

When I’m gone just carry on, don’t mourn, rejoice
May 24, 2024
The more I live the more I see the anti suicide trend for what it is. "Oh stay alive! You have something to live for!" That something always boils down to some form of escapism from our pathetic world, to have kids and bring them into this pathetic world, or to help others in this pathetic world.

Well I'm sick of it. Fuck you telling me that I should stay working in an office for crumbs, getting permission from a boss to leave, having to show up on time to my cage. Let's just call it what it is, we are slaves who are dangled some money in front of our face which is supposed to make it more tolerable for us. It's rec time in a prison just with less violence.

Nah, I didn't sign up for this shit. None of us did. If you could help me, you'd have given me an alternative by now, but you know full well there is no alternative, it's work until you die.

I'm going to escape the system and there's nothing you can do to stop me, call me mentally ill all you want, what's more mentally ill is to want to be apart of it here, with terrible people, a terrible life, and most importantly a terrible existence.
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Reactions: Arachno, Praestat_Mori, LoiteringClouds and 10 others


Apr 5, 2022
Office Space(1999) delineates many of the problems working in one--A long time ago, I worked in an accounting office for a year, and almost went out of my mind


Feb 2, 2023
Yeah. Someone told me once, that getting a job would help to distract from negative thoughts. I had no idea how to react. Jobs always made me more anxious and suicidal, not less. It's wild how differently these people view the world.
Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
That something always boils down to some form of escapism from our pathetic world, to have kids and bring them into this pathetic world, or to help others in this pathetic world.
Is it pathetic, why don't we have hope for children, or why we wouldn't wish our own children in is this limited life time, some people are relatively happy and don't need help constantly.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I cannot stand those anti-suicide people with their empty and insensitive toxic positivity, in my case I'd certainly always prefer to not exist no matter what, existing really is so incredibly undesirable and dreadful, death is always better to me than meaningless suffering. But anyway best wishes, I hope that you eventually find what you search for.


Sep 15, 2023
It's all just about making ourselfs busy with pointless shit someone deems important, kudos if you gaslight yourself into thinking the same. Just to eventually die anyway. There's nothing mentally ill about not wanting to be part of this.


Why am i here?
May 26, 2024
Bottom line,no one chooses this existence therefore no one should be forced to continue with it.#nembutalforall #sarcoforall


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in an office, too. I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a wage slave either barely being able to survive. That's not a life.


Mar 26, 2023
Hello -

well, there is "anti-suicide" and "let's find out the reasons for ctb". While I understand that your office seems to be nightmarish, there are offices that are quite pleasant to work in.

E.g. I know one with flexible hours, you begin work between 7 and 9.

I also don't know what kind of work you do. Some people work in fields they like - in offices too.

While I sympathise with you, there are many jobs one can do while enjoying the job and not being in an office.