and access to history is right there in the information age. But it seems like it is being squandered while multiple ticking time bombs continue their countdowns.
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