

Sep 19, 2018
I've already got a flag/symbol that everyone likes. Thank y'all again by the way.

I want to write a manifesto about my beliefs, then send it to every major and even local news's station I can find though traditional mail with that pro-sui symbol pasted on it. Y'all can do the same thing. The first step in starting any movement is to get noticed.

Then I'd like to further the agenda by having meet ups (not a suicide pact btw) and maybe even marching on Washington. The right to die should be for everyone. If we want a Row v. Wade 2.0, then we gotta fight for it.

Hell we could even turn that symbol into a sticker and post it in places around our hometowns . If it becomes recognized, then our beliefs will be attached to it. Symbolism is incredibly powerful to the masses. If I can focus enough on this, I think maybe we can see the right to die coming to fruition within the next 15 years or so.

We gotta be articulate about it - really get our points across! Even I convinced my aunt earlier this year that the right to die should apply to people like me (after she went to the gun shop and warned them not to sale me firearms last year). She just won't help me out of fears of getting into legal trouble herself. This was the same woman that opposed taking Terri Shiavo off her feeding tube in 2005. If I can change her mind with my arguments, I don't think it's too much of a leap to say we can change others as well.

I want this to be an international civil rights movement. Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands have heard us, now it's time for America and the rest of the world to as well.
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Impulse will takeover one day...
Sep 17, 2018
As much as I love the idea I think it will be many years yet until it comes into affect.
The world is getting over populated and eventually restrictions / serious decisions will need to be made.

Some of the statistics are shockiNg since our exsistence
Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals since we started.

Actually I ll stop there the alcohol is turning me into an activist WTF
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Ill support it!
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Sep 19, 2018
I am gonna have to do some very uncomfortable shit in order to be focused enough on the movement - such as slowing down on my drinking, eating better, and getting into shape. I feel like I'm at a tipping point to were I can actually be motivated enough to fight for us! Not sure how successful I'll be but the right to die has been very important. I'll fight for each and every one of you as well as fight for myself. We gotta be all in this together. This issue is far bigger than myself.

One thing I want to do is get the pro-abortion crew on our side using the same arguments they use to justify their rights.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018

All aboard!
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Aug 9, 2018
I've already got a flag/symbol that everyone likes. Thank y'all again by the way.

I want to write a manifesto about my beliefs, then send it to every major and even local news's station I can find though traditional mail with that pro-sui symbol pasted on it. Y'all can do the same thing. The first step in starting any movement is to get noticed.

Then I'd like to further the agenda by having meet ups (not a suicide pact btw) and maybe even marching on Washington. The right to die should be for everyone. If we want a Row v. Wade 2.0, then we gotta fight for it.

Hell we could even turn that symbol into a sticker and post it in places around our hometowns . If it becomes recognized, then our beliefs will be attached to it. Symbolism is incredibly powerful to the masses. If I can focus enough on this, I think maybe we can see the right to die coming to fruition within the next 15 years or so.

We gotta be articulate about it - really get our points across! Even I convinced my aunt earlier this year that the right to die should apply to people like me (after she went to the gun shop and warned them not to sale me firearms last year). She just won't help me out of fears of getting into legal trouble herself. This was the same woman that opposed taking Terri Shiavo off her feeding tube in 2005. If I can change her mind with my arguments, I don't think it's too much of a leap to say we can change others as well.

I want this to be an international civil rights movement. Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands have heard us, now it's time for America and the rest of the world to as well.
I think there would be quite a bit of protest.
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Sep 19, 2018
I think there would be quite a bit of protest.
Very true. Hell yeah there will be a lot of counter-protests. Most will be against us - at least at first. Same with the civil rights movement, same with the pro-choice one as well. We got to stand up against those who want to deny us our rights. This movement will be both civil rights and pro choice.
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Sep 10, 2018
That's a wonderful idea but it will be way far off if ever. The reality is thanks to capitalism our corporate overloads will be unhappy if people have the right to end their lives of slavery. If most lower class people had an easy way out, the rich will no longer have maids and servants :(. Not to mention the money drug companies make off of terminally ill people and people with mental conditions. Also, there are the religious arguments. Do people honestly believe that God is sitting there watching Timmy suffer from terminal leukemia and is thinking "Well if he sticks it out for three more days and dies I'll let him into heaven. If he chooses to end his suffering it's eternal damnation". I actually took an upper division class on Dante in college and learned no where in the original Bible does it say suicide is a sin. That idea was popularized by Dante and the church to prevent monks from killing themselves to be with God.

This may offend some people but another problem is some people commit suicide impulsively. There are problems that can't be solved and medical conditions that can't be fixed and I respect that. I have a facial disfigurement that will follow me for my entire life sadly. But some people choose to commit suicide over things like teenage bullying or breaking up with their boy/girlfriend. Sometimes I read posts on reddit's suicdewatch and I'm overcome with jealously that they can fix their problems. Overweight? Go on a diet. No friends? Go make some. Broke up with spouse? Fine someone else. The reality is I can't do anything to have a normal face again.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
That's a wonderful idea but it will be way far off if ever. The reality is thanks to capitalism our corporate overloads will be unhappy if people have the right to end their lives of slavery. If most lower class people had an easy way out, the rich will no longer have maids and servants :(. Not to mention the money drug companies make off of terminally ill people and people with mental conditions. Also, there are the religious arguments. Do people honestly believe that God is sitting their watching Timmy suffer from terminal leukemia and is thinking "Well if he sticks it out for three more days and dies I'll let him into heaven. If he chooses to end his suffering it's eternal damnation". I actually took an upper division class on Dante in college and learned no where in the original Bible does it say suicide is a sin. That idea was popularized by Dante and the church to prevent monks from killing themselves to be with God.

This may offend some people but another problem is some people commit suicide impulsively. There are problems that can't be solved and medical conditions that can't be fixed and I respect that. I have a facial disfigurement that will follow me for my entire life sadly. But some people choose to commit suicide over things like teenage bullying or breaking up with their boy/girlfriend. Sometimes I read posts on reddit's suicdewatch and I'm overcome with jealously that they can fix their problems. Overweight? Go on a diet. No friends? Go make some. Broke up with spouse? Fine someone else. The reality is I can't do anything to have a normal face again.
Good points to why this will never work. Lol but hell atleast we can try. This is the one thing I have left that would be worth getting up in the morning for and try to get going atleast until I decided to ctb myself.
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Apr 11, 2018
I'm all for it, but I can already see the media now if it's anything like current protests.
"Hey, these are people that want to die, and they're protesting in the street, yadda yadda, run 'em over!"
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Sep 19, 2018
That's a wonderful idea but it will be way far off if ever. The reality is thanks to capitalism our corporate overloads will be unhappy if people have the right to end their lives of slavery. If most lower class people had an easy way out, the rich will no longer have maids and servants :(. Not to mention the money drug companies make off of terminally ill people and people with mental conditions. Also, there are the religious arguments. Do people honestly believe that God is sitting their watching Timmy suffer from terminal leukemia and is thinking "Well if he sticks it out for three more days and dies I'll let him into heaven. If he chooses to end his suffering it's eternal damnation". I actually took an upper division class on Dante in college and learned no where in the original Bible does it say suicide is a sin. That idea was popularized by Dante and the church to prevent monks from killing themselves to be with God.

This may offend some people but another problem is some people commit suicide impulsively. There are problems that can't be solved and medical conditions that can't be fixed and I respect that. I have a facial disfigurement that will follow me for my entire life sadly. But some people choose to commit suicide over things like teenage bullying or breaking up with their boy/girlfriend. Sometimes I read posts on reddit's suicdewatch and I'm overcome with jealously that they can fix their problems. Overweight? Go on a diet. No friends? Go make some. Broke up with spouse? Fine someone else. The reality is I can't do anything to have a normal face again.

I'm very sorry for what you're going though. Must be awful beyond words. All I want for you, and for everyone else including myself, is peace. Wether it be by physician assisted suicide or by living and being able to cope. I have a great empathy for people who are suffering. I hurt when I see others struggle.

All those issues you addressed are very important - like the religious one as well as the medical industrial complex. We got to make people aware about the reasons as to why people in power are opposed to our cause - well as remind everyone that the separation of church and state is absolute (at least in America).
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I'm all for it, but I can already see the media now if it's anything like current protests.
"Hey, these are people that want to die, and they're protesting in the street, yadda yadda, run 'em over!"
Yae but we know what we are getting into. We will be at risk protesting so if any of yall don't want to deal with that then protest from your computer. Lol
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I've figured it out
Sep 20, 2018
The thing about this is the big CEOs will try to prevent people they see as fit to work from having this right. Everything has a price and greed will keep people from having this basic human right to die.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
The thing about this is the big CEOs will try to prevent people they see as fit to work from having this right. Everything has a price and greed will keep people from having this basic human right to die.
True . You are worth more alive than dead even if you are suffering.
Money > suffering
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Sep 12, 2018
I support this cause with everything I have left in me, but I dont think it will ever be acceptable to the level we understand it here.

We are far too outnumbered...and this subject is way too delicate to be successfully filtered through the minds of pro-life politicians.

The fight for assisted suicide for terminally ill patients is a battle that can, and has been won. Anything beyond that requires too much hive-mind agreement to become socially acceptable. I belive you would also have troubling gaining non-anonymous support, as supporting this cause may put a spotlight on a person who wishes no attention to be drawn to them regarding this.

I belive it's a war we will never be able to win, and because of that, would rather see the reasources and energy being spent on creating our own utopia within society. Be it forums, groups, organizations...I don't think we should bother trying to change the outside world.
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Sep 19, 2018
I'm all for it, but I can already see the media now if it's anything like current protests.
"Hey, these are people that want to die, and they're protesting in the street, yadda yadda, run 'em over!"
Oh yeah. I can see Fox News comparing us to shitheads like Jim Jones. We got to fight their propaganda. The best way is to make sound and logical arguments.

As for people like Jim Jones - he was a complete psychopathic asshole who was a cult leader. He forced everyone to drink the cyanide. I don't believe in forcing anyone to take their own life. What he did was commit mass murder. What I believe in is mass choice.

Some movements take along time to finally reach the majority. Doesn't mean we shouldn't stop fighting.
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Sep 19, 2018
My ex wife is also pro right to die on demand. We talk everyday and still care about each other very much. She has Durcums Disease (adipose deleorsia) - a very rare condicton and the third most painful in the world. It's were adipose tissue becomes inflammed and hurts like someone is stabbing you to death. Most go undiagnosed because you can't really see the painful tissue. I held her many nights as she screamed bloody murder. It was horrible.

She joined this site a couple days ago and also wants the N. I don't think she posted anything yet. She is very talented. She does rock art. I don't know how she does it under so much pain. She's way stronger than I am. I think her SN is iHeartRockArt.
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Sep 19, 2018
There are a lot of movements out there like VHEMT (voluntary human extinction movement) - there message is incredibly immature hence why they haven't gained many supporters. Parading around with signs saying "SAVE THE PLANET, KILL YOURSELF" is not effective. It comes off as teenage grade edgy and just silly stupid. What if Martin Luther King Jr. crawled on all fours in white face as a white man in black face walked him around like a dog? Wouldn't be very effective would it? Would make the entire civil rights movement seem like a joke.

We got to be serious, logical, and effective. Culture jamming and trolling won't work.
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Impulse will takeover one day...
Sep 17, 2018
There are a lot of movements out there like VHEMT (voluntary human extinction movement) - there message is incredibly immature hence why they haven't gained many supporters. Parading around with signs saying "SAVE THE PLANET, KILL YOURSELF" is not effective. It comes off as teenage grade edgy and just silly stupid. What if Martin Luther King Jr. crawled on all fours in white face as a white man in black face walked him like a dog. Wouldn't be very effective would it? Would make the entire civil rights movement seem like a joke.

We got to be serious, logical, and effective. Culture jamming and trolling never did shit.
Put the words into actions and sign me up !!
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Sep 19, 2018
Put the words into actions and sign me up !!
I promise you I will man! Next week I'm gonna work hard on writing my manifesto and then mailing it to news outlets. It's going to be very serious in tone. I may also mail it to random personal addresses. This first step may take a couple weeks. I want to cross all the T's and dot all the I's. I'll run everything by y'all first before I mail it.
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Impulse will takeover one day...
Sep 17, 2018
I promise you I will man! Next week I'm gonna work hard on writing my manifesto and then mailing it to news outlets. It's going to be very serious in tone. I may also mail it to random personal addresses. This first step may take a couple weeks. I want to cross all the T's and dot all the I's. I'll run everything by y'all first before I mail it.
Well we already have the banner, have the pulse as my lock screen atm! If I can help let me know, mean aswell be useful in my remaining time
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Sep 10, 2018
I'm very sorry for what you're going though. Must be awful beyond words. All I want for you, and for everyone else including myself, is peace. Wether it be by physician assisted suicide or by living and being able to cope. I have a great empathy for people who are suffering. I hurt when I see others struggle.

All those issues you addressed are very important - like the religious one as well as the medical industrial complex. We got to make people aware about the reasons as to why people in power are opposed to our cause - well as remind everyone that the separation of church and state is absolute (at least in America).

Thank you so much for your kind words. Empathy is such a rare thing these days. It makes me feel 1000x better when someone tries to understand my pain as opposed to regurgitating some platitude like "it gets better" or "permanent solution to temporary problem"

While in theory the church and state are separate, the church has always been and is a business first. They have no qualms about trading their beliefs for money. For hundreds of years they forgave the worst sins in exchange for money. They completely fabricated the idea of Purgatory so people would give them money for their loved ones. Look in the Bible- there is no mention of purgatory anywhere. They make millions a year in tax free money and use this to hire lobbyist to influence congress. The republicans currently control America and most do not believe in abortion. How do you think they feel about an already born person being legally euthanized?

I think one day it will happen. They say an idea is ridiculed before it is accepted. People thought Galileo was crazy and wanted him put to death. Charles Darwin was universally ridiculed. They thought Pasteur was an idiot. I have a theory that one day people will look back at us as monsters for eating animals and not being vegans.
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Impulse will takeover one day...
Sep 17, 2018
While in theory the church and state are separate, the church has always been and is a business first. They have no qualms about trading their beliefs for money. For hundreds of years they forgave the worst sins in exchange for money. They completely fabricated the idea of Purgatory so people would give them money for their loved ones.

Know it's slightly off topic but the Church of England is currently getting ridiculed as they publicly slated zero hour working contracts yet they have employees on them..
They publicly slated amazon for not paying enough tax yet they have share in them.

People will do what they want to look out for no1. And hide the greed if they can
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Sep 10, 2018
Know it's slightly off topic but the Church of England is currently getting ridiculed as they publicly slated zero hour working contracts yet they have employees on them..
They publicly slated amazon for not paying enough tax yet they have share in them.

People will do what they want to look out for no1. And hide the greed if they can
Not off topic, part of the reason I want to leave this silly world :). I really don't understand greed. I'm not filthy rich, but I have enough money and property to live a relatively comfortable life, and I'm grateful for that. I don't understand how CEOs and Corporations get off on hoarding so much money and paying their employees poverty wages. At a certain point money doesn't buy happiness. I'm happy I have a car; I don't need a private jet? What do Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates need all that money for? It will last their family at least 20 generations. A hundred thousand dollars to them is probably equivalent to a penny. Yet if they gave that to a homeless person they could change their lives forever. Something I guess I'll never understand...
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Sep 19, 2018
Not off topic, part of the reason I want to leave this silly world :). I really don't understand greed. I'm not filthy rich, but I have enough money and property to live a relatively comfortable life, and I'm grateful for that. I don't understand how CEOs and Corporations get off on hoarding so much money and paying their employees poverty wages. At a certain point money doesn't buy happiness. I'm happy I have a car; I don't need a private jet? What do Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates need all that money for? It will last their family at least 20 generations. A hundred thousand dollars to them is probably equivalent to a penny. Yet if they gave that to a homeless person they could change their lives forever. Something I guess I'll never understand...
Natural selection is a son of a bitch! Sociopaths have been ruling the world long before the pharaohs. I'm sure this trend will continue for as long as the human race still has a pulse. This is why we never truly saw a truly just society in the entire history of mankind.
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Impulse will takeover one day...
Sep 17, 2018
Not off topic, part of the reason I want to leave this silly world :). I really don't understand greed. I'm not filthy rich, but I have enough money and property to live a relatively comfortable life, and I'm grateful for that. I don't understand how CEOs and Corporations get off on hoarding so much money and paying their employees poverty wages. At a certain point money doesn't buy happiness. I'm happy I have a car; I don't need a private jet? What do Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates need all that money for? It will last their family at least 20 generations. A hundred thousand dollars to them is probably equivalent to a penny. Yet if they gave that to a homeless person they could change their lives forever. Something I guess I'll never understand...
Exactly I think I read before if bill gates dropped $50 it something stupid like $100 it's literally not worth his time picking it up. People hoard money and power to manipulate society into what they want unfortunately. Most people are part of the consumer wheel they spin out and lap it up. People feel like they have to have the latest things, clothes, phones cars and it's the lie they are told and believe which will make them happy. I feel like giving some people a shake and saying wake the fuck up!

It's grinds my gears the UK donates money to third world countries such as India something stupid like £400mil then India announce they are launching a space mission worth guess what £400mil why not focus that into services which matter and improve lives!

Society is fucked !
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Natural selection is a son of a bitch! Sociopaths have been ruling the world long before the pharaohs. I'm sure this trend will continue for as long as the human race still has a pulse. This is why we never truly saw a truly just society in the entire history of mankind.
damn good post!
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Jul 16, 2018
You're welcome to, but with respect, I don't expect you'll be able to convince the wider population who are very pro-life and not pro-choice.
But good luck, but respectfully, I ain't holding out hope.
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