

Jun 5, 2024

this video just makes me so fucking sad. a lot of groupthink drives people to become hateful ideologues. i don't even blame them at this point.

i just imagine that if i had known about the blackpill as a concept in highschool, i would have suffered greatly. it would be something that i could latch onto. in fact, i'm sure i would have resonated greatly with some of the core points. at that time i was just unable to articulate it very well; i was subject to abuse, and abuse alone could never manifest to me in any rational way.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Oh, so that's what the blackpill actually is? I'm quite disappointed. I thought that the blackpill was where you had similar related ideas to those that .net have regarding work and the capitalistic system. It's sad that the blackpill is just all about looks. I'm digressing here though. The main point is that you're right and that you did get lucky by not being exposed to the blackpill during childhood. It'd be harder to get out of the blackpill, or any belief really, if it were to be ingrained in you during childhood. I also can't blame those who do believe in the blackpill but I do feel sorry for them


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
It's one thing to have somewhere to vent about how hard life is and have people say "yeah, I know what you mean. Makes sense to feel that way sometimes."

It's another thing to have people say "it's even worse! They're all out to get you! You don't hate them enough! There's no hope and no way out!"


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Oh, so that's what the blackpill actually is? I'm quite disappointed. I thought that the blackpill was where you had similar related ideas to those that .net have regarding work and the capitalistic system. It's sad that the blackpill is just all about looks. I'm digressing here though. The main point is that you're right and that you did get lucky by not being exposed to the blackpill during childhood. It'd be harder to get out of the blackpill, or any belief really, if it were to be ingrained in you during childhood. I also can't blame those who do believe in the blackpill but I do feel sorry for them
It's related. You realize .net bans women and refers to them as "foids," meaning the any woman is a robot that can't think for themselves, right? Both views stem from similar origins of feeling the world is so unfair that your agency to have a good life is taken from you. I can't get a date because women are awful, and I can't have a fulfilling life because work and "capitalism" are awful.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
It's related. You realize .net bans women and refers to them as "foids," meaning the any woman is a robot that can't think for themselves, right? Both views stem from similar origins of feeling the world is so unfair that your agency to have a good life is taken from you. I can't get a date because women are awful, and I can't have a fulfilling life because work and "capitalism" are awful.
That makes sense I suppose. In my case, I don't believe the stuff that they say about women nor do I support how they treat women in general but I do find myself agreeing with their views on work
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Jun 5, 2024
I don't know much about the blackpill community and its values. But there have been and always will be bullies that enjoy putting others down. I don't see any link between getting bullied by more confident men and identifying yourself with the blackpill community. Though I'm happy to read about it if there is one.
can't articulate it very clearly right now as my mind is a fucking mess but basically that better looks = more social opportunities. sub5s are alienated from social circles. halo effect. that sort of thing.

in highschool there was a kid who i shunned out of my (then) circle purely because he was ugly. i was fat and socially awkward in highschool so i definitely suffered too, but i still regret it to this day. back then it was for as inane a reason as 'i don't want to look at him while i am eating.' small incursions like that i think can be perceived by the one on the other end as acts of cruelty. i would not blame them for assigning the act that attribution, as i also suffered similarly
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
That makes sense I suppose. In my case, I don't believe the stuff that they say about women nor do I support how they treat women in general but I do find myself agreeing with their views on work
I think they have some good underlying points on both and reach bad conclusions that are reinforced in the toxic echo chamber.

On women: the modern dating scene is something of a hellscape, and men have issues that are particular to them and very seriously difficult to overcome. These issues are often dismissed, and then young men who face legitimate struggles can be ostracized for seeking comfort regarding their situation.

Where they get it wrong is that women also have challenges in the modern dating scene that are particular to them. Further, women as a gender are not at fault for the difficulties young people have with relationships any more than males as a gender are, because neither gender acts as some unified monolith.

So, I disagree with their conclusion that women are universally bad and subhuman and aren't allowed in their tree fort.

On work: it's ridiculous that we haven't progressed past the standard 40 hour work week introduced in the 1920s when we are now several times and-then-some more productive per second thanks to the advances in technology we have had - namely the supercomputers in our pockets and the ability to send information instantly. I think it is a valid opinion (and I would agree) that our society has its priorities out of whack, and people who value the act of "working" and devoting yourself to a job rather than your life outside the job are not thinking clearly. If you love your job, good for you, but if I can get the same amount of work done in 2 hours that someone 50 years ago needed 8 for, we should be working as a community towards making it so I go home after those two hours with full pay - as I've done the full job.

I get frustrated, just as the .net folks do, with how people seem to simply accept things as they are, because if we all had the same values and were willing to stick to them we could make big changes and the average person would be a lot better off for it.

Where I disagree is with their course of action with refusing to contribute anything at all, and especially with their pompous arrogance towards "wagies" who are trying to make the best of their crappy situation. Basically all the absolutes and black/white thinking. It is still possible to live a fulfilling life in this shitty, rigged system. You can work while realizing it's not fair, because you've determined it's still the best option for you. It doesn't mean you're ignorant of the flaws of the system.
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