

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I view it as being the most unfair and cruel thing how life is so unfairly forced here, yet it's not straightforward to leave at all. This existence is certainly so prison like and I hate the fact that this society is so focused on suicide prevention which is just prolonging suffering. As humans we deserve the option of a guaranteed way out of this life without all of the risks, complications and difficulties involved in suicide. Suicide should be recognised as a human right and nobody should have to be punished simply for wanting to leave this world like having their suicide attempt cruelly interrupted by some pro lifer, other people really should have no right to interfere. Existing could never be an obligation and there's nothing that could ever justify making suicide so difficult for us. We simply should just be able to exit this life without having to struggle in doing so, and it's just so unacceptable how it really is so difficult.

The attitudes that so many hold towards suicide in this society are disgusting, like how they see it as being something worse than suffering, something that must always be stopped no matter what and it's horrible how people want to restrict others having access to method information, further stigmatising the subject of suicide. These types of people are insane to me how they glorify life so much and are so blind to the fact that for so many in this world existence could never be worth enduring. We are all just destined to die anyway so there is no value and benefit to trying to force people to stay here, instead just a thing will lead to more unnecessary torment that doesn't need to exist.

Of course any attempt to stop people from achieving freedom from this hellish world is something that only ever leads to more harm, as existence is something harmful in itself and at least to me the less time spent trapped here the better. It's sad how I'm still here and I hate the fact that I've managed to exist for this long, if it was easier to leave this world I would had certainly already left by this point. But in my case life itself will always be the true problem so of course the solution could only ever be to die and it's tragic how suicide isn't recognised as being a rational solution to solve everything. To die could simply never be a bad thing in any way, as in fact death is something so normal, and to me the thought of being gone is ideal as all that I wish for is to be completely unaware of the terrible thing that is existence.
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Mar 24, 2021
So many people would rather believe that it's a temporary or maybe they can't handle how uncomfortable the conversation makes them. That's why they shut us up by handing us a bunch of pills every month thinking that it'll be enough. Or they tell us it gets better so we believe that and 20 years down the line, all the work you've done and there is nothing positive to show for it. They would rather people be in pain silently or shove a bunch of pills down their throats every month than to open their eyes and see that people wanting to kill themselves aren't doing it without a thought. They would rather we put their pain ahead of our own. People should be able to do as they please long as it's thought out. Not everyone can handle the constant pain. And they shouldn't be made to feel like kids who don't know what they want. It's sad yes. It's sad that this world is so cruel that people feel like ending their life is their only choice left. But they shouldn't be forced to live to please someone else. That's not fair to them.
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21st Century Lobotomy
Dec 29, 2022
We heard you the first 17,380 times
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Nov 5, 2022
It's really easy to be a pro-lifer when you see a glimpse of the person in pain, but don't live through their hell 24/7 year after year despite trying literally every treatment. On a purely logical note, there is no reason why others should have the right over our body and our life. We had no say coming into this life. In any other situation, if someone gave you a gift that you didn't like, you would be allowed to return it.
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Jan 14, 2023
I agree that the world is cruel and that suicide should be a human right. Society isn't at the point of accepting suicide as a solution anytime soon but I hope in the future it will be a recognised right. Maybe. The world is kind of in a bad shape right now and I don't see it improving so maybe not..
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Jan 6, 2023
Pick two:

Painless, easy, cheap
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Jun 19, 2022
I don't like how we get stigmatised but I think the pro-life people are just seeing things from one point of view and that's what it's like to lose someone to suicide. I have no experience of that but it must be tragic and terrible. I honestly don't know what the solution is, but obviously young people who are going through a temporary crisis should be getting help and not doing anything permanent. I just think the help needs to be better. As for the rest of us long-time depressed, yeh I think things should be made easier, but I'm not sure how it could be done.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
Neither society nor the lack of painless, quick and 100 % secure methodes to end your life is the problem. You find so many helpful information in this forum. The only problem is our survival instinct and you seem to have a very strong one because you are still here though you suffer so much from your life..

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think it's BECAUSE life is so cruel that we are not given access to a peaceful exit.

Life as a biological thing is really just a roll of the dice. Your health, social and financial situation is too. It's good for some and bad for others.

It's societies requirements on top of shitty life circumstances that makes it especially cruel. We DON'T have the freedom of choice.


Feel free to PM
Jan 21, 2023
I don't like how we get stigmatised but I think the pro-life people are just seeing things from one point of view and that's what it's like to lose someone to suicide. I have no experience of that but it must be tragic and terrible. I honestly don't know what the solution is, but obviously young people who are going through a temporary crisis should be getting help and not doing anything permanent. I just think the help needs to be better. As for the rest of us long-time depressed, yeh I think things should be made easier, but I'm not sure how it could be done.
Yes, but people see everyone in this situation as a teen going through a phase.

Easier to sweep the problem under the rug by referring to a fucking hotline when someone opens up about it and just wants to be heard by a close one.
Easier to say self-harm is for attention seekers than to try and understand why they had to result to this extreme as a scream for help.
Easier to pretend that the problem doesn't exist. Bonus point if you can feel like a hero or be the edgy/funny one of the bunch.
The same way medias don't report on every instance of suicide or murder. The same way we try to hide homeless people or beggars.
If you don't see it, it doesn't exist, so it does not warrant any resource investment.

Edit: I re-read your message and completely missed your point... I also think that teens going through a temporary crisis shouldn't do anything permanent, but I don't think people often CTB on a whim. If someone gets to that point, there's a lot of other issues who lead them that point. It's better to fix these problems rather than the symptoms, but if they are not fixable - not strong/willing enough or simply irreversible (aggressions, upbringings, etc), I think we owe it to them to go out on their own terms. Besides, I would much rather have someone take an informed decision about N and say proper goodbyes than them jumping on the highway and involve/traumatise people.
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Oct 9, 2022
I don't like how we get stigmatised but I think the pro-life people are just seeing things from one point of view and that's what it's like to lose someone to suicide. I have no experience of that but it must be tragic and terrible...
What about all the people who lost someone to diabetes or clogged arteries? How come pro-lifers aren't out there setting fire to the sugar cane fields and tipping cows because red meat?

They need to go yell at a farmer and leave us alone.
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Jun 19, 2022
Yes, but people see everyone in this situation as a teen going through a phase.

Easier to sweep the problem under the rug by referring to a fucking hotline when someone opens up about it and just wants to be heard by a close one.
Easier to say self-harm is for attention seekers than to try and understand why they had to result to this extreme as a scream for help.
Easier to pretend that the problem doesn't exist. Bonus point if you can feel like a hero or be the edgy/funny one of the bunch.
The same way medias don't report on every instance of suicide or murder. The same way we try to hide homeless people or beggars.
If you don't see it, it doesn't exist, so it does not warrant any resource investment.

Edit: I re-read your message and completely missed your point... I also think that teens going through a temporary crisis shouldn't do anything permanent, but I don't think people often CTB on a whim. If someone gets to that point, there's a lot of other issues who lead them that point. It's better to fix these problems rather than the symptoms, but if they are not fixable - not strong/willing enough or simply irreversible (aggressions, upbringings, etc), I think we owe it to them to go out on their own terms. Besides, I would much rather have someone take an informed decision about N and say proper goodbyes than them jumping on the highway and involve/traumatise people.
Definitely-I think the pro-lifers go about everything the wrong way and don't understand mental health issues at all. And yes they need to look at why someone is in the position they want to CTB in the first place. I don't think they care really-only about their own family members. The rest of us long time depressed they couldn't give a shit about.
What about all the people who lost someone to diabetes or clogged arteries? How come pro-lifers aren't out there setting fire to the sugar cane fields and tipping cows because red meat?

They need to go yell at a farmer and leave us alone.
Oh I wish they would leave us alone, I'm just trying to understand them cos I don't tbh and they don't understand us. But I'm trying to not let them get to me cos it's the last thing any of us on here need!


So if I escape, will my pain go away?
Jun 22, 2022
I view it as being the most unfair and cruel thing how life is so unfairly forced here, yet it's not straightforward to leave at all. This existence is certainly so prison like and I hate the fact that this society is so focused on suicide prevention which is just prolonging suffering. As humans we deserve the option of a guaranteed way out of this life without all of the risks, complications and difficulties involved in suicide. Suicide should be recognised as a human right and nobody should have to be punished simply for wanting to leave this world like having their suicide attempt cruelly interrupted by some pro lifer, other people really should have no right to interfere. Existing could never be an obligation and there's nothing that could ever justify making suicide so difficult for us. We simply should just be able to exit this life without having to struggle in doing so, and it's just so unacceptable how it really is so difficult.
I would be so inclined to agree with you in regards to the feeling of, well, a lifetime sentence. To feel as such in comparison to the masses that will stop at nothing to stave off their existential dread is rather frightening. It leaves one with a sense of detachment and desensitization to the suffering that appears to be found in sentience itself. "All life is precious," though only in selectivity. We recognize that pain is relative, incomparable, yet Euthanasia is allowed only when deemed so by others. People do the most good when it is beneficial to them. I wonder if they get a kind of high from the feeling of having done right by another. I, as I was told, that I "saved the life" of one who attempted suicide. Frequently, as 'good' as it felt to have 'done right' by my kin, I wonder if I should have let him die. Yet, though he asked for me to come to him, I condoned him to a longer sentence for whichever benefit my mind told me. Feeding the white wolf isn't as fruitful as feeding the black one, it seems.

One is to be grateful for having sentience brought upon them against their will. Well, it's predictable what happens when you question this, I've mentioned it before. How kind of them to skip ethos, and move on to persuading you with Logos instead; pathos when that doesn't work. If one does not submit to "reasoning" after being told your logic is incorrect and that you are "negative" for not caring how your death will affect others, it does cast a shadow on the 'beauty' of humanity. I've lost sight of who the selfish ones are — no, I would be so inclined to say that, as Aurelius says, we have the same nature of mind. If it is in one, it is in all. I'm overflowing with appreciation.

The attitudes that so many hold towards suicide in this society are disgusting, like how they see it as being something worse than suffering, something that must always be stopped no matter what and it's horrible how people want to restrict others having access to method information, further stigmatising the subject of suicide. These types of people are insane to me how they glorify life so much and are so blind to the fact that for so many in this world existence could never be worth enduring. We are all just destined to die anyway so there is no value and benefit to trying to force people to stay here, instead just a thing will lead to more unnecessary torment that doesn't need to exist.
I used to wish the individuals you speak of could understand. Though I know that that in itself, is asking for them to have a specific level of suffering that would bring them to an understanding. It makes it easier to simply not care who my death affects when I remember, these individuals lack understanding by both choice, however subconscious, and circumstance. It is difficult not to chase unhealthy coping mechanisms, particularly escape, when I think about the existence I have been "gifted."

Quality of life seems to matter so much less in comparison to that, at all costs, every individual when capable takes whichever steps deemed necessary to ensure your heart keeps beating. I often imagine the horrific smile upon the face of doctors who save patients who have attempted suicide. I am curious as to what the inner dialogue looks like that brings about that sense of accomplishment and keeps at bay any thought that they may have done wrong. I assume it's in telling another and feeling gratified. That cognitive dissonance has to hurt.

You're welcome, here's a ticket to the ward, don't forget you owe me several thousand dollars for failing your mission. Have a good life.

Of course any attempt to stop people from achieving freedom from this hellish world is something that only ever leads to more harm, as existence is something harmful in itself and at least to me the less time spent trapped here the better. It's sad how I'm still here and I hate the fact that I've managed to exist for this long, if it was easier to leave this world I would had certainly already left by this point. But in my case life itself will always be the true problem so of course the solution could only ever be to die and it's tragic how suicide isn't recognised as being a rational solution to solve everything. To die could simply never be a bad thing in any way, as in fact death is something so normal, and to me the thought of being gone is ideal as all that I wish for is to be completely unaware of the terrible thing that is existence.
I wish to return home; I wish to return to nothingness. Schopenhauer says, "That human life must be a kind of mistake is sufficiently clear from the fact that man is a compound of needs, which are difficult to satisfy; moreover, if they are satisfied, all he is granted is a state of painlessness, in which he can only give himself up to boredom. This is a precise proof that existence in itself has no value, since boredom is merely the feeling of the emptiness of life."

How long have I gone from one meaningless activity to another, solely to keep myself occupied? There is only the eternal present, I'm tired. Schopenhauer mentions that if, in my words, life is so very precious, we would be satisfied by life itself, and not duty bound to perpetually chase. One shan't sit, according to the masses. This feeling of loneliness is both comforting, and so very... well, it brings me to apathy. Everything simply is, it's a burden to not be able to simply not be.
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