Love can be expressed in many forms, and our society has an insidious obsession with sex, as if no other form of expression of love means anything. Just because you don't have a partner, does not mean you are alone, and that's what matters the most: that you share love for others, in whichever way you may find yourself more fit. Perhaps one day you'll have a girlfriend, or perhaps not, and this doesn't define you in any way. remember our Lord, who shared his love for all and each one of us, was nonetheless a virgin. And he still had a heart to love us all.
Money is such an ephemeral thing. If that's what your heart desires, you'll find ways to make money on your future. But most importantly, remember: lacking money doesn't make you broke. Not appreciating the simple things of life does. Appreciating life, in whichever form or capacity you can, even without money, will make you humble. It will teach you that life goes beyond our material desires and our sinful greed.
I do hope my words somehow give you some comfort, and know that here you are heard, and supported, on all your decisions. That's what, above everything else, this community is about.
Best of luck.