

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is an idealistic scenario and I know it's not likely to happen, but just for the sake of curiosity and discussion, in such a world, what would you do? Given the facts and constraints in this hypothetical world, let's suppose that the pro-choicers have finally gotten power and are in charge of the institutions around the world, the policies, legal, financial, social, educational, and more. The pro-lifers are now a minority and have little influence over many matters including policy making and more.

Here is what I would do: Assuming the facts and parameters defined in this scenario are what they are, I would categorize certain levels of pro-lifers, the militant/extreme ones (the ones that you see in present day reality, hunting down and going out of their way to persecute or otherwise impinge on the civil liberties of others, by force and violence if necessary), the moderate ones (they may be semi-vocal about the issues and may push for change, but otherwise will stay short of paternalistic interventions or actively impinging/infringing of anothers' right to die.), and the casual ones (ones who just keep to themselves and don't bother meddling into others' affairs or interfere with others. They may not agree with having the option, but they are merely left at peace.), respectively. To start things off, at the start of such an era and time period in human history, I would certainly hold no grudges especially after the reformation and (major) change to this hypothetical world.

For the extreme ones, I would definitely exact justice and punishment upon them, partly retributive, but mostly restorative (if possible) in order to fix the damage they have caused and/or done to innocent parties (the pro-choicers and right to die supporters). As for the moderate ones, maybe have some soft deterrence against them, ensuring that they do not ever come to power to corrupt or try to repeat history and become paternalistic. Maybe even throw in some sanctions and legal consequences if they step out of line or cross over the boundary into violation of bodily autonomy (fines, temporary suspension of personal liberties, and/or even some incarceration as a result of human rights violations). Finally, for the casual ones, they are mostly left alone as they pose little to no threat and generally keep to themselves. They can choose to live life if they so desire to, as long as they don't impinge or harm others who want to exercise their own bodily autonomy.

Of course, this is just a hypothetical situation and despite how much some of us wished it were reality, it is not likely so! There are a lot more complex factors at play and many more nuances that cannot be easily discussed in just a thread (could be like a megathread itself), but these are just the basics of what I would do if I find myself in such a utopic society. Nevertheless, I thought about bringing up this topic as it may generate some interesting conversations and get some ideas on how one may act in such a world. What would you do if you found yourself in this kind of world and reality? Would you do the same or differently?
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Jun 12, 2024
Nothing. I don't need revenge against them. If they are out of my business, then I already have what I want.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Nothing really. The pro lifers can go to their version of SaSu and stay there for all I care. If pro lifers are the minority, they aren't worth worrying about and honestly don't really have any power. The most militant pro lifers would probably just procreate to give birth to lots of children which isn't really the best but at least their children can decide what to do with their lives once they grow up. I can't think of any damage that these pro lifers would do. Right now all of the damage that pro lifers are doing is caused by their views being the norm and denying people the right to die but, in this hypothetical, pro lifers won't really do anything. They wouldn't have the power to force people to live as power increases with numbers and their numbers would be small
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
Nothing. I don't need revenge against them. If they are out of my business, then I already have what I want.
I also don't exactly need revenge, but I am not happy at being denied the right to end my life and suffering and have my choices taken away from me at will for years and years.

They just need to mind their own business and give me options to end my existence even if I have to pay for it.
Nothing really. The pro lifers can go to their version of SaSu and stay there for all I care. If pro lifers are the minority, they aren't worth worrying about and honestly don't really have any power. The most militant pro lifers would probably just procreate to give birth to lots of children which isn't really the best but at least their children can decide what to do with their lives once they grow up. I can't think of any damage that these pro lifers would do. Right now all of the damage that pro lifers are doing is caused by their views being the norm and denying people the right to die but, in this hypothetical, pro lifers won't really do anything. They wouldn't have the power to force people to live as power increases with numbers and their numbers would be small
You're not wrong but most people still want to live out their lives, on the flip side of coin depression and suicide rates are going up and pro lifers might become smaller in number.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Interesting perspectives, and I would lean towards 'restorative justice' since I do believe in reparations and fixing the damage (if possible) done by pro-lifers. Then of course, deterrence from future infringements on civil liberties.

You're not wrong but most people still want to live out their lives, on the flip side of coin depression and suicide rates are going up and pro lifers might become smaller in number.
That would be an idealistic situation and I do hope that someday even if pro-lifers are still in power, that they at the minimum, curtail their ability to actively infringement upon another's civil liberties because of safety and wellness. Far too often have such cause and reasoning be used as pretext for the unwarranted violations of bodily autonomy and civil liberties.
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
i'm a hater so i'll say it
hope they get exactly what they wish on others
hope they suffer with no way out until they learn their lesson
i'm bitter
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Aug 18, 2022
Nothing. I'd leave as fast as possible. I'm getting outta here.
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CTB Today
Jul 13, 2019
Absolutely nothing. I hold no ill will towards people who are simply trying to do what they believe is right. They don't want to hurt us, they just believe in the inherent value of life. It is a very simple fundamental disagreement that leads to all of these issues.
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Mar 17, 2024

If society becomes Pro-Choice, then we'll get euthanised and the Pro-Lifers get to remain living.

Everybody wins.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Nothing. When others choose to leave they would not be able to interfere.
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