

Mar 2, 2019
I just got an important thought. Every suicide attemt with so called soft methods (basically everything not so fast and reliable as jumping, hanging, shooting and so on) should be done without the phone nearby. It is possible, that after ingestion of medicines, for example, the person will panic or loose the ability to think clearly and call 112, 911 or whatsoever. The consequences are clear for everybody here.

Not exactly this but something like this happened to me last sommer. I was heavily suicidal and wanted to make a small pause with the help of Zolpidem. But I was kind of desperate and took all the tablets that i had (approx. 25), knowing absolutely clear, that they won't kill me. This resulted in blackout, I decided (sic!) to take a shower at the night, fall down, smashed my head and went to sleep again. Than i "woke up", half conscious, because of vomiting and blood everywhere and decided to call an ambulance immediately. If i could think normally i would never do this, because the wound was not so big and my state was not quite serious.

So, lock your precious phones away!
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Oct 3, 2018
First of all your a looser for taking a bunch of pills that you knew weren't going to kill you. Secondly your a looser for calling 911 when you didn't have to, but that is kind of understandable since you were out of it. Thirdly your a looser for recommending others hide the phone because some people really do have to call 911 like when I attempted to cut myself in the bathtub. And yes I was a looser for doing that myself. But I was delusional at the time and seeing shit that wasn't there. Anyway....
ur reply sucks
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
ur reply sucks
This poster has said a lot of weird and problematic things all around the forum... idk why
First of all your a looser for taking a bunch of pills that you knew weren't going to kill you. Secondly your a looser for calling 911 when you didn't have to, but that is kind of understandable since you were out of it. Thirdly your a looser for recommending others hide the phone because some people really do have to call 911 like when I attempted to cut myself in the bathtub. And yes I was a looser for doing that myself. But I was delusional at the time and seeing shit that wasn't there. Anyway....
Also if you insult people please learn to spell. I'm not going to call you an illiterate loser because that would be rude like your comment...
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Aug 27, 2018
I know my reply sucks, but I had to get a kick out of it. I usually don't troll. But every once and a while I like to do it.
Wtf are you talking about? This is a suicide forum people already feel extremely bad mentally and then you post stuff like this "to get a kick out of it" ?
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Mar 7, 2019
Wtf are you talking about? This is a suicide forum people already feel extremely bad mentally and then you post stuff like this "to get a kick out of it" ?
OK I get the message. Yeah your right.


Mar 6, 2019
Two things 1. phone should be wrapped in foil so they can't track your cell phone and find you (through the police) 2. DONT use sleeping pills tcb (found out the hard way) you black out BUT what you don't know is that you are walking around talking to people and they call and ambulance take you to hospitcal and pump your stomache. Then you wake up with some really judgmental people standing over you. Not a good feeling when you thought you had the "waking up" business taken care of ..... (so that you won't wake up again). Seriously unreliable method. Unless you take anough to be unconscious the entire time but that is never fool proof. I wouldn't even know how much you'd need. Thing is they wont' likely give you enough anyway. I once took 200 pills only to find out that I needed about 350 to die. (They dont' really tell you all that stuff).. also don't cut your wrists either.... have you any idea how deep those goddamn veins are? you virtually have to cut your whole hand off.
Sorry that you had such a bad experience. I know that even when you take pills that won't kill you its to get a break because youre feeling really bad!
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Mar 7, 2019
Seriously unreliable method. Unless you take anough to be unconscious the entire time but that is never fool proof. I wouldn't even know how much you'd need. Thing is they wont' likely give you enough anyway. I once took 200 pills only to find out that I needed about 350 to die. (They dont' really tell you all that stuff).........................................
Sorry that you had such a bad experience. I know that even when you take pills that won't kill you its to get a break because youre feeling really bad!
Only pills that arrest the heart and respiratory system can be used to commit suicide. Unless they are liver toxic at high doses. Meaning you have to know what your doing to commit suicide by pills. Most pills that cause death have been long since taken off the market. Amitriptyline for instance is a pill that is still prescribed that can be used for suicide because it arrests the respiratory system and heart. That is why people use the Amitriptyline cocktail.
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Mar 6, 2019
if you take a lot of methadone (i have a few bottles each with 90 pills) plus xannax (i have about 3 months worth of that) and then a lot of oxycondone ( I have two full bottles of 60 of those) and perhaps some alcohol if you can stomache it by then.. That should do it .... it represses the breathing. I have read articles where people mix methadone and xanax and die from that (accidentally). but I would have to take it all at once and then wake up again and be stuck without all my pills I need everyday... see ! Honestly can't go through the whole fucking stomache pumping crap at the hospital again. Plus you have to be careful and say you did it y accident else they will remand you into a psychiatric facility against your will. They say taking twice your prescribed dose can kill you with methadone .. yesterday I took 3x my usual methadone dose (60mg) and 4 oxycodone pills plus one xannax. I was just high the whole afternoon.... didn't mean to kill myself... just wanted to cut out reality for a while.... but that should have killed me if what they say its right the amount. see the bastards never tell you the truth
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Mar 2, 2019
Then you wake up with some really judgmental people standing over you.

Exactly this thing happened, lol. Then I talked with a shrink and gave my best to convince him, that I have such many plans, I am not suicidal at all and I took only 5 tablets, but Zolpidem causes by me blackouts. I did convince him and took a (real) bus in my pijama. Since that I don't take any lithium, neuroleptics and so on and never have seen any shrink. Happy end.
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Mar 6, 2019
Oh it was way worse, for me. i was delirious and someone came home and as soon as that person turned their back for a minute. I walked outside and got into my car and drove off. So that person callled the police and said I shouldnt be in a car they had better pull me over. Then I had the police chasing me all over town. And then when they got me pulled over the guy opened my drivers door (policemen) he asked me ... what did you take? I said (so bloodly honest too - but I was still delireous - just remember snatches) I said: "sleeping pills". he said "how much ?" I said "whole bottle" so he put in my the police car and drove me to the hospital. I was too stupid and out of it to lie at that point. They force fed me charcoal and then pumped my stomache. Not fun!! and then I must have slept for an entire day after that. Then they call in the psychiatrist bastards. I even had to go to a hearing with an attorney representing me to ascertain whether I should be committed for a prolonged period to psychiatric ward. By this time I had gotten my wits back and said that I took it by mistake. and got off but still spent a week in this holding facilitity.
Moral of the story, you have to know your shit will pills. the second time I planned better took 199 pills (left one in the bottle so that would throw them off ... and they wouldn't think I had taken the whole bottle ... the empty bottle next to the bed is always a giveaway). PLUS don't leave a suiced note . thats a dead giveaway too. But i just got delirious again and started walking all over the place looking very out of it... exactly the same thing happend again .... hospital stomache pump etc and then they told me nope I should have taken 300 pills If I wanted to kill myself. Pills are seriously unrelieable
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Mar 2, 2019
Oh it was way worse, for me. i was delirious and someone came home and as soon as that person turned their back for a minute. I walked outside and got into my car and drove off. So that person callled the police and said I shouldnt be in a car they had better pull me over. Then I had the police chasing me all over town. And then when they got me pulled over the guy opened my drivers door (policemen) he asked me ... what did you take? I said (so bloodly honest too - but I was still delireous - just remember snatches) I said: "sleeping pills". he said "how much ?" I said "whole bottle" so he put in my the police car and drove me to the hospital. I was too stupid and out of it to lie at that point. They force fed me charcoal and then pumped my stomache. Not fun!! and then I must have slept for an entire day after that. Then they call in the psychiatrist bastards. I even had to go to a hearing with an attorney representing me to ascertain whether I should be committed for a prolonged period to psychiatric ward. By this time I had gotten my wits back and said that I took it by mistake. and got off but still spent a week in this holding facilitity.

Well, that was definitely not a "light"-variant. I am sorry for your experience and glad, that you still did convince the psychs to let you free (one week is nothing for psychiatric facility)
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Mar 6, 2019
i cut my wrists the next time and my husbad took me to the ER and they called the police and who threw me into an obeservation facility for 48 hours ANDthey took all my pills away ... no f@king way 'id call an ambulance if i thought i was dying ..... just done that too often already it was always soeone else calling them not me but still
so i suppose if i took
100 methadone (10mg)
120 ocycodone
30-40 xanax (0.25)
30 zolpidam
30 lunesta

that might be enough ... just dont want to walk around out of it because thats when you drawattention to yourself
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i cannot PM yet
Feb 23, 2019
Kikko, i cannot PM you for some reason. we can email if you like.
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Mar 7, 2019
i cut my wrists the next time and my husbad took me to the ER and they called the police and who threw me into an obeservation facility for 48 hours ANDthey took all my pills away ... no f@king way 'id call an ambulance if i thought i was dying ..... just done that too often already it was always soeone else calling them not me but still
so i suppose if i took
100 methadone (10mg)
120 ocycodone
30-40 xanax (0.25)
30 zolpidam
30 lunesta

that might be enough ... just dont want to walk around out of it because thats when you drawattention to yourself
It's hard to die off of pills because the authorities have long since taken off the market many of the drugs that cause respiratory and heart arrest. Anything other than a barbiturate is hard to die from. The
zolpidam and lunesta will only make it worse probably. But you might die from the rest of the pills since they are opioids or benzo. Alcohol might make that cocktail lethal too.
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Mar 2, 2019
It's hard to die off of pills because the authorities have long since taken off the market many of the drugs that cause respiratory and heart arrest. Anything other than a barbiturate is hard to die from. The
zolpidam and lunesta will only make it worse probably. But you might die from the rest of the pills since they are opioids or benzo. Alcohol might make that cocktail lethal too.

I can't agree with you. I studied pharmacology for a long time and can't recall some massive ban of a large group of substances. Some painkillers, monoclonal antibodies, psychiatric drugs. But not a whole class of drugs. Even beloved phenobarbital is obtainable here in Germany for epilepsy treatment. And the simplest paracetamol is still OTC, even if dose more than 4 grams can cause severe liver insufficiency and death after a few days of struggle. If this wouldn't be so old medicine, it wouldn't be OTC now for sure.

And benzos don't kill, I mean you need a least 2 grams of diazepam to die (if even). But they can work like a charm by potentiation of opioid effects (depression of breathing centre).
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Aug 5, 2018
I just got an important thought. Every suicide attemt with so called soft methods (basically everything not so fast and reliable as jumping, hanging, shooting and so on) should be done without the phone nearby. It is possible, that after ingestion of medicines, for example, the person will panic or loose the ability to think clearly and call 112, 911 or whatsoever. The consequences are clear for everybody here.

Not exactly this but something like this happened to me last sommer. I was heavily suicidal and wanted to make a small pause with the help of Zolpidem. But I was kind of desperate and took all the tablets that i had (approx. 25), knowing absolutely clear, that they won't kill me. This resulted in blackout, I decided (sic!) to take a shower at the night, fall down, smashed my head and went to sleep again. Than i "woke up", half conscious, because of vomiting and blood everywhere and decided to call an ambulance immediately. If i could think normally i would never do this, because the wound was not so big and my state was not quite serious.

So, lock your precious phones away!
thank you for letting us know about this. I haven't thought about that...
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Feb 24, 2019
I'd have to agree with this. If you have the phone nearby, you're gonna be tempted to call someone and tell them what you did and end up surviving
Another failed attempt.
I think its hard tho. Personally, when I'm ready to CTB, im not gonna take my phone.
It will distract me. Just wanna be with my own thoughta when i pass, and no one panicking and trying to change my mind or make me regret.
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Mar 6, 2019
It's hard to die off of pills because the authorities have long since taken off the market many of the drugs that cause respiratory and heart arrest. Anything other than a barbiturate is hard to die from. The
zolpidam and lunesta will only make it worse probably. But you might die from the rest of the pills since they are opioids or benzo. Alcohol might make that cocktail lethal too.

yes mixing methadone and xanax is dangerous apparently but ony effective if you pass out and stay out!!
I'd have to agree with this. If you have the phone nearby, you're gonna be tempted to call someone and tell them what you did and end up surviving
Another failed attempt.
I think its hard tho. Personally, when I'm ready to CTB, im not gonna take my phone.
It will distract me. Just wanna be with my own thoughta when i pass, and no one panicking and trying to change my mind or make me regret.

My fear is that someone will miss me and then send the police to search for me. They use your cell signal. I think that i would be seriously tempted to call the people I love to say goodbye. This is course is stupid because they will call the police who in turn will track you. i think I wouldn't mind the phone in the trunk in the car in case I survive and find mysef in my car in a forest somewhere alone. Which is why I suggested the foil around the phone so if anyone misses you they can't just get the police to track you. Also remember to use the foil long before you reach the suicide site. The last bing to the cell tower will give your last location. So yes perhaps ojne should just leave it someone else so you aren't tempted to use it.
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Mar 3, 2019
I'll have my phone on me because I plan to post here and for music. I don't own laptop or anything.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I was locked up at the local crappy unit 10yrs or so ago, cant remember if it was a pre attempt section or not, but anyways i never like going into these places without my own back up of benzos, sleepers & painkillers, to if nothing else help sleep away the boredom for a bit, for some reason this time i had about 70 Zolpidem that i was using to supplement what they gave me & for some unknown stupid reason, insanity maybe lol i decided i needed a good night kip so took the lot, this was on a Thurs & ward round was the next day. So the next thing i know i am wandering about on Sat morning asking the other punters why there was no ward round yesterday? Turns out i got up on the Fri, went to see the shrink, spent the whole day doing gods knows what & the oh so fucking spot on staff & quacks hadn't even noticed. That to me is even crazier than me doing the stupid stuff.

Mind you such interest from the nursing staff would be the reason i could get the drugs in, in the first place & also explain how i can still just wheel out the front door when sectioned & do one....
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Feb 4, 2019
But what about chloroquine ?
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
It's hard to die off of pills
I agree with that.
It is a good method if you just want to do a gesture suicide, but a bad one if you really want to die.

Don't forget about the body's involuntary survival instinct system.
If you take massive amounts of any poison into your stomach, you will puke it up, even while unconscious.
George is also correct about all the really effective ctb drugs being taken off the market, years ago.
Nembutal (N) used to be available as a sleeping pill.
It was removed from the market in the early 60's due to many unintentional and intentional deaths.
The only gold standard drugs to kill you for sure are N and SN (sodium nitrite).
You can get N from A, but is costly, have to follow a procedure, and risk seizure by customs.
SN is cheap and readily available through Amazon.
An antiemetic (anti-vomit) pre-regime of a quality drug like metoclopramide is recommended as well.
There are megathreads for N from A and SN.

A successful ctb should not be rushed, but carefully planned.
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Mar 7, 2019
The only gold standard drugs to kill you for sure are N and SN (sodium nitrite).
I would add to that amitriptyline, particularly amitriptyline cocktail. And there are a few opiates that can kill you like codeine but those are harder to get.
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Mar 6, 2019
I can't agree with you. I studied pharmacology for a long time and can't recall some massive ban of a large group of substances. Some painkillers, monoclonal antibodies, psychiatric drugs. But not a whole class of drugs. Even beloved phenobarbital is obtainable here in Germany for epilepsy treatment. And the simplest paracetamol is still OTC, even if dose more than 4 grams can cause severe liver insufficiency and death after a few days of struggle. If this wouldn't be so old medicine, it wouldn't be OTC now for sure.

And benzos don't kill, I mean you need a least 2 grams of diazepam to die (if even). But they can work like a charm by potentiation of opioid effects (depression of breathing centre).

Please tell me is diazepam the same as xanax? (Alprazolam)
secondly is the pills are 0.25 mg
if it is the same then I would need 8 pills to die correct?

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