

Aug 24, 2024
My psychiatrist called the police on me to force me into psychiatric hold because I said I wanted to die. I spent 1 week in a dark room that looked like a jail cell, was stripped searched to check for injuries & contraband, then had to wear paper scrubs, like a prison uniform. It was humiliating and of no help whatsoever. Mental health care is a disgrace. I will never be honest about how I am feeling with my Dr again. I will just end it.
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Aug 27, 2024
that's just evil, you couldn't even express yourself in therapy... you must be feeling horrible!
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Jul 29, 2021
it sounds incredibly traumatic and dehumanizing. Being vulnerable with a professional and then having that lead to such a distressing experience can really break your trust in the system. Mental health care is meant to help, but when it leads to feeling humiliated and unsafe, it can feel like the opposite. It's understandable why you'd feel that way after what you've been through.
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
Wow, I'm so sorry!
The same thing happened to me years ago & all I told the Dr was that I wasn't feeling good.
I'm happy that at least you're out now. So much for being honest with health "professionals".
Fortunately for us here, we can speak honestly & with people who understand.
Welcome back!🌹💔
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Jul 16, 2024
@dust-in-the-wind That is unacceptable! I don't understand how anyone could think that experience would be helpful.

When my therapist of 15 years said she couldn't support me any more because I was talking about suicide, I lost all faith in therapy.
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Sep 24, 2024
I'm so sorry to hear about what you went through. I hope you find lots of serenity & peace after that ordeal!
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Jan 7, 2023
Looks like you learned the hard way not to be honest with these "professionals." I also learned this the hard way. I'm sorry that you were betrayed like this. Just try to remember that your "psychiatrist" no longer has any power over you. From now on, you're free to live your life the way you want, or end your life if that's what you want.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
Some people would respond to your story by telling you, "That's just the way it is, so deal with it," but that's dismissive and lazy. If a patient is coming away from the experience feeling humiliated, feeling worse than beforehand, still committed to dying, and with a newfound level of distrust in healthcare professionals, then certainly there's improvement to be had somewhere in that process.

For anyone who goes through this kind of experience, I'd encourage you tell your story, if you're up to it...

Who to contact? You could try hospital patient relations departments, regulatory bodies of the treating psychiatrists, mental healthcare groups in your country or city, any sitting politicians that are in ministerial roles for healthcare, etc. Anyone who has anything to do with the process.

You tell the facts about what happened, the way it made you feel while you were in there, the way you felt coming out of there, and the way you feel currently. And then tell them what they could have done better and how they could improve upon it.

That might sound useless, and you might not hear back from anyone about your specific story, but every individual story does go towards the improvement of the mental healthcare system, even if said improvement happens at a snail's pace.
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Mar 21, 2019
Nice. A week stay at the gulag.
In bet that made you feel like living another day!
Good job medical profession.
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Oct 29, 2023
My psychiatrist called the police on me to force me into psychiatric hold because I said I wanted to die. I spent 1 week in a dark room that looked like a jail cell, was stripped searched to check for injuries & contraband, then had to wear paper scrubs, like a prison uniform. It was humiliating and of no help whatsoever. Mental health care is a disgrace. I will never be honest about how I am feeling with my Dr again. I will just end it.
This is precisely why I will never be honest or "get help." I could be forced into a hospital that will cost me money I don't have, I could be abused in a variety of ways by various people who tend to get away with it because mental health issues automatically mean you are crazy (to a fair number of people) and not to be believed etc. I am glad you are out and hope nothing bad happened to you in there
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Apr 10, 2024
Mental health professionals in the United States know how bad it is. They know they're a band-aid trying to cover massive bleeding. Someone of them do the best they can, but they know they're peeing into the wind.
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Jun 24, 2024
When i told my therapist something similar she instantly told my parents who then threatened the psych ward. Theres no winning with this :notsure:


Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
Welcome back and I am so sorry you had to go through that awful experience. The horror stories here are awful and I was impatient once for 10 days, but my experience was really not that bad, the place was good.
When I was in an IOP last year after my inpatient stay, many of us complained we were having trouble finding a therapist. There was one totally fantastic worker there who half admitted and half joked that many therapist just don't wanna deal with suicidal patients. I had read on this forum that people get dropped by their therapist just for bringing up suicide. I didn't want to try to find someone and then have them reject me once I was already there so I emailed a few places and told them my story so that I wouldn't waste any time and then get rejected. Of course everyone claimed they were not taking new patients. ( the other huge problems in this system )i finally called someone and they didn't ask any questions at all so I didn't tell them my story. They took me. When I was there, and telling him my story, I got the sense that he never would've taken me on if he had known. I have severe OCD and he just seemed interested in how that was going to play out.. I stopped after a few sessions. Mental healthcare is a joke here for us people that really need it. We can't speak up so we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.


Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
That's so terrible.. it almost seems like they are trying to push you over the edge.
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Mar 21, 2019
A common theme seems to be threatening the suicidal person with a sanction. Not sure where that falls on the empathy scale.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. How could they think that would benefit anyone? I wish they focussed on this sort of thing in their suicide prevention months. Why would people feel encouraged to open up about their true feelings if this is the result?!! Will you go back to that psychiatrist?


Jun 11, 2024
They don't give a fuck about whether you feel better or not. they just want to keep you alive, unfortunately due to retarded laws psychiatrist are required to report you to the police.

Isn't this straight up sexual harassment since they stripped you down? How is that legal? Especially since a lot of suicidal people are rape/sa victims, that will definitely help with their trauma and not make their problems worse. Its not like any creeps who would take advantage of patients would work there?

People who work at psych wards are actual psychopaths who treat you like you're the monster for being a victim to this shit world, fuck them.
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