

Mar 26, 2024
This depression. and suicide is a torturous experience of existence killing me from the inside out, but it seems that way because of truth(and I hate to admit it). It feels like this is truth and pure honesty to how i should be feeling not the other way. Do you also feel like all of this whatever it is, is from a source of pure truth of the world and the way things are? How are These feelings here if what we all experience only make sense? And it seems anything else would be fake
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Sort of yes but, sort of no. I can fully understand why anyone would feel suicidal living in this world. Life's hard and being aware of the limitations placed on us and corruption around us is depressing. Perhaps it is in fact more 'honest' to know we're part of a system that exploits others. Really, no matter how considerately we try to live. I kind of admire people who are so empathetic that- even if things were going well for them, a part of them would still grieve for everyone who was still suffering in the world.

On the other hand, I'm never all that keen on this idea of 'absolute truth' or presenting personal preferences or opinions as facts. It's the whole subjective vs objective thing I suppose. Some people will argue that life is objectively bad. But surely- notions of good and bad are human constructs. Plus, they rely on preferences. Eating something with chili in it would be a bad experience for me. I don't like very spicy food. Other people lap it up though. Whether we enjoy life is surely down to preferences. How far we are able to sate our own needs. What we feel ok with settling for.

But, in terms of what my own life has been and how I feel about it, I think it's reasonable for me to feel suicidal. I don't feel able to express it completely in real life but I don't exactly pretend to be ok either. Oddly, I do sometimes admire people for faking it, because I suspect they do it for the sake of others- to not bring them down. I don't think I could sustain that though so, I just tend to avoid people.
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