Some people would respond to your story by telling you, "That's just the way it is, so deal with it," but that's dismissive and lazy. If a patient is coming away from the experience feeling humiliated, feeling worse than beforehand, still committed to dying, and with a newfound level of distrust in healthcare professionals, then certainly there's improvement to be had somewhere in that process.
For anyone who goes through this kind of experience, I'd encourage you tell your story, if you're up to it...
Who to contact? You could try hospital patient relations departments, regulatory bodies of the treating psychiatrists, mental healthcare groups in your country or city, any sitting politicians that are in ministerial roles for healthcare, etc. Anyone who has anything to do with the process.
You tell the facts about what happened, the way it made you feel while you were in there, the way you felt coming out of there, and the way you feel currently. And then tell them what they could have done better and how they could improve upon it.
That might sound useless, and you might not hear back from anyone about your specific story, but every individual story does go towards the improvement of the mental healthcare system, even if said improvement happens at a snail's pace.