
Aug 25, 2023
Hello i have a questions, usually i would prefer the partial hanging method but lately i have been finding little success with it, i am cornered into doing the classic jump of the building tactic(well not off a building, a stairwell of the building but it's pretty wide itself), it has 11 floors but floor 7 above is restricted so there's tape, can i die if i jump head first?

1. What are the odds of me surviving? Most likely i will get immediate medical attention since the guard will be patroling at the bottom floor, so i hope i get insta death and not get crippled. are the odds worth it?

2. If i can die in 11 floors can i die in 7? Like i said, 7 and above are off limits, if possible i want my suicide be easier and hovering over the 7th floor will give less consequences if i get caught


Sep 30, 2023
There are accounts of a suicidal person surviving a fall from the 39th floor, and a non-suicidal person surviving a fall from the
47th floor, yet this is extremely rare.
Yet, jumping from the 4th floor head first onto a hard surface and actually landing on the head will have a very high rate of success.
Approximately 150 feet is the required minimum for ctb by jumping , yet the required height will be less if landing head first onto a hard surface.


I am here for you
Sep 29, 2023
Hello i have a questions, usually i would prefer the partial hanging method but lately i have been finding little success with it, i am cornered into doing the classic jump of the building tactic(well not off a building, a stairwell of the building but it's pretty wide itself), it has 11 floors but floor 7 above is restricted so there's tape, can i die if i jump head first?

1. What are the odds of me surviving? Most likely i will get immediate medical attention since the guard will be patroling at the bottom floor, so i hope i get insta death and not get crippled. are the odds worth it?

2. If i can die in 11 floors can i die in 7? Like i said, 7 and above are off limits, if possible i want my suicide be easier and hovering over the 7th floor will give less consequences if i get caught
Your odds of surviving are really low in both cases, but if you're gonna jump i would go as high as possible


I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Both would work, but if I could get to the 11th floor then I would use the 11th floor.
(this is a hypothetical scenario where I would be committing suicide, I am not encouraging anyone here to commit suicide)


Feb 3, 2023
- You shouldn't plan your jump based on how many floors you'd jump from, but on the exact height. Two different 20 story buildings won't necessary have the same height and 30 meters will definitely make the difference unless you reach terminal velocity before impact.

- The impact has to happen on hard concrete or rock, or even bismuth if you could. Avoid anything capable of absorbing energy; landing on a car would save your ass.

- Jumping head first doesn't garantee you'll land on your head. Given the height you'd jump from, your body could flip a few degrees and that could happen for various reasons, for example just letting yourself fall will have a different outcome on the way you'll land compared to litteraly jumping. You can practice at the pool to see for yourself. It can be amplified by wind and/or your velocity.
It's a double-edged sword, the higher you'd jump, the less "control" you'd have over your landing.

My advice is always the same for every jumper: either be 1000% sure you won't fail or don't do it at all.

Surviving a jump is by far one of the most painful experiences and not only you could experience hell but worse than that, you wouldn't be able to put an end to it.

This method is not to be messed with and if i were to choose this method myself (never gonna happen) i wouldn't jump from anything below 300m, to be absolutely certain i have zero chance of surviving.

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